Never Land In Spam Again: SMMA Cold Email Deliverability SOP | Summary and Q&A

August 23, 2021
Charlie Morgan
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Never Land In Spam Again: SMMA Cold Email Deliverability SOP


This video provides a comprehensive resource on email deliverability, offering guidance and strategies to improve email inbox placement and avoid spam filters.

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Key Insights

  • 💌 Email deliverability is crucial for successful organic outreach processes and can make or break cold email campaigns.
  • 💌 Proper account setup, emphasizing separation between warm and cold email accounts, and following good email practices are essential for good deliverability.
  • 🤗 Avoid using automation software, open rate trackers, and misleading email practices to enhance deliverability.
  • 👋 Consider using VPNs and managing virtual assistants effectively to maintain good deliverability.
  • 💌 The Deliverability Doctor resource offers a comprehensive checklist and strategies to diagnose and fix email deliverability issues.
  • 🤐 Regularly refreshing email accounts and IPs helps stay ahead of deliverability problems and ensures consistent inbox placement.
  • 💌 Taking deliverability as seriously as copywriting and sales can improve overall email marketing performance.


hey everyone it's charlie morgan here and welcome back to another video uh in today's video i'm going to be talking about email deliverability um which is not the most exciting topic in the world but it will make or break your organic outreach processes if you're using cold email um i've spent far too long studying human deliverability and i've pro... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Can using automation software affect email deliverability?

Yes, using automation software like lemlist, mailshake, or gmass can harm email deliverability. Internet service providers (ISPs) view emails sent from these software as cold emails and are more likely to send them to the spam folder.

Q: Is it necessary to have a separate warm email account?

Yes, creating a separate warm email account helps maintain good deliverability. Avoid sending cold emails from warm accounts and vice versa. This separation helps ISPs identify emails correctly and improves overall deliverability.

Q: How can I fix poor deliverability caused by a blacklisted IP address?

It is challenging to fix a blacklisted IP address. The best solution is to give it time to recover. In the meantime, consider using a VPN, like NordVPN, to send emails from a different IP address.

Q: How can I prevent email deliverability issues with virtual assistants?

If you are using virtual assistants (VAs) to send emails, ensure they have access to an IP address located in the same country as the email accounts being used. Regularly check for blacklisted IPs, and limit each VA to a maximum of five accounts, sending a maximum of 150 emails per day per IP.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video discusses the importance of email deliverability in organic outreach processes and offers a resource called "The Deliverability Doctor" to improve email deliverability.

  • The presenter emphasizes the need to separate warm and cold email accounts and provides a checklist to diagnose and fix email deliverability issues.

  • The use of automation software, open rate trackers, and certain email practices can negatively impact deliverability, while strategies like account warming and proper email signatures can enhance it.

  • The video also explores virtual private network (VPN) usage and provides instructions on managing virtual assistants for email sending.

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