Stepping Through Iterative Fibonacci Function | Summary and Q&A

June 30, 2011
Khan Academy
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Stepping Through Iterative Fibonacci Function


This content explains the step-by-step process of an iterative Fibonacci function and how it builds up the Fibonacci sequence.

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Key Insights

  • 🍉 The Fibonacci function starts by initializing the terms with 0 and 1, the first two terms of the sequence.
  • 🍉 The loop in the function adds the last term and the second-to-last term together to generate the next term.
  • 💭 The loop continues until the desired nth term is reached.


So we can make sure we really understand what's happening in this little iterative Fibonacci function that I wrote, I'm going to step through it with a particular example. So we're going to assume that this function is called with the argument 5. So we want the fifth term in the Fibonacci sequence starting at where we're indexing things starting at... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the iterative Fibonacci function work?

The iterative Fibonacci function works by starting with the first two terms of the sequence, 0 and 1. It then enters a loop where it adds the last term and the second-to-last term to generate the next term. This process repeats until the desired nth term is reached.

Q: Why does the function initialize the terms with 0 and 1?

The function initializes the terms with 0 and 1 because they are the first two terms of the Fibonacci sequence. These values serve as the base for generating the subsequent terms.

Q: How does the loop determine when to stop?

The loop stops when the value of i, which represents the current term index, becomes greater than the desired nth term. This ensures that the loop generates the Fibonacci sequence up to the desired term.

Q: Can the iterative Fibonacci function be modified to calculate any term of the sequence?

Yes, the function can be modified to calculate any term of the Fibonacci sequence. By changing the argument passed to the function, it will generate the corresponding term of the sequence.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content analyzes a specific Fibonacci function with the argument of 5 and explains each step in the loop.

  • It focuses on how the function builds up the Fibonacci sequence by adding the last term and the second-to-last term together.

  • The explanation demonstrates how the function starts with the first two terms and repeatedly adds new terms based on the previous ones.

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