The most controversial Python feature | Walrus operator | Summary and Q&A

July 27, 2020
Lex Fridman
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The most controversial Python feature | Walrus operator


The walrus operator in Python 3.8 enables assignment expressions that not only assign values but also return them, making code more concise.

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Key Insights

  • 🐳 The assignment expression, or "walrus operator", was added to Python 3.8 after much controversy and drama, causing Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, to step down from his leadership role.
  • 📝 The assignment expression performs an assignment operation and returns the value assigned, making it useful in various contexts such as regular expressions and file reading.
  • ✅ The assignment expression allows for more concise and elegant code, eliminating the need for multiple lines of code to perform certain operations.
  • 🔍 It can be particularly useful in list comprehensions, allowing for the reuse of sub-expressions and avoiding redundant computations.
  • ❌ Some criticisms of the assignment expression include potential confusion for beginners and the argument that it adds complexity instead of simplicity to the code.
  • 📚 The assignment expression also highlights the importance of leadership in the programming community and the need for leaders to make difficult decisions, even if they are unpopular.
  • 💡 The walrus operator serves as a reminder of the value of consistency in programming languages and the acceptance of design decisions, even if they are initially seen as bad.
  • ⚖️ Lastly, the addition of the walrus operator emphasizes the challenges of programming language design and the need for thorough testing and consideration of how developers will use new features.


this is the walrus operator and this is the assignment expression that it enables it's been added as a feature to python 3.8 after a whole lot of drama majority of python core developers as far as i can tell were against it and the drama and toxicity over it drove guido van rossum creator of python to step down from his leadership role of benevolen... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the walrus operator simplify working with regular expressions in Python 3.8?

In Python 3.8, the walrus operator allows for a more concise code when working with regular expressions. Instead of performing a regular expression match, assigning the result to a variable, and then checking if a match was found, all of these steps can be combined into a single line using the walrus operator. This helps to streamline the code and make it more readable.

Q: What benefits does the walrus operator bring to reading files in Python 3.8?

When it comes to reading files, the walrus operator in Python 3.8 offers an elegant solution. Instead of using a while loop, a read operation, and a conditional check to determine if there is more data to read, the walrus operator allows all of these steps to be condensed into a single line. This not only reduces code clutter but also improves code readability.

Q: Can the walrus operator be used effectively in list comprehensions?

Yes, the walrus operator can be quite useful in list comprehensions. It allows for the sharing of sub-expressions, such as when using the filter. Assigning a sub-expression to a variable using the walrus operator allows it to be reused within the list comprehension, making the code more efficient. Additionally, it can help avoid repetitive or expensive computations by assigning the result to a variable and reusing it throughout the list definition.

Q: What are some criticisms of the walrus operator in Python 3.8?

Some criticisms of the walrus operator include confusion for beginners due to it performing an assignment operation like the equal sign. Additionally, it has been argued that the walrus operator goes against the principle of having only one obvious way to do something in Python. Others claim that it adds complexity to the code rather than simplifying it. Lastly, there is criticism around insufficient testing on how developers will use the operator in real-world scenarios, highlighting a common challenge in programming language design.


The walrus operator is a feature added to Python 3.8, despite initial resistance from the majority of Python core developers. It enables assignment expressions, where a value is assigned to a variable and the expression also returns the assigned value. This feature has several useful applications, such as simplifying regular expression matches, reading files, and list comprehensions. However, there have been criticisms regarding the potential confusion for beginners, the violation of certain principles in Python's design, and the lack of extensive testing. Despite these criticisms, the walrus operator can be seen as an elegant and powerful tool, while also serving as a reminder of the importance of leadership in the programming community.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the walrus operator and what did it enable in Python 3.8?

The walrus operator is a feature added to Python 3.8 that enables assignment expressions. It allows the assignment of a value to a variable and also returns the assigned value as the result of the expression.

Q: How did the drama surrounding the walrus operator impact the Python community?

The drama and toxicity surrounding the walrus operator led to Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, stepping down from his leadership role as the benevolent dictator for life. The inclusion of the walrus operator as part of the PEP 572 proposal was a major factor in his decision.

Q: How does the assignment expression differ from the regular assignment statement in Python?

While the regular assignment statement in Python simply assigns a value to a variable, the assignment expression not only performs the assignment but also returns the assigned value as the result of the expression. This feature can be particularly useful in certain contexts.

Q: What are some specific use cases where the assignment expression can be beneficial?

The assignment expression can be useful in scenarios such as regular expression matching, file reading, and list comprehensions. It allows for more concise code by combining multiple operations into a single line and reusing values without the need for separate variable assignments.

Q: What is one of the criticisms of the walrus operator?

One criticism is that both the equal sign in regular assignment statements and the walrus operator perform assignments, which can be confusing for beginners.

Q: What were some of the principles from PEP 20 (Zen of Python) that were discussed in relation to the walrus operator?

One principle brought up is the idea that there should be only one obvious way to do something, and some argue that the walrus operator creates an alternative way to perform an operation that already had an existing method. Another principle is the preference for simplicity over complexity, and it was argued that the walrus operator, while appearing to simplify code, actually adds complexity.

Q: Did the assignment expression undergo sufficient testing before its inclusion in Python 3.8?

There is criticism that not enough testing was done on how actual developers would use the assignment expression. This is a common challenge in programming language design since the behavior and interaction of features in the wild can be unpredictable.

Q: What is the personal opinion of the speaker regarding the walrus operator?

The speaker finds the walrus operator elegant and beautiful when used properly. However, the speaker also believes that its significance goes beyond its functionality. It represents the importance of leadership in a community of smart people who may have differing opinions and the role of leaders in making difficult decisions for the progress of the programming community.

Q: How does the walrus operator serve as a reminder of leadership in the programming world?

The inclusion of the walrus operator in Python and the resulting drama and resignation of Guido van Rossum highlight the power of leadership in breaking through toxic stalemates and making difficult decisions. The operator becomes a symbol of the messy but necessary aspects of democracy, the need for leaders to inspire and guide, and the risks they take in decision-making.

Q: What message does the speaker convey at the end of the video?

The speaker encourages viewers to subscribe to their videos and emphasizes the importance of learning something new every day.


The walrus operator, despite its initial controversy and criticisms, is a powerful feature that enables assignment expressions in Python. It simplifies code in various contexts and can be elegant when used properly. However, it also serves as a reminder of the significant role of leadership in the programming world. The inclusion of the feature led to the resignation of Guido van Rossum and highlights the necessity of leaders to make difficult decisions for progress. The walrus operator represents the messy but essential aspects of democracy, the need for leaders to inspire and guide, and the risks they take in decision-making.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The walrus operator is a feature added to Python 3.8 that enables assignment expressions, which assign values and return them as well.

  • It simplifies code in various contexts, such as working with regular expressions, reading files, and using list comprehensions.

  • Despite criticisms, the walrus operator serves as a reminder of the importance of leadership in the programming community and the need for making difficult decisions for progress.

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