Sums and products of irrational numbers | Summary and Q&A

April 11, 2017
Khan Academy
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Sums and products of irrational numbers


The sums and products of two irrational numbers can be either rational or irrational, depending on the specific values of the irrational numbers involved.

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Key Insights

  • #️⃣ The rationality of the sum or product of two irrational numbers depends on the specific values of the irrational numbers involved.
  • 💨 It is possible to choose irrational number pairs in such a way that their sum or product is rational.
  • 🍹 However, it is also possible to choose irrational number pairs that result in an irrational sum or product.
  • 🍹 The same irrational number can have different properties when used in different operations (e.g., sum or product).
  • #️⃣ Knowing the specific numbers involved is necessary to determine the rationality of the resulting sum or product of irrational numbers.
  • #️⃣ The properties of irrational numbers can be counterintuitive, as seen in examples where the product or sum of irrational numbers can be rational.
  • #️⃣ The concept of rationality in mathematics is abstract and depends on the specific definitions and properties of rational and irrational numbers.


  • [Instructor] Let's say that we have some number a and to that we are going to add some number b and that sum is going to be equal to c. Let's say that we're also told that both a and b are irrational. Irrational. So based on the information that I've given you, a and b are both irrational. Is their sum, c, is that going to be rational or irration... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Can the sum of two irrational numbers be rational?

Yes, the sum of two irrational numbers can be rational. For example, if one irrational number is pi and the other is 1 minus pi, their sum is 1, which is a rational number.

Q: Can the sum of two irrational numbers always be irrational?

No, the sum of two irrational numbers can also be irrational. For example, if both irrational numbers are pi, their sum is 2pi, which is still an irrational number.

Q: Can the product of two irrational numbers be rational?

Yes, the product of two irrational numbers can be rational. For example, if one irrational number is 1 over pi and the other is pi, their product is 1.

Q: Is it always true that squaring an irrational number results in another irrational number?

No, it is not always true. For example, squaring the square root of 2 results in 2, which is a rational number.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The sum of two irrational numbers can be rational or irrational, depending on the specific values of the irrational numbers.

  • Examples of irrational number pairs can be chosen in such a way that their sum is rational, or their sum is irrational.

  • Similarly, the product of two irrational numbers can also be rational or irrational, depending on the specific values of the irrational numbers.

  • It is not always the case that the product of the same irrational number or the square of an irrational number is always irrational.

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