Ryan Schiller: Librex and the Free Exchange of Ideas on College Campuses | Lex Fridman Podcast #172 | Summary and Q&A

March 29, 2021
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Ryan Schiller: Librex and the Free Exchange of Ideas on College Campuses | Lex Fridman Podcast #172


Librex is an anonymous discussion feed for college communities, aiming to provide students with a platform for open discourse on various topics. It promotes intellectual freedom and personal expression, while also maintaining a sense of community.

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Key Insights

  • 🤗 Librex's primary mission is to provide a platform for college students to engage in open, anonymous, and positive discussions on various topics.
  • 👤 The platform uses anonymity as a tool to encourage vulnerability, authenticity, and freedom of expression among users.
  • 👤 Trust and transparency are fundamental values of Librex, with measures in place to ensure user data privacy and community-driven moderation.
  • 👻 Librex aims to bridge the gap between the private and public spheres, allowing users to be their true selves and foster meaningful connections.
  • 👤 The platform emphasizes community-based discussions, wherein users with shared experiences and backgrounds can engage in conversations, making it more relatable and relevant.
  • 😑 Anonymity on Librex protects users from fear of judgment or repercussions, allowing for more genuinely honest conversations and self-expression.
  • 👥 Librex's moderation policy, enforced by a team of community-chosen moderators, ensures the platform remains a safe and inclusive space for all users.


the following is a conversation with ryan schiller creator of librex an anonymous discussion feed for college communities starting at first with yale then the ivy leagues and now adding stanford and mit their mission is to give students a place to explore ideas and issues in a positive way but with much more personal and intellectual freedom than h... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Librex promote open discourse while maintaining anonymity?

Librex allows users to create anonymous accounts using their university email, ensuring verification within their college community. This provides a sense of security that encourages open discussions without fear of judgment or repercussions.

Q: What measures does Librex take to prevent hatred and chaos within the platform?

Librex has a team of moderators, chosen from within the community, who are responsible for enforcing the platform's principles. These principles include promoting respectful and inclusive conversations while discouraging hate speech. Moderators work closely with the community and constantly communicate to ensure the platform remains a positive space.

Q: How does Librex ensure transparency and trust?

Librex places a strong emphasis on transparency. The platform allows users to delete their accounts and personal data easily, giving them control over their information. Additionally, Librex maintains open communication with the community, including regular updates and discussions about the platform's standards and policies.

Q: How does Librex facilitate connections between users in the physical world?

Librex has a feature that allows users to anonymously direct message the original poster of any post. This functionality enables users to connect, exchange contact information, and potentially meet in person, fostering real-world connections and relationships.

Q: How does Librex promote open discourse while maintaining anonymity?

Librex allows users to create anonymous accounts using their university email, ensuring verification within their college community. This provides a sense of security that encourages open discussions without fear of judgment or repercussions.

More Insights

  • Librex's primary mission is to provide a platform for college students to engage in open, anonymous, and positive discussions on various topics.

  • The platform uses anonymity as a tool to encourage vulnerability, authenticity, and freedom of expression among users.

  • Trust and transparency are fundamental values of Librex, with measures in place to ensure user data privacy and community-driven moderation.

  • Librex aims to bridge the gap between the private and public spheres, allowing users to be their true selves and foster meaningful connections.

  • The platform emphasizes community-based discussions, wherein users with shared experiences and backgrounds can engage in conversations, making it more relatable and relevant.

  • Anonymity on Librex protects users from fear of judgment or repercussions, allowing for more genuinely honest conversations and self-expression.

  • Librex's moderation policy, enforced by a team of community-chosen moderators, ensures the platform remains a safe and inclusive space for all users.

  • Through its features and principles, Librex hopes to redefine social media and promote positive online interactions centered around authenticity and open dialogue.


This conversation is with Ryan Schiller, the creator of Librex, an anonymous discussion feed for college communities. Librex aims to provide a platform for students to explore ideas and issues freely and anonymously. Ryan shares his inspiring journey of learning to code to build the solution he envisioned. The conversation delves into the challenges of creating a culture of open discourse on college campuses and the power of anonymity in promoting vulnerability and connection.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is Librex and what is its founding story?

Librex is an anonymous discussion feed for college campuses that allows students to have open and unfettered discussions about topics and ideas that matter to them. Ryan started Librex because he noticed a lack of intellectual freedom and vulnerability on college campuses and wanted to create a platform where students could explore and engage in meaningful conversations anonymously.

Q: What are the Ivy League schools?

The Ivy League refers to a group of prestigious universities in the United States, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Columbia, Cornell, Brown, and the University of Pennsylvania. Ryan started Librex at Yale and later expanded to other Ivy League universities.

Q: Why did Ryan decide to learn coding and build the app himself?

Ryan saw a problem on college campuses and felt inspired to make a difference. He recognized that creating a culture of open discourse required a grassroots movement and the development of a platform. Despite not having a technical background, he decided to learn coding and build the app himself in order to validate his idea and show his commitment to solving the problem.

Q: How did Ryan learn to code without a programming background?

Ryan bought a Mac and started by searching for Swift programming tutorials on YouTube. He found a Stanford professor's video that served as an introductory course to Swift and followed along. He iteratively built the app, learning from online resources like Stack Overflow and adapting as he encountered bugs and challenges. His focus was on creating a minimum viable product and validating the idea, rather than writing perfect or scalable code.

Q: When did Ryan realize that Librex had the potential to be something special?

Ryan recalls moments when he witnessed people's positive responses to the app, such as their excitement to try it and their understanding of the need for a platform like Librex. These moments of validation, where people connected and expressed vulnerability, convinced Ryan that Librex had the potential to make a meaningful impact.

Q: How does anonymity play a role in Librex?

Anonymity is a fundamental feature of Librex. It allows students to have open and honest discussions without fear of judgment or reprisal. Anonymity can empower people to express themselves authentically and connect with others on topics such as politics, relationships, and mental health. However, moderation and community guidelines are also necessary to prevent abusive or harmful behavior.

Q: What are some powerful conversations that have occurred on Librex?

Ryan mentions a post by a Mexican international student at Yale who expressed feeling outcasted at the Mexican cultural center due to his Roman Catholic beliefs. This post garnered significant attention and sparked an important discussion about inclusion and diversity on campus. Ryan also highlights stories of students connecting and forming clubs, relationships, and social events through Librex.

Q: What are the pros and cons of anonymity?

Anonymity can be incredibly liberating, fostering vulnerability and openness in discussions. It allows people to have a community that is not performative and can facilitate deeper conversations. However, anonymity can also enable negative behavior, such as trolling or malicious intent. Balancing anonymity with moderation and community guidelines is essential to ensure a safe and productive environment.

Q: Why did the interviewer choose to bridge the gap between their private and public self?

The interviewer shares that they strive for honesty and authenticity in all interactions, both private and public. They believe that being truthful with others helps them stay true to themselves and engage in deep thinking. By constantly striving for radical honesty, they can build revolutionary ideas and have a genuine connection with others.

Q: What is the significance of honesty in the context of first principles thinking?

The interviewer believes that radical honesty is necessary for first principles thinking, which involves questioning assumptions and building knowledge from fundamental truths. By being honest with oneself and others, one can approach problems and ideas with an open mind and avoid biases or inconsistencies that may hinder true understanding.

Q: Why does the interviewer try to be as real as possible even when discussing sensitive topics?

The interviewer wants to create a space where they can have open and honest discussions without pretense or performative behavior. By being real and authentic, they hope to foster genuine conversations and build a deeper connection with the interviewee and the audience.


Ryan Schiller's journey of building Librex demonstrates the power of identifying a problem, taking actionable steps to solve it, and having the courage to learn new skills. Librex provides a platform for anonymous discussions that encourage vulnerability and authentic connections among college students. Anonymity can be a double-edged sword, empowering individuals to express themselves freely while also necessitating moderation to prevent abuse. By striving for radical honesty and authenticity, the interviewer aims to bridge the gap between private and public selves, fostering deep thinking and genuine connections.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Librex is an anonymous discussion feed for college campuses, allowing students to engage in important and unfettered conversations about topics they care about, completely anonymously.

  • The platform started at Yale and has expanded to include other Ivy League schools, with plans to add other universities in the future.

  • Librex aims to create a safe and inclusive space for students to explore ideas, connect with others, and foster intellectual growth.

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