Showing angles have same measure | Angles and intersecting lines | Geometry | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

March 7, 2015
Khan Academy
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Showing angles have same measure | Angles and intersecting lines | Geometry | Khan Academy


By utilizing the properties of parallel lines and triangles, we can prove that two angles in a given diagram are equal.

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Key Insights

  • 🫥 Parallel lines create corresponding angles that are equal.
  • 🔺 The sum of interior angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees.
  • 🔺 Subtracting angles from an equation can help solve for the measures of other angles.
  • 🔺 Triangle properties can be applied to complex diagrams to prove angle equality.
  • 🔺 Understanding the relationship between angles in triangles is crucial for solving geometric problems.
  • 🔺 The measures of angle LMK and angle LNJ are dependent on the relationship between lines MK and NJ.
  • 👍 Proving angle equality requires careful analysis of the given information and application of relevant geometric properties.


We have an interesting looking diagram here. Let's see if we know a few things about this diagram. Let's say we know that line MK is parallel to line NJ. So this line is parallel to this line. This is line MK, this is line NJ. Now, given that and all the other information on this diagram, I'm hoping to prove that the measure of this angle LMK is eq... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can we prove that the measure of angle LMK is equal to the measure of angle LNJ in the given diagram?

We can prove this by utilizing the properties of parallel lines and triangles, which allow us to deduce that the measures of angle LMK and angle LNJ are equal.

Q: What information is given in the diagram that helps in proving the equality of angle measures?

The diagram states that line MK is parallel to line NJ, which provides a crucial piece of information for proving the equality of angle measures.

Q: What is the process for proving the equality of angle measures in this context?

The process involves utilizing the properties of triangles and subtracting angles. By setting up equations based on the sum of interior angles in triangles, we can find that angle LMK is equal to angle LNJ.

Q: Are the measures of angle LMK and angle LNJ equal in all cases where parallel lines are involved?

Yes, the measures of angle LMK and angle LNJ will always be equal when parallel lines are involved. This is a general property of parallel lines and the corresponding angles they create.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The diagram shows parallel lines MK and NJ.

  • The goal is to prove that angle LMK is equal to angle LNJ using the given information.

  • By applying the properties of triangles and subtracting angles, it is shown that angle LMK and angle LNJ are indeed equal.

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