Prepositions of space | The parts of speech | Grammar | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

May 16, 2016
Khan Academy
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Prepositions of space | The parts of speech | Grammar | Khan Academy


Prepositions express relationships between objects and their locations in space, with some examples being "over," "inside," "by," and "from."

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Key Insights

  • 😑 Prepositions in space express relationships between objects and their locations.
  • 👾 The most common prepositions in space include "at," "by," "from," "in," "off," "on," "out," and "to."
  • 🤔 Prepositions can have connotations of direction or time, but it is best to think of their uses separately.
  • #️⃣ Learning prepositions requires memorization, but the number of prepositions in English is limited.


  • [Voiceover] Hello grammarians! So we had said previously that prepositions express relationships between two ideas. And we can do that either in time or in space or in other ways. But today I wanna talk about prepositions in space. Because this is, again, one of the things that prepositions do, is they can set up relationships between objects and... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What do prepositions in space do?

Prepositions in space establish relationships between objects and their locations, providing information about position and direction.

Q: What is the difference between "in" and "on"?

"In" is used to describe something enclosed within an area, while "on" is used to describe something on a surface.

Q: How many prepositions are there in English?

There are around 100 plus prepositions in English, but the most commonly used ones are around 20 to 25.

Q: How should we approach learning prepositions?

Learning prepositions requires memorizing their various uses and nuances. Start with the most common ones and practice using them in sentences.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Prepositions in space set up relationships between objects and their locations, such as "over," "inside," and "by."

  • Prepositions can also have connotations of direction or time, but it is best to think of their uses separately.

  • The most common prepositions in space include "at," "by," "from," "in," "off," "on," "out," and "to."

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