reading & traveling, library finds, bookish goods, & more | books before bed | Summary and Q&A

February 26, 2024
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reading & traveling, library finds, bookish goods, & more | books before bed


In this episode of Books Before Bed, Jesse discusses her upcoming travels, struggles with reading while traveling, library finds, favorite bookish items, and recommendations for transitioning from YA to adult books.

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Key Insights

  • 🫠 Traveling and reading can present challenges, as Jesse discusses her struggles with finding time to read while on trips and her preference for experiencing new places rather than burying her head in a book.
  • 📚 Jesse highlights the joy of discovering new books at the library, citing "Untethered Sky" and "The Mono Twins" as recent finds that exceeded her expectations.
  • 💟 Bookish items, such as mini books and bookshelf decorations, bring happiness and uniqueness to Jesse's reading experience.
  • 🌍 Jesse appreciates recommendations for bookshops around the world, particularly The Mysterious Bookshop in New York, which focuses on mystery books.
  • 🧑 Transitioning from reading YA to adult books requires diversifying reading habits, engaging with bookish communities, and finding adult books similar to the YA ones enjoyed.
  • ✋ Strategies for stopping late-night reading include setting time limits, finding stopping points, and using bookmarks to mark progress.
  • 🤩 The C-PILE rating system, which assesses character, atmosphere, writing, plot, intrigue, logic, and enjoyment, offers a comprehensive approach to rating books and determining star ratings.


testing testing 1 2 3 testing testing 1 2 3 got my wires all wrapped up and it's really messing up my vibe I love that you can just like see the head of the ghost right there just his little head he's just chilling over there he says hello everybody I don't have a name for him I need a name for him so let's name him in the comments down below hey h... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I stop myself from staying up too late while reading?

Staying up late to finish a book is a common struggle. Some strategies include setting a reading time limit before bed, finding a comfortable stopping point, or using a bookmark to mark where you'll continue reading the next day.

Q: How can you transition from reading mostly YA to adult books?

Finding adult versions of the YA books you enjoy can be a great way to transition. Diversify the bookish community you follow to discover recommendations for adult books that align with your reading preferences.

Q: What are some favorite bookshops around the world?

One favorite bookshop Jesse mentions is The Mysterious Bookshop in New York, focusing solely on mystery books. Exploring local independent bookstores often leads to unique bookish finds.

Q: How does the reader transition from YA to adult books?

One approach is to read adult versions of the YA books you enjoy. Additionally, following diverse bookish communities and being open to trying new genres and authors helps expand your reading horizons.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Jesse talks about her struggles with reading while traveling and her plans to take a large number of books on her upcoming trip.

  • She shares her recent library finds, including "Untethered Sky" and "The Mono Twins," and highlights the aspects she loved about each book.

  • Jesse discusses her favorite bookish items, particularly her mini books and a bookshelf decoration that creates the illusion of a separate world.

  • She addresses questions and comments from viewers, including tips for transitioning from reading mostly YA to adult books and recommendations for favorite bookshops around the world.

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