🐄📚 2 Books on Cows | The Farmer's Son and Taking Stock | Book Reviews | Summary and Q&A

April 23, 2023
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🐄📚 2 Books on Cows | The Farmer's Son and Taking Stock | Book Reviews


A comprehensive review of two books on cows, one exploring the human relationship with cows over centuries and another offering a personal memoir of a farmer's son.

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Key Insights

  • 😋 Both books explore the deep connection between humans and cows, highlighting their significance in various aspects of human society such as food production, labor, and even climate change.
  • 🥡 "Taking Stock" takes a more comprehensive, macro-level approach, discussing industries and issues related to cows on a broader scale.
  • 🧑‍🌾 "The Farmer Son" offers a personal, micro-level perspective, showcasing the emotional bond between a farmer and his livestock.
  • 🥵 Both books discuss ethical considerations related to meat-eating and conditions on factory farms.
  • 👻 The author of "Taking Stock" presents a balanced perspective, allowing readers to form their own opinions on these ethical issues.
  • 👨 "The Farmer Son" also focuses on the author's relationship with his father, adding an additional layer of depth to the memoir.
  • 🤠 The books complement each other, offering different perspectives on the topic of cows that can be enjoyed together or individually depending on the reader's preferences.


hi guys Olive here here today to review two books on cows the first book I would like to discuss is by an author I have grown very fond of over the years that book is called taking stock a journey among cows by Roger Morgan Grenville this book was published in 2022 by icon books the hardcover comes in at 368 Pages however I read an e-copy that I re... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the main topics covered in "Taking Stock" by Roger Morgan Grenville?

"Taking Stock" delves into various topics related to cows, including their historical significance, their role in food production and labor, the industry surrounding them, and issues such as mad cow disease, smallpox, leather production, and climate change.

Q: How does "The Farmer Son" by John Connell differ from "Taking Stock"?

While "The Farmer Son" also discusses cows, it primarily focuses on the author's personal experiences on his family's farm in Ireland. It explores the emotional connection between a farmer and his livestock, the challenges and decisions involved in raising them, and the author's relationship with his father.

Q: Does "Taking Stock" discuss ethical considerations related to meat-eating and factory farms?

Yes, the author of "Taking Stock" dedicates a significant portion of the book to discussing both sides of the debate surrounding meat-eating and conditions on factory farms, presenting a balanced perspective and highlighting the nuances involved.

Q: How does the author of "The Farmer Son" approach discussing the history of cows?

While "The Farmer Son" touches on the history of cows, it primarily focuses on the author's personal experiences rather than providing an extensive historical account. It may not be the best choice for readers seeking a comprehensive history of cows.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • "Taking Stock" by Roger Morgan Grenville explores the historical, sociological, and economic significance of cows, highlighting their underappreciated role in various industries.

  • "The Farmer Son" by John Connell provides a personal memoir of the author's return to his family's farm in Ireland, focusing on his experiences with cows and the emotional connection between a farmer and his livestock.

  • Both books offer different perspectives on the topic of cows, with "Taking Stock" having a more macro-level approach and "The Farmer Son" offering a more micro-level, personal account.

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