Trash My Bookshelves | Shelf 1 | Summary and Q&A

May 16, 2021
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Trash My Bookshelves | Shelf 1


Interested in clearing out her fiction bookshelf to make space for non-fiction books and seeks opinions on which books to keep or sell.

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Key Insights

  • 🫠 The content creator is transitioning from predominantly reading fiction to reading more non-fiction.
  • 🪘 She feels that she has accumulated too many fiction books that she no longer has an interest in.
  • 😷 The content creator values her audience's opinions and asks for recommendations based on her taste and preferences.
  • 🌱 She plans to reorganize her bookshelf and do a bookshelf tour once she has cleared out unwanted fiction books.


hi guys olive here today i really need your help so here's the situation over the past couple of years if you've been around this channel for any length of time you may have noticed that i'm kind of going back into predominantly reading nonfiction as opposed to fiction i still like fiction i still incorporate it into my reading diet but it is not t... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does the content creator want to clear out her fiction bookshelf?

The content creator wants to make space for the non-fiction books she is currently accumulating and prefers owning non-fiction over fiction.

Q: What kind of books is the content creator seeking opinions on?

The content creator wants opinions on which fiction books to keep and which to sell.

Q: What is the main motivation for keeping a fiction book after reading it?

The content creator only keeps fiction books that she intends to reread, as she prefers owning non-fiction and often feels let down by fiction books.

Q: How does the content creator plan to engage with her audience for book opinions?

The content creator will do a series of videos going shelf by shelf and showcasing each book, asking for opinions and recommendations from her audience.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content creator wants to clear out her fiction bookshelf to make room for non-fiction books.

  • She asks for opinions and recommendations on which books to keep and which to sell.

  • The creator shares her preferences for non-fiction books and her disappointment with some fiction books.

  • She plans to do a series of videos going shelf by shelf and getting opinions on each book.

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