Short Term Career Roadmap | Rethesh Kumar | TEDxYouth@DPSDubai | Summary and Q&A

September 25, 2023
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Short Term Career Roadmap | Rethesh Kumar | TEDxYouth@DPSDubai


A 16-year-old student entrepreneur discusses career shifts, decision-making, and resource utilization for young entrepreneurs.

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Key Insights

  • 💄 Career interests can change frequently, and it's essential to prioritize decision-making skills for success.
  • 🦻 Short-term goals aid in skill development and resource utilization for young entrepreneurs.
  • 🐵 Utilizing available resources and facing challenges with resilience are key to entrepreneurial growth.
  • 🌍 Decision-making should be a part of teenagers' education for survival in the world of entrepreneurship.
  • 👪 Career, family, and other commitments must be considered in decision-making processes for young entrepreneurs.
  • 💄 Overcoming obstacles in entrepreneurship requires resource utilization and effective decision-making skills.
  • 💱 Embracing change and experimentation can help young entrepreneurs navigate challenges successfully.


when was the last time you took a break earlier today or maybe yesterday how would our lives be if we never could break if we kept on doing our calls and like working like machines 24 7. I thought the same well sometimes we need to prioritize we need to organize our responsibilities and make a few important decisions let's talk about scheduling how... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How has Kumar's career ideas evolved over time, and what was the outcome of his discussion with his parents?

Kumar's career interests have shifted from programming to international relations, media, advertising, and business. His discussion with his parents resulted in valuable insights and knowledge about past experiences and career paths.

Q: Why does Kumar stress the importance of short-term goals for young entrepreneurs?

Short-term goals help in skill development, facing challenges, and utilizing available resources effectively to achieve success in entrepreneurship.

Q: What role does decision-making play in the lives of teenagers and young entrepreneurs according to Kumar?

Kumar highlights decision-making as a crucial skill for survival in the world, emphasizing that it should be part of the education for teenagers to navigate career, family, and commitments effectively.

Q: How does Kumar suggest overcoming obstacles and challenges in entrepreneurship?

Kumar recommends utilizing the resources at disposal, developing decision-making skills, and prioritizing career, family, and other commitments to overcome obstacles and navigate challenges successfully.


In this video, the speaker discusses the importance of taking breaks, prioritizing and organizing responsibilities, and making important decisions. They also talk about the challenges of determining one's career path and finding passion, as well as the benefits of setting short-term goals and being proactive. The speaker emphasizes the need for interpersonal skills, the value of money, and the importance of considering the impact of one's decisions on others. They also mention the significance of decision-making as a skill to be developed and the need to utilize available resources to overcome obstacles and challenges.

Questions & Answers

Q: How can scheduling help us prioritize and organize our responsibilities?

Scheduling allows us to allocate specific time slots for different tasks and responsibilities, helping us prioritize and organize our day. By following a schedule, we can ensure that we allocate the necessary time for important tasks, making us more efficient and productive. It also helps us avoid procrastination and ensures that we don't neglect any important responsibilities.

Q: Why do our career ideas and interests keep shifting frequently?

There can be several factors contributing to the frequent shifts in career ideas and interests. Firstly, as we grow and gain more exposure to different fields and experiences, our interests and aspirations naturally evolve. Additionally, societal and cultural influences, as well as personal experiences, can shape our career choices. It's also possible that we haven't yet found our true passion or calling, and exploring different fields helps us discover what truly resonates with us.

Q: What is the significance of short-term goals in developing skills and dealing with challenges?

Short-term goals play a crucial role in personal development and skill-building. By setting attainable goals that are within a relatively short timeframe, we can focus on specific areas of improvement and work towards them effectively. Short-term goals also provide us with milestones and checkpoints, allowing us to measure progress and stay motivated. When faced with challenges, having short-term goals gives us a clear target to work towards, helping us stay focused and determined.

Q: Should we be proactive and constantly concerned about the future, or should we let things flow on their own?

It's essential to find the right balance between being proactive and letting things flow naturally. While being proactive allows us to plan ahead, anticipate potential challenges, and take necessary actions, constantly overthinking and being preoccupied with the future can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. It's important to have a vision and set long-term goals but also remain open to change and adapt to unexpected opportunities that may arise. Finding this balance ensures that we are prepared while still allowing for spontaneity and growth.

Q: How can monetary aspects and resources impact our career choices?

Money plays a significant role in our lives and should be given the value it deserves when considering career choices. We need to assess whether the line of work we choose can provide sufficient financial stability and support our lifestyle and goals. Additionally, resources such as scholarships, funding opportunities, and networking can also influence our career decisions. It's important to evaluate whether we have access to these resources and if they align with our aspirations and financial needs.

Q: How can failures contribute to our growth and success?

Failure is not a setback but an opportunity for learning and growth. Each failure provides valuable lessons and insights that can help us improve and ultimately achieve success. It's important to view failure as part of the learning journey and not get discouraged by it. By analyzing our failures, identifying areas for improvement, and making necessary adjustments, we become more resilient and capable of handling future challenges.

Q: How do our actions and decisions affect our lives in the short term?

Our actions and decisions have a direct impact on our lives, not just in the long term, but also in the short term. The decisions we make on a daily basis shape our immediate future, influencing our experiences, relationships, and opportunities. It's crucial to consider how our actions are altering our lives in the next few days or months, and whether the people who depend on us are benefiting or suffering from our decisions. By analyzing the consequences of our actions, we can make more informed choices and create positive change.

Q: Why is decision-making an important skill for teenagers and youth?

Decision-making is a fundamental skill that needs to be developed by teenagers and youth. As we navigate through life, we are constantly faced with choices that have the potential to shape our future. Developing strong decision-making skills enables us to make informed choices, solve problems effectively, and take responsibility for the outcomes. It empowers us to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and align our actions with our goals and values.

Q: How can we overcome obstacles and challenges by utilizing available resources?

Overcoming obstacles and challenges often requires resourcefulness. By utilizing the resources available to us, such as knowledge, skills, networks, and support systems, we can find innovative solutions and overcome barriers. It's important to seek help and guidance when needed, leverage the expertise of others, and tap into available tools and technologies. Being resourceful allows us to approach challenges with a mindset of problem-solving and find opportunities within adversity.

Q: Why is it important to continuously analyze and make decisions based on career, family, and other commitments?

Our decisions should be based on a holistic understanding of our career, family, and other commitments. By considering all these aspects, we ensure that our choices are aligned with our priorities and responsibilities. It's important to strike a balance between personal aspirations and the impact our decisions have on those who depend on us. By continuously analyzing our situation and making decisions that encompass all relevant factors, we can ensure that we are fully equipped to navigate the complexities of life.


The key takeaways from this video are the importance of taking breaks, prioritizing and organizing responsibilities, and making important decisions. It highlights the significance of setting short-term goals, being proactive, and developing strong interpersonal skills. It also emphasizes the value of money and utilizing available resources to overcome obstacles. Furthermore, the speaker underlines the critical role of decision-making and the need to consider the impact of our actions on others. Overall, the video encourages teenagers and youth to develop essential skills and be conscious of the consequences of their choices.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker, a 16-year-old student entrepreneur named Kumar, reflects on his changing career interests and the importance of decision-making in entrepreneurship.

  • He emphasizes the value of short-term goals in skill development and resource utilization.

  • Kumar encourages young entrepreneurs to prioritize decision-making skills and leverage available resources for success.

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