Getting My Reading Life in Order 😅 | October 2023 TBR | Summary and Q&A

October 1, 2023
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Getting My Reading Life in Order 😅 | October 2023 TBR


Olive discusses her October 2023 TBR plans, which include a mix of fiction and non-fiction books, and announces the upcoming Non-Fiction November event.

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Key Insights

  • ðŸĪŠ Olive has gone through a busy period in her life, causing her to take a break from reading and content creation.
  • 📔 October is usually dedicated to spooky and atmospheric books, but Olive wants to prioritize catching up on books from previous TBRs this year.
  • ðŸŒą Olive is planning to participate in Non-Fiction November, an event she organizes annually, and is excited to share the upcoming challenges and activities with her audience.
  • 👋 Olive's October TBR consists of a mix of two novels (mystery and feel-good fiction) and non-fiction books, including titles about death professionals, magic, and insects.
  • 👂 Olive aims to create more content and make progress on her non-fiction reading list while preparing for Non-Fiction November.
  • 💭 Olive invites her viewers to share their thoughts on the books she discussed and their October reading plans.
  • â›Đïļ She hints at the possibility of sharing clues about the Non-Fiction November challenges on her social media profiles to generate excitement.


hi guys Olive here here today to talk to you about what I am planning on reading in October 2023. it's been a chaotic few months for me I have a lot of new things going on in my life I'm not going to go into a ton of detail on that because I do try to keep this Channel about books and not about my personal life but lots of new things for me right n... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did Olive take a break from reading and her channel?

Olive explains that she had to prioritize other aspects of her life due to personal matters that were overwhelming. Consequently, reading and maintaining her channel took a backseat for a while.

Q: What is Non-Fiction November?

Non-Fiction November is an event that Olive participates in and organizes every year, focused on reading and discussing non-fiction books. Olive mentions that she will be announcing more details about Non-Fiction November in the upcoming weeks.

Q: How does Olive decide on her October TBR?

Olive mentions that for October, she typically reads spooky and atmospheric books. However, this year, she plans to keep her TBR lighter and focus on catching up on books from previous months that she hasn't read yet. She also includes two novels and a selection of non-fiction books that pique her interest.

Q: Why did Olive choose to read "IQ" and "The Collected Regrets of Clover"?

Olive shares that "IQ" was recommended to her by her eye doctor, who praised the mystery series. She decided to give it a try based on his recommendation. As for "The Collected Regrets of Clover," Olive explains that she is drawn to the feel-good element of the story, despite its sad plot.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Olive explains that she has been busy with personal matters, leading to a break from reading. However, she is now getting back on track and excited for Non-Fiction November.

  • She mentions that while October is usually focused on spooky and atmospheric books, she wants to also catch up on books from previous TBRs that she hasn't read yet.

  • Olive shares her October TBR, which consists of two novels (mystery and feel-good fiction) and a selection of non-fiction books, including one about a death professional and another on the topic of magic.

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