July 25, 2013
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In this video, the creator answers a series of book-related questions about their first and last experiences, from videos and book purchases to genres and emotional impact.

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Key Insights

  • 🫵 Booktubers are influential in introducing viewers to the booktube community and various books.
  • 🫠 The creator has a particular interest in dystopian novels, as evidenced by their first and most recent reads in the genre.
  • 🙈 The creator has a preference for completing book series, as seen from their completion of the Harry Potter and Hunger Games series.


hey guys today i'm gonna be doing the first and last tag i was tagged by chapter chicks i'll leave their video in the down bar and let's get started with this tag question number one what was the first video you posted and what was the last video you posted the first video i ever posted was probably a family video i used to post little family clips... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What was the first video the creator posted on YouTube, and what was the last?

The first video they ever posted was a family video, while the last video was a book haul.

Q: Who was the first booktuber they watched, and who was the last?

The first booktuber they watched was Kaylie Hyde from Kaylee Reads, and the last booktuber was Time Lords and Wizards.

Q: What was the first book they remember buying, and what was the last book they bought?

The first book they bought was likely a Captain Underpants book, and the last book they bought was "Soon I Will Be Invincible" by Austin Grossman.

Q: What was the first book they remember reading all by themselves, and what was the last book they read?

They can't recall the first book they read independently, but their most recent read was "Legend" by Marie Lu.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The creator shares their first and last videos posted on YouTube, as well as the first and last booktubers they watched.

  • They discuss their first and last book purchases, as well as the first and last books they read.

  • The creator talks about their first and last experiences with dystopian novels, paranormal romance, books that made them cry, and completed book series.

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