Peter Norvig: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach | Lex Fridman Podcast #42 | Summary and Q&A

September 30, 2019
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Peter Norvig: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach | Lex Fridman Podcast #42


Peter Norvig discusses how the field of artificial intelligence has evolved, from changes in technology to addressing ethical and philosophical issues.

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Key Insights

  • 🖱️ Advancements in computing power have expanded the capabilities of AI systems, enabling the use of more complex logic and optimization techniques.
  • ❓ Encoding human values and addressing issues of fairness and bias in AI decision making are crucial topics in the current AI landscape.
  • 👾 Deep learning has revolutionized AI in areas such as image recognition, natural language processing, and game-playing.


the following is a conversation with peter norvig he's a director of research at google and the co-author with stuart russell of the book artificial intelligence and modern approach that educated and inspired a whole generation of researchers including myself to get into the field of artificial intelligence this is the artificial intelligence podca... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How has the field of artificial intelligence changed from the first edition to the fourth edition of "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach"?

The first edition focused on predicate logic, but with advancements in computing power, the second and third editions introduced the use of first-order logic. The fourth edition further explores the optimization of utility functions and the challenges of encoding human values into AI systems.

Q: What are the key insights into the ethical and philosophical issues surrounding AI discussed in the book?

The book delves into the concept of utility functions and the importance of determining what we want as individuals and as a society. It also explores the challenges of fairness and bias in AI decision making, as well as the debate on how to encode human values into AI systems.

Q: How has the rise of deep learning and advancements in hardware impacted the field of AI?

Deep learning has expanded AI capabilities in areas such as object recognition, natural language processing, and speech synthesis. Advancements in hardware, such as GPUs and TPUs, have enabled the training and deployment of deep learning models at a larger scale.

Q: What are the challenges in creating AI systems that can match human-level intelligence?

Human-level intelligence is multifaceted, and different tasks require different levels of intelligence. While progress has been made in areas like Go-playing and natural language processing, there is still a long way to go in terms of achieving a comprehensive human-level intelligence.

Q: How has the field of artificial intelligence changed from the first edition to the fourth edition of "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach"?

The first edition focused on predicate logic, but with advancements in computing power, the second and third editions introduced the use of first-order logic. The fourth edition further explores the optimization of utility functions and the challenges of encoding human values into AI systems.

More Insights

  • Advancements in computing power have expanded the capabilities of AI systems, enabling the use of more complex logic and optimization techniques.

  • Encoding human values and addressing issues of fairness and bias in AI decision making are crucial topics in the current AI landscape.

  • Deep learning has revolutionized AI in areas such as image recognition, natural language processing, and game-playing.

  • The future of AI lies in the integration of AI systems with human values, improving programming tools, and advancing conversational AI.


This conversation is with Peter Norvig, the Director of Research at Google and co-author of the book "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach." The discussion covers a wide range of topics, including the evolution of AI and the book itself, the challenges of encoding human values into AI systems, the importance of trust and validation in AI, the future of education and online learning, and the changing nature of programming and mastery. Norvig also reflects on his experiences as a programmer and highlights the beauty and power of the Lisp programming language, while discussing why it hasn't achieved mass adoption like languages such as Python.

Questions & Answers

Q: How has the book "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" changed over the editions?

The book has evolved to incorporate advancements in computing power and technology, such as the rise of GPUs and deep learning. It has also shifted its focus to the challenges of deciding utility functions and addressing ethical and societal issues in AI. The book now explores topics like fairness, bias, and the encoding of human values into AI systems.

Q: Can human values be encoded into a utility function?

Yes, there are techniques such as inverse reinforcement learning that can be used to learn human values. However, there are limitations and challenges in determining the perfect actions and balancing trade-offs between different goals. For example, achieving fairness across protected classes like race and sex can be theoretically impossible. These challenges highlight the need for informed deliberation as humans determine where to make trade-offs.

Q: How can we address bias and fairness in AI systems?

Fairness in AI requires evaluating the impact of decisions across protected classes and striving for equal treatment. For instance, in the context of predicting recidivism, it is important to ensure that the system does not disproportionately favor or harm individuals based on race. However, achieving perfect fairness in all dimensions is often impossible, and trade-offs need to be made. Human deliberation and decision-making are crucial for determining the trade-off points.

Q: Can AI systems be designed to optimize for short-term enjoyment or long-term improvement?

While it is possible to design AI systems to optimize short-term enjoyment, the goal should be to find a balance between short-term pleasure and long-term improvement. The focus should shift from creating systems that compete against the user for attention to systems that align with the user's interests and goals. This shift requires rethinking the incentives and infrastructure of the current attention marketplace.

Q: How did the process of writing the book "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" unfold?

The idea for the book emerged from discussions among AI faculty members who realized the need for an updated and comprehensive AI textbook. Peter Norvig got involved with the project after reconnecting with Stuart Russell at a conference. The writing process involved outlining the book, assigning chapters to authors, and collaborating remotely over the internet. The book aimed to capture the changing landscape of AI, focusing on probabilistic approaches and machine learning.

Q: How has the field of AI changed since the first edition of the book?

The field has seen advancements in computing power, the proliferation of GPUs and custom hardware like TPUs for deep learning, and a shift towards machine learning and probabilistic approaches. The rise of big data and deep learning has opened up new possibilities and challenges in AI. The understanding of utility functions and the ethical dimensions of AI has also grown, leading to a greater emphasis on human values and decision-making.

Q: Will deep learning eventually replace other approaches and lead to a broader perspective on AI?

The future relationship between deep learning and other AI approaches is uncertain. While deep learning has shown remarkable success in certain domains, like perception, there are still challenges in areas that require reasoning, representation, and one-shot learning. The next editions of the book may explore this interplay and offer a broader view of AI that incorporates the strengths of various approaches.

Q: How do we address the challenge of trust and validation in AI systems?

Trust and validation are crucial aspects of AI systems. Explanations play a role in building trust, but they are not enough on their own. We need a broader perspective that emphasizes testing, adversarial evaluation, and understanding the limitations of AI systems. A conversation-based approach that allows for back-and-forth discussion and evaluation can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the system's behavior and foster informed decision-making.

Q: Are we too skeptical of AI systems and hold them to higher standards compared to humans?

There is a difference in how we trust AI systems compared to humans. Humans have a natural ability to establish trust with strangers, while AI systems need to earn our trust through validation, verification, and explainability. However, there is merit to the skepticism as AI systems can exhibit surprising failures and lack the introspection that humans possess. Striking the right balance between skepticism and trust is crucial for the responsible development and deployment of AI.

Q: What is the future of MOOCs and online education?

MOOCs have democratized access to education, allowing people around the world to learn from top institutions and experts. However, completion rates remain a challenge. Motivation plays a significant role, and finding ways to engage and motivate learners is crucial. Online education will continue to evolve, and the focus should shift from simply learning coding syntax to problem-solving, analysis, and modeling using data. Building a sense of community and providing both online and offline interactions will further enhance the effectiveness of online education.

Q: How do you determine if someone is a good programmer or problem solver during the hiring process?

The hiring process at Google, like other companies, aims to build diverse teams with a range of skills. Initially, the focus may have been on technical programming ability, but as the company has grown, hiring criteria have expanded. Different backgrounds and perspectives, such as biology, physics, or social sciences, are now sought after. The interview process evaluates problem-solving skills, design choices, and the ability to communicate and collaborate effectively.

Q: What are common errors you find in the code of junior developers?

One common issue is a lack of flexibility in design choices. It is essential to consider the future and potential use cases of code or API, making it easier for others to work with and build upon it. Documentation is important, but good design is even more crucial. The evaluation of code often comes down to how it feels and whether the choices made align with the problem and data being worked with. Being comfortable with uncertainty and not obsessing over every detail is also a valuable skill.

Q: What changes have you observed in your programming approach over the years?

One significant change is letting go of the obsession with efficiency and focusing on the total time it takes to complete a project. With advancements in computing power, many efficiency concerns have become less relevant. Emphasizing comprehensibility and ease of modification has become more important. Transitioning to a mindset that values simplicity and prioritizes the problem-solving aspect of programming has been a shift in Norvig's approach.

Q: What makes Lisp a beautiful and powerful language?

The simplicity of Lisp is its beauty, allowing the definition of the entire language in half a page. Lisp's power lies in its ability to define custom syntax and build languages tailored to specific problems and data. This blend of programming and language design allows for a better match between the problem and the code. However, Lisp's lack of mass adoption can be attributed to factors such as the parentheses syntax, limited scalability, and the need for skilled programmers to make good design choices.

Q: Why hasn't Lisp achieved mass adoption like other languages such as Python?

One reason is that Lisp was designed for smaller teams or individual programmers who focused on good design choices. The language's simplicity and flexibility can be challenging for larger projects and a wider range of developers. Additionally, the parentheses syntax has been a hurdle for many programmers, making the language appear more complex than it actually is. Lisp's adoption has also been limited by the growth of the industry and the need for scalable solutions beyond the scope of Lisp's design principles.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Norvig discusses the changes in technology from the first edition of "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" to the current fourth edition, including advancements in computing power and the rise of deep learning.

  • The latest edition focuses on the optimization of utility functions and the challenges of encoding human values into AI systems, as well as issues of fairness and bias in decision making.

  • Norvig also discusses the shift towards online education and the future of massive open online courses (MOOCs) and how programming has changed over the years.

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