Tips For Being On Camera | Summary and Q&A

October 21, 2016
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Tips For Being On Camera


Any personality will do for making YouTube videos, as long as you provide valuable information and are authentic.

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Key Insights

  • 💁 Any personality can be successful on YouTube as long as you provide valuable information.
  • 🍧 Quality content and authenticity are more important than having an amplified personality.
  • 🙂 Being on camera often reduces your energy, so it's important to adjust and turn up the energy volume slightly.


  • In this video, I'm going to share with you the personality that is required to make YouTube videos, and we're starting right now. ♫ That's just how it is ♫ Ain't waiting on me What is going on? My name is Nick. If this is your first time here, make sure that you hit the subscribe button because I share all types of YouTube and video tips that are... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Do I need to have an energetic and outgoing personality to make YouTube videos?

No, any personality will do as long as you provide valuable information in an authentic way. It's more important to focus on the quality of your content.

Q: Is it necessary to act a certain way or have a specific personality to grow an audience on YouTube?

No, while some personalities may resonate better with certain viewers, the information you provide is what truly matters. Valuable content will attract an audience over time, regardless of your personality type.

Q: How does being on camera affect your energy and how should you adjust accordingly?

Being on camera tends to take away a little bit of your energy, so it's important to turn up the energy volume slightly to compensate. This ensures that you give a better representation of yourself and maintain the audience's engagement.

Q: Can I portray a different version of myself on YouTube than in real life?

Absolutely. Since viewers don't know you in real life, you can choose to present whatever version of yourself you want in your videos. Just make sure it aligns with your authentic self and the personality that feels comfortable to you.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Many people think they need to have an amplified, energetic personality to make YouTube videos, but in reality, the quality of the information provided is more important.

  • Valuable information packaged in a valuable way will surpass the importance of personality.

  • The best personality for YouTube is the one you already have, as long as you are authentic and focus on delivering helpful and valuable content.

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