This Cold Message Makes Me $1,000,000/yr (For High Ticket Businesses) | Summary and Q&A

March 30, 2022
Charlie Morgan
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This Cold Message Makes Me $1,000,000/yr (For High Ticket Businesses)


Learn how to open cold messaging conversations effectively by giving the recipient a sense of control, permission, and empathy.

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Key Insights

  • 🥶 Cold messaging conversations often fail because senders do not give recipients a sense of control and permission.
  • 👾 Frameworks and intelligence are essential for success in the agency and coaching space.
  • 🥶 Successful appointment booking through cold messaging requires understanding psychology and utilizing permission-based approaches.
  • 🤗 Opening cold messaging conversations effectively involves asking for permission to pitch or using questions of anticipated resonance.
  • 🥶 Empathy plays a crucial role in cold messaging, addressing the recipient's pain points before presenting a solution.
  • 🥶 The goal of cold messaging should be to elicit positive replies, rather than solely focusing on booking appointments.
  • 🥶 Scaling conversations in cold messaging can be challenging, requiring streamlined processes and systems.


okay hey everybody it's charlie morgan here and welcome back to another video for the youtube channel um so in today's video i'm going to be walking you through how i open my cold messaging conversations um cold messaging is a wonderful tool to book appointments it's obviously free it's quick it's cheap it's easy um however most people really [ __ ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do most cold messaging conversations fail?

Most cold messaging conversations fail because the sender does not give the recipient a sense of control, making them feel like they are being sold to or manipulated.

Q: How can I open a cold messaging conversation effectively?

To open a cold messaging conversation effectively, you can ask for permission to pitch, allowing the recipient to feel in control of the conversation and more willing to engage.

Q: What is the difference between the volume-based and conversation-based approaches to cold messaging?

The volume-based approach involves sending copy-and-pasted messages, which rarely receive a reply. The conversation-based approach focuses on building rapport but is difficult to scale. Both approaches have limitations.

Q: What is the significance of permission-based selling in cold messaging?

Permission-based selling is crucial in cold messaging because it allows the recipient to grant permission for the sender to pitch. This approach gives the recipient a sense of control and increases the likelihood of a positive response.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Cold messaging is a valuable tool for booking appointments, but most people fail to engage the recipient right from the start.

  • The key to successful cold messaging lies in giving the recipient a sense of control and permission, enabling them to feel comfortable in starting a conversation.

  • Two effective approaches for opening cold messaging conversations are asking for permission to pitch and using questions of anticipated resonance to address the recipient's pain points.

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