This Diet Sucks But It Makes Me $200,000/mo | Summary and Q&A

October 7, 2022
Charlie Morgan
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This Diet Sucks But It Makes Me $200,000/mo


Diet plays a crucial role in providing clean, burnable energy and maintaining focus for optimal performance.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑‍🏭 Diet influences energy levels, focus, mood, and emotions, which are crucial factors for entrepreneurs.
  • ❓ Intolerances and allergies should be identified and eliminated to prevent digestive issues.
  • 🧠 Refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and dairy can negatively impact brain function and should be avoided.
  • 😅 Vegan eating during the workweek and fasting can enhance concentration and productivity.
  • 😋 Moderate consumption of indulgent foods on weekends is acceptable for maintaining balance.
  • 💦 Drinking plenty of water is essential for overall health.
  • 💦 Bulking and cutting may not be necessary for everyone, as the focus should be on work quality.


so it kind of goes without saying that diet is pretty bloody important I think we're all told as children that you are what you eat and if you don't eat good things you're not going to be good right it's literally as an input output game and your body if fed the right foods will be able to provide you clean burnable energy that you can leverage and... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is diet important for energy and focus?

Diet affects the quality of work and cognitive activities. Good nutrition provides clean energy for the brain to function optimally.

Q: How can one identify intolerances and allergies?

Online intolerance tests or consulting with a healthcare professional can help determine intolerances. Eliminating problematic foods can improve gut health and brain function.

Q: Why should refined sugar and caffeine be avoided?

Refined sugar leads to mood swings and anxiety, while caffeine can disrupt the nervous system and cause dependence. Avoiding them promotes stable emotions and focus.

Q: How can the diet be structured for optimal performance?

Eating vegan from Monday to Friday, fasting from 8pm to 12pm, and allowing meat consumption on weekends strike a balance between health and enjoyment.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Diet is important for energy, focus, productivity, mood, and emotion stability.

  • Intolerances and allergies should be identified and avoided to prevent inefficient digestion.

  • Refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and dairy should be eliminated from the diet for better brain function.

  • Vegan eating during the workweek, fasting from 8pm to 12pm, and moderation on the weekends promote a healthy diet.

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