READING RUSH FAILURE!! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | Summary and Q&A

July 29, 2019
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Despite participating in the Reading Rush, the content creator read very few books due to a reading slump and distractions from other activities.

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Key Insights

  • 🖤 The content creator acknowledges their lack of reading during the Reading Rush and attributes it to a reading slump and distractions from other activities.
  • 🫠 Despite not meeting their reading goals, the content creator still enjoyed the books they did manage to read.
  • 🦡 The content creator applauds those who successfully completed the Reading Rush and earned badges, acknowledging their own readiness to improve in future events.


hey yo what's good reader fam welcome back to my channel hope you're doing well hope you've been reading lots of great books today I'll be talking about my reading rush experience I'm gonna be wrapping up the reading rush if you don't know what the reading rush is it used to be called the booktubeathon and it was last week and I was supposed to rea... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Did the content creator manage to read any books during the Reading Rush?

Yes, the content creator read Death Note (the first volume) and a hundred pages of Wonder, but they fell short of their expectations.

Q: Why did the content creator feel like they didn't read much during the Reading Rush?

The content creator was in a reading slump and struggled to find motivation to read. They also got distracted by watching TV shows with subtitles, which they acknowledge don't count as actual reading.

Q: Did the content creator receive any badges during the Reading Rush?

Unfortunately, the content creator did not receive any badges, which they express disappointment about. However, they are determined to do better in future Reading Rush events.

Q: How did the content creator feel about reading manga during the Read-a-thon?

The content creator believes that manga, comics, and graphic novels should be considered acceptable reading materials for a read-a-thon, as they still require reading the text to understand the story.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content creator participated in the Reading Rush, formerly known as Booktubeathon, with low expectations, but still hoped to read more than they did.

  • The only books the content creator managed to read were the first volume of Death Note and a hundred pages of Wonder, both enjoyed but not enough to meet their reading goals.

  • The content creator commends those who successfully read multiple books during the Reading Rush but expresses disappointment in their own lack of progress.

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