I'm back at it: 1,000 total push-ups, pull-ups, squats every day | Summary and Q&A

July 2, 2020
Lex Fridman
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I'm back at it: 1,000 total push-ups, pull-ups, squats every day


The author took on the challenge of doing 20,000 push-ups and pull-ups in 30 days, faced an injury, and is now restarting the challenge with a focus on discovering personal limits and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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Key Insights

  • 🏃 Injury is a real possibility when taking on physically challenging tasks, but determination and proper recovery exercises can help overcome setbacks.
  • 😀 Mentally, the author faced doubts and a flood of excuses but ultimately remained dedicated to pushing their limits.
  • 🫷 The author highlights the importance of having a small support system that encourages risk-taking and pushing harder in pursuit of one's passions.
  • 🎚️ Exercise has a profound impact on mental clarity, energy levels, and overall well-being.
  • 🥰 Despite focusing on fitness goals, the author emphasizes the significance of balancing other passions in life such as work and art.
  • 💪 The ability to withstand suffering and embrace difficult challenges is a muscle that needs to be trained and developed.
  • 🚶 There are no excuses for not engaging in exercise, and even simple activities like walking can provide immense value.


I took on the challenge to do 20,000 push-ups and pull-ups combined in 30 days I did it for eight days got hurt now I'm back I'm gonna finish the job that I started that means every day doing 34 rounds of 15 push-ups five pull-ups and ten squats I'm using this clicker thing to keep track of the rounds first day 34 done last time around is one of th... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the author manage to do 20,000 push-ups and pull-ups in just 30 days?

The author divided the exercises into 34 rounds of 15 push-ups, 5 pull-ups, and 10 squats per round. By maintaining a disciplined routine, the author aimed to achieve the goal within the given timeframe.

Q: How did the author handle the mental and physical challenges during the challenge?

The author encountered doubts, mental exhaustion, and physical pain throughout the challenge. However, the author pushed through by staying mentally strong, ignoring excuses, and focusing on the desired outcome of self-discovery and personal growth.

Q: Did the author's injury impact their commitment to the challenge?

While the injury forced the author to take a break from upper body exercises, they continued to run six miles daily. After recovering, the author restarted the challenge, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to completing the 20,000 push-ups and pull-ups.

Q: Why did the author take on this challenge?

The author took on the challenge not only to establish a healthy lifestyle but also to discover something about themselves. They believe in pushing boundaries, taking risks, and using challenges as a means of personal growth and self-discovery.

Q: How did the author manage to do 20,000 push-ups and pull-ups in just 30 days?

The author divided the exercises into 34 rounds of 15 push-ups, 5 pull-ups, and 10 squats per round. By maintaining a disciplined routine, the author aimed to achieve the goal within the given timeframe.

More Insights

  • Injury is a real possibility when taking on physically challenging tasks, but determination and proper recovery exercises can help overcome setbacks.

  • Mentally, the author faced doubts and a flood of excuses but ultimately remained dedicated to pushing their limits.

  • The author highlights the importance of having a small support system that encourages risk-taking and pushing harder in pursuit of one's passions.

  • Exercise has a profound impact on mental clarity, energy levels, and overall well-being.

  • Despite focusing on fitness goals, the author emphasizes the significance of balancing other passions in life such as work and art.

  • The ability to withstand suffering and embrace difficult challenges is a muscle that needs to be trained and developed.

  • There are no excuses for not engaging in exercise, and even simple activities like walking can provide immense value.

  • Establishing healthy habits and maintaining a balanced lifestyle contribute to overall health, immunity, and productivity.


The speaker took on the challenge of doing 20,000 push-ups and pull-ups combined in 30 days. However, he got injured on day 3 and had to take a break on upper body exercises while still running six miles every day. Now, he's back and determined to finish the challenge, emphasizing the importance of pushing oneself and taking risks in order to discover something about oneself.

Questions & Answers

Q: What was the speaker's initial challenge?

The speaker's initial challenge was to complete 20,000 push-ups and pull-ups combined in 30 days.

Q: What happened after eight days?

After eight days, the speaker got injured and had to take a break on upper body exercises.

Q: Did the speaker continue running during the break?

Yes, the speaker continued running six miles every day even during the break.

Q: What is the speaker's motivation for taking on this challenge?

The speaker wants to discover something about himself and push through mental and physical challenges in the pursuit of personal growth.

Q: Why did the speaker take a break on upper body exercises?

The speaker felt that the injury was becoming a real possibility and decided to prevent further damage by focusing on recovery exercises.

Q: Did the speaker face mental challenges during the challenge?

Yes, the speaker experienced doubt and flood of excuses during the challenge, leading to the toughest mental challenge he had encountered.

Q: How did the speaker deal with mental challenges?

The speaker pushed through the mental challenges, even when faced with doubt and excuses, to continue the challenge and discover something about himself.

Q: Is the speaker aware of the risks associated with the challenge?

Yes, the speaker acknowledges that injury is a real possibility and understands the strain it puts on the body, but still chooses to take on the challenge.

Q: What does the speaker believe people need in their lives?

The speaker believes that people need a small number of supportive individuals to push them, encourage them to work harder, and take risks in order to discover more about themselves.

Q: What kind of advice does the speaker think people need?

The speaker believes that people need advice and support to take on challenges that involve risks and passion, rather than just basic advice on sleep, diet, and exercise.

Q: Does the speaker think pushing oneself is important?

Yes, the speaker emphasizes the importance of pushing oneself and suffering in order to reach goals and strengthen the ability to withstand the grind.

Q: What challenge does the speaker think academics and engineers should take on?

The speaker believes that academics and engineers should engage in exercise, even if it's just walking, to clear the mind, gain energy, and improve overall well-being.

Q: Does the speaker consider the push-up and pull-up challenge as his main passion?

No, the speaker considers his main passion to be work and artificial intelligence, and the push-up and pull-up challenge is just a representation of pushing through difficulties.

Q: What is the speaker's purpose for sharing his journey?

The speaker hopes to be open and real with people, sharing his journey through various aspects of his life, including exercise, in order to inspire and energize others.

Q: What does the speaker do when faced with criticism or dislike?

The speaker encourages those who don't like his content to unsubscribe, emphasizing that he is sharing who he truly is and hoping to connect with a supportive community.


The speaker's journey of taking on the challenge of 20,000 push-ups and pull-ups in a month highlights the importance of pushing oneself, taking risks, and discovering something about oneself. It emphasizes the value of having a supportive community and an attitude of perseverance in overcoming mental and physical challenges. The speaker also recognizes the significance of exercise in clearing the mind and staying healthy, especially in academic and research fields.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The author started a challenge to do 20,000 push-ups and pull-ups in 30 days, but experienced an injury after eight days.

  • Despite the injury, the author remained determined and continued running six miles daily while focusing on recovery exercises.

  • The author is restarting the challenge, emphasizing the importance of pushing boundaries, discovering oneself, and maintaining a healthy exercise routine.

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