Bret Weinstein: Truth, Science, and Censorship in the Time of a Pandemic | Lex Fridman Podcast #194 | Summary and Q&A

June 25, 2021
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Bret Weinstein: Truth, Science, and Censorship in the Time of a Pandemic | Lex Fridman Podcast #194


A conversation with Brett Weinstein, evolutionary biologist, delves into the failures of the scientific community during the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for transparency, open data, and open scientific communication.

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Key Insights

  • 🤪 Science as an institution is susceptible to flaws such as fear, greed, power, and ego, which were evident during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 🤗 Transparency, open data, and open scientific communication are vital in addressing and finding solutions to global challenges like COVID-19.
  • 🥺 The failure to effectively lead, communicate uncertainty, and explore potential solutions led to missed opportunities and the prolonged impact of the pandemic.


the following is a conversation with Brett Weinstein evolutionary biologist author co-host of the Dark Horse podcast and as he says reluctant radical even though we've never met or spoken before this we both felt like we've been friends for a long time I don't agree on everything with Brett but I'm sure as hell happy he exists in this weird and won... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the key failures of scientific leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The lack of honest, transparent, and authentic communication about the uncertainty of the virus, the available data, and the efforts to develop solutions was a major failure. Leaders should have constantly addressed three important questions: data availability and studies being conducted, effectiveness and safety of solutions based on current data, and the timeline and cost involved in mass producing and distributing solutions.

Q: Is it possible for a virus like COVID-19 to naturally evolve and possess all its tricks from the beginning?

The process of natural evolution and adaptation is powerful, but it leaves a mark in the form of visible changes in the virus's genome. The lack of evidence for such changes and the immediate effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 upon emergence suggest the virus gained its tricks elsewhere, such as through gain-of-function research or deliberate engineering.

Q: What evidence could support the natural origins of COVID-19?

One possible piece of evidence would be the discovery of a human or animal population where the virus was circulating prior to its emergence in Wuhan. If the virus had undergone evolution and picked up its tricks in another population, evidence of this prior epidemic or adaptation would be expected.

Q: What are the potential dangers of not uncovering the true origins of COVID-19?

Failing to determine the origins of COVID-19 and address the failures that led to the pandemic could have dire consequences. If we accept the virus as a permanent part of human life, similar to influenza, the long-term impact on global health, well-being, and economies would be immeasurable. It is crucial to drive the virus extinct and prevent future disasters while we still can.

Q: What are the key failures of scientific leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The lack of honest, transparent, and authentic communication about the uncertainty of the virus, the available data, and the efforts to develop solutions was a major failure. Leaders should have constantly addressed three important questions: data availability and studies being conducted, effectiveness and safety of solutions based on current data, and the timeline and cost involved in mass producing and distributing solutions.

More Insights

  • Science as an institution is susceptible to flaws such as fear, greed, power, and ego, which were evident during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Transparency, open data, and open scientific communication are vital in addressing and finding solutions to global challenges like COVID-19.

  • The failure to effectively lead, communicate uncertainty, and explore potential solutions led to missed opportunities and the prolonged impact of the pandemic.

  • Understanding the origins of COVID-19 and addressing the failures can help prevent future disasters and protect global health and well-being.


Brett Weinstein, an evolutionary biologist and author, discusses the importance of open communication, debate, and scientific inquiry in solving problems and finding truth. He emphasizes the need for leaders to be honest, transparent, and authentic about the uncertainties and solutions related to COVID-19. He also explores the beauty of biology and the human mind's ability to adapt, learn, and develop new skills.

Questions & Answers

Q: What drew you to the study of biology?

As a kid, I was fascinated by animals and loved observing and thinking about their behavior. This curiosity and passion developed into a conscious interest in biology as an adult. I find the intricate dynamics and near miracles of biological organisms to be endlessly compelling.

Q: Do you view living organisms from an evolutionary biology perspective or an engineering perspective?

The human mind is like a time-sharing machine with different modules that focus on different aspects of biology. To understand the evolutionary dynamics and lineage of a creature, I need to step into the module that operates on a longer time scale. Likewise, to understand the internal mechanisms and components of organisms, I need to switch modules. It may sound complicated, but being involved in biology for so long has made this type of thinking second nature.

Q: How does the human mind tap into a state of flow or lose itself in activities like sports or music?

When engaged in activities like sports or music, our conscious mind becomes a spectator, while another part of us takes over. This is especially evident in fast-paced activities like table tennis or skiing, where our conscious mind cannot keep up. The flexibility of the human mind allows us to adapt and develop new software programs that can be driven into the unconscious layer, enabling us to perform effortlessly.

Q: Can robots replicate the experience of losing oneself in activities?

It is possible for robots to replicate this experience through a similar process of developing and swapping software programs. However, it would require a deep developmental stage and the ability to learn from mistakes, which current robots lack. By allowing robots to make mistakes and learn, we could potentially unlock their capacity to appreciate beauty and discover new possibilities.

Q: How does self-criticism affect your creative process?

Self-criticism is a double-edged sword. While it drives productivity and the pursuit of improvement, it can also prevent us from appreciating the things we create. Balancing self-criticism with self-appreciation is essential for finding gratitude and beauty in life.

Q: How do close calls and disasters shape our understanding of potential risks?

Close calls and disasters provide valuable insights into potential risks and dangers. By studying these events, we can identify patterns and processes that may pose threats to our well-being and existence. The objective is to develop protective algorithms and exercise restraint in engaging with potentially hazardous processes. Additionally, it is crucial to remain vigilant and recognize the role of luck in avoiding or mitigating disasters.

Q: What is the probability that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology?

According to the current evidence, the likelihood that COVID-19 emerged from a lab is over 95%. This probability decreases when considering other labs or potential intentional releases, but the lack of evidence for natural origins suggests a laboratory origin. The discovery of a human population where the virus circulated before Wuhan or an animal population with an ancestor epidemic could increase the probability of natural origins.

Q: Are there any pieces of evidence that could support natural origins instead?

Evidence of a human population in which the virus or its ancestor circulated prior to Wuhan would suggest natural origins. Alternatively, the existence of an animal population with an ancestor epidemic could also point towards natural origins. However, in the latter case, significant evolutionary changes would be expected, which are not observed. Lack of evidence for natural origins suggests a laboratory origin.

Q: Could the SARS-CoV-2 virus have evolved its tricks naturally?

The process of evolution is incredibly powerful and capable of producing remarkable adaptations. However, the lack of evidence for significant evolutionary changes in the SARS-CoV-2 genome and its advanced capabilities suggest that it did not evolve naturally. The virus appears to have traits that indicate both splicing and serial passaging, suggesting involvement in laboratory processes.

Q: What types of research on viruses could have contributed to the origin of COVID-19?

The gain-of-function research and genetic engineering of viruses are two possible avenues that may have contributed to COVID-19's origin. By accelerating evolution and observing the results, scientists can identify critical traits and adaptations. It is essential to investigate the specific protocols used in these experiments to better understand the potential origins of the virus.

Q: Why is it important to uncover the truth about the origins of COVID-19?

Investigating the origins of COVID-19 is vital for multiple reasons. Firstly, it allows us to understand the processes and protocols involved, which can aid in fighting the virus and preventing similar incidents in the future. Secondly, revealing the truth ensures transparency and accountability. Finally, it is important for our collective knowledge and the development of effective strategies against the virus.


Brett Weinstein emphasizes the significance of open science, honest communication, and authentic debate in tackling challenges like COVID-19. He highlights the need for leaders to provide transparency, openly discuss uncertainties, and encourage a diversity of ideas. Exploring the beauty of biology, Weinstein emphasizes the flexibility and adaptability of the human mind. Understanding the origins of COVID-19 is crucial for developing effective strategies and preventive measures. It is essential to prioritize sustainability, reversibility, and caution in engaging with potentially dangerous processes.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Science is a powerful tool for understanding and solving problems, but its institutions are susceptible to flaws like fear, greed, power, and ego, as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • The pandemic revealed the lack of effective leadership and clear communication from scientific leaders, resulting in missed opportunities for implementing potential solutions.

  • Five categories of solutions that could have saved lives and reduced suffering include masks, at-home testing, contact tracing, antiviral drugs, and vaccines. Honest discussions and transparency from leaders were necessary to explore these options effectively.

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