SMMA Service Delivery Guide - How To Get Clients Results | Summary and Q&A

June 2, 2023
Charlie Morgan
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SMMA Service Delivery Guide - How To Get Clients Results


Learn the strategies and processes to keep clients for the long term and build a sustainable agency with high monthly recurring revenue.

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Key Insights

  • ✋ Retaining clients is crucial for building a sustainable agency with high monthly recurring revenue.
  • 😫 Setting the right expectations and delivering exceptional results in the first month are essential for client retention.
  • 💪 Building strong relationships, offering continuous support, and constantly innovating keep clients interested and excited.
  • 🈷️ Effective support during the first month is vital for establishing trust and confidence.
  • 👶 Pitching new offers, introducing new marketing campaigns, and offering personalized gifts can keep clients engaged and loyal.
  • 🏛️ Building a client community fosters connection and motivation.
  • 🐎 Efficiency and speed in delivering results and support enhance client satisfaction.
  • 🫷 Pushing and challenging clients to improve their businesses shows commitment to their success.


hey everyone and welcome to this video in today's video which is called long-term clients Mastery my business partner Beau is actually going to explain how we kept clients for years on end for our marketing agency when we were running northflow Consulting at our Peak we had 64 done a few clients and we had processes strategies and procedures to imp... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is retaining clients important for an agency?

Retaining clients is essential for building a sustainable business and increasing monthly revenue. It is easier and more cost-effective to keep existing clients than constantly acquire new ones.

Q: How can agencies improve client retention?

Agencies can improve client retention by setting clear expectations, delivering excellent results, building strong relationships, offering ongoing support, and constantly innovating and adding value to their services.

Q: What are some strategies to keep clients interested and excited?

Agencies can keep clients interested and excited by pitching new offers, introducing new marketing campaigns, offering personalized gifts and rewards, and creating a community where clients can connect and share their successes.

Q: How can agencies effectively support clients during the first month?

Agencies should provide extensive support during the first month, including setting clear expectations, frequent check-ins, onboarding processes, and regular calls to ensure clients feel supported, confident, and motivated.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Retaining clients is crucial for growing a sustainable agency and increasing monthly recurring revenue.

  • Setting the right expectations and delivering kick-ass results in the first month are key to keeping clients for the long term.

  • Building rapport, offering continuous support, and constantly innovating and adding value keep clients interested and excited.

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