October 26, 2013
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In this video, the creator answers questions about their favorite supernatural horror characters, ultimate nightmares, and book disappointments.

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Key Insights

  • โ“ The supernatural genre offers endless possibilities for engaging and exciting stories.
  • ๐Ÿฅฐ The Hunger Games is a series that presents a terrifying and heart-wrenching scenario, making it a nightmare to be a part of.
  • ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Exploring scary or evil settings, such as the Forbidden Forest or Miss Peregrine's home, can be both thrilling and eerie.
  • โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน Some books may be disappointingly boring or frustrating, but readers often push through to the end.
  • ๐Ÿ™ The ability to modify elements of a book to improve the overall story is a wish many readers have.
  • ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿญ Characters who act as villains or antagonists can sometimes be transformed into more likable or sympathetic figures.
  • ๐Ÿง› The creator has a limited experience with vampire books, but the vampires from City of Bones stand out as favorites.
  • โ“ Remis Lupin from the Harry Potter series is a beloved werewolf character.
  • โ“ Hermione Granger is a favorite witch character.
  • ๐Ÿ‘น The goblins from the Spider Chronicles are the creator's favorite monster characters.
  • ๐Ÿ™ˆ President Snow from The Hunger Games is disliked as a character and can be seen as a serial killer or murderer.


hey guys today I'm going to be doing the bump in the night book tag bump in the night bump bump I was tagged by Reagan from peruse project she's awesome I will leave a link to her channel in the da bar and also a link to her video so definitely go check her out because she's awesome and you need to be subscribed to her so let's get on with this tag... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Who are your favorite supernatural horror characters to read about?

I am leaning towards supernatural characters because of the exciting possibilities they offer. The ability to explore different supernatural abilities and worlds keeps me engaged in the genre.

Q: Which scene from any book would be your ultimate nightmare?

The Hunger Games, as a whole, would be terrifying to be a part of. The idea of fighting for survival in such a dangerous and brutal environment is enough to make anyone fall to the ground in fear.

Q: If you could visit any scary or evil setting, which one would you pick and why?

I would choose the Forbidden Forest because it is both scary to explore, yet I enjoy exploring forests. Additionally, I would like to visit Miss Peregrine's home as I have a fascination with exploring abandoned places.

Q: What book was so frighteningly terrible that you almost fell asleep trying to finish it?

Exit Here by Jason Meyers was a book I didn't enjoy. The writing style frustrated me, and the story was dull. Despite this, I powered through it, even though I should have given up.

Q: Name one book you wish you could pull certain pages out of and swap for others to make it better.

I would choose 10 by Gret and McNeil. It didn't live up to its promise of being scary and kept me up at night. It felt like a clichรฉ horror story that could have been improved with different elements.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The creator shares their favorite supernatural horror characters to read about, emphasizing the endless possibilities of the supernatural genre.

  • They reveal that being part of The Hunger Games would be their ultimate nightmare due to the terrifying and heart-wrenching nature of the series.

  • The creator discusses their interest in exploring scary or evil settings, such as the Forbidden Forest and Miss Peregrine's home, as they enjoy exploring abandoned places.

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