To Grow Faster On YouTube Follow This Simple Advice | Summary and Q&A

January 6, 2021
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
To Grow Faster On YouTube Follow This Simple Advice


Learn how to grow your YouTube channel by focusing on audience development, setting goals, understanding your market, being consistent, and using YouTube tools effectively.

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Key Insights

  • #️⃣ Focus on audience development to foster growth and engagement rather than merely chasing numbers.
  • 😫 Set specific goals that go beyond views and subscribers to give your channel purpose and direction.
  • 🎯 Understand your target audience to create content that resonates and attracts loyal subscribers.
  • 👨‍🔬 Research your niche and competitors to refine your video topics, titles, and thumbnails.
  • 🤩 Consistency is key. Find ways to integrate video creation and uploading into your routine to maintain a regular schedule.
  • 🔨 Utilize YouTube tools such as TubeBuddy, TubeSpanner, and Morningfame to optimize your channel and improve discoverability.
  • 🫵 Deeply engage in communities related to your content to gain insights, establish your expertise, and attract viewers.


  • You might be new to YouTube. You may have been trying to get your YouTube channel to grow for a while and you're just not getting the results that you want. It could be because you've been making a lot of mistakes when it comes to your YouTube channel. Maybe if we're honest, you didn't put in as much effort as maybe you should have, but this is y... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the importance of audience development over growth in growing a YouTube channel?

Audience development is crucial as it focuses on building a loyal and engaged community, which leads to sustainable growth. By understanding and catering to your audience's needs and interests, you can create content that resonates with them and fosters a strong connection.

Q: How can I define my target audience for my YouTube channel?

Start by identifying the general demographic and interests of your intended audience. Research similar channels and communities, use platforms like Google, Facebook, and Reddit to understand the relevant topics and engage with potential viewers. Tailor your content, titles, thumbnails, and video structure to appeal to your target audience.

Q: How can I ensure consistency in uploading videos?

Incorporate video creation and uploading into your daily or weekly routine. Plan ahead by brainstorming and writing down video ideas, recording multiple videos in one sitting, and batch-editing them. Utilize free time or dedicate specific days solely to video creation. By maintaining consistency, you build momentum and keep your audience engaged.

Q: Why is researching video topics essential for channel growth?

Researching your video topics allows you to assess competition, refine your titles and thumbnails, and ensure your content provides value. By exploring existing videos on similar topics, you can find ways to improve upon them, understand audience expectations, and stand out in a crowded niche.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Focus on audience development rather than just growth to build a strong and engaged community.

  • Set specific goals for your YouTube channel, beyond just views and subscribers, to provide a deeper sense of purpose and motivation.

  • Understand your target audience and create content that caters to their interests and preferences to increase engagement and subscribers.

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