Visually assessing standard deviation | AP Statistics | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

July 31, 2018
Khan Academy
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Visually assessing standard deviation | AP Statistics | Khan Academy


The video explains how to order dot plots based on their standard deviation, which is a measure of the typical distance from data points to the mean.

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Key Insights

  • 😥 Standard deviation measures the typical distance between data points and the mean.
  • 🔯 Dot plots with larger standard deviations have data points further from the mean, indicating greater variability.
  • 🔯 Dot plots with smaller standard deviations have data points closer to the mean, indicating less variability.
  • 😥 Changing the position of individual data points affects the standard deviation.
  • 🫥 Dot plots with the same mean but different standard deviations indicate different levels of data spread.


  • [Instructor] Each dot plot below represents a different set of data. We see that here. Order the dot plots from largest standard deviation, top, to smallest standard deviation, bottom. So, pause this video and see if you can do that or at least if you could rank these from largest standard deviation to smallest standard deviation. All right, now,... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can we interpret standard deviation?

Standard deviation measures the average distance between individual data points and the mean. A larger standard deviation indicates greater variability or spread in the data, while a smaller standard deviation indicates less variability.

Q: How does changing individual data points affect standard deviation?

Moving individual data points further from the mean increases the standard deviation, indicating greater variability. Moving data points closer to the mean decreases the standard deviation, indicating less variability.

Q: What does it mean if two dot plots have the same mean but different standard deviations?

Dot plots with the same mean but different standard deviations indicate that the data points are spread differently. The one with the larger standard deviation has data points further from the mean, suggesting greater variability compared to the one with the smaller standard deviation.

Q: How do we determine the largest and smallest standard deviations for multiple dot plots?

To determine the largest and smallest standard deviations among multiple dot plots, compare how spread out the data points are from the mean. The dot plot with the most dispersed data points will have the largest standard deviation, while the one with the least spread will have the smallest standard deviation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video demonstrates how to order dot plots from largest to smallest standard deviation.

  • Standard deviation represents the typical distance between data points and the mean.

  • Dot plots with larger standard deviations have data points that are further from the mean, while those with smaller standard deviations have data points closer to the mean.

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