Neurodivergence: A Relationship Superpower | Mariah & Byron Edgington | TEDxMilton HS | Summary and Q&A

August 4, 2023
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Neurodivergence: A Relationship Superpower | Mariah & Byron Edgington | TEDxMilton HS


Learn how embracing neurodivergence and using tools like positive affirmations and open conversations can improve confidence and relationships.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ₯Ί Believing in one's abilities and embracing neurodivergence can lead to confidence and success.
  • ❓ Recognizing and valuing differences in relationships is crucial for growth and harmony.
  • 🀳 Practical tools such as positive affirmations and active listening can enhance self-acceptance and understanding.
  • πŸ€‘ Embracing neurodivergence can positively impact not only individuals but also their loved ones.
  • πŸƒ The "I am" exercise is a powerful tool for changing mindset and building confidence.
  • πŸ€— Open conversations and acceptance of differences contribute to stronger and more vibrant relationships.
  • 🀳 Teaching and empowering neurodivergent individuals can enhance their confidence and self-worth.


I stared at that pilot imagining I was him a few years later I was in that cockpit and throughout my long Aviation career as a helicopter pilot I was absolutely confident in my ability just like that pilot was when I stepped out of the air medical helicopter to transport a critical patient despite being a highly trained ER ICU flight nurse my harsh... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the author describe their journey as a neurodivergent individual in the aviation industry?

The author shares how they initially struggled with self-doubt but eventually gained confidence in their abilities as a helicopter pilot. They highlight the importance of believing in oneself despite societal standards.

Q: How can embracing neurodivergence benefit relationships?

Embracing neurodivergence allows individuals to understand and appreciate each other's differences. This acceptance and validation contribute to stronger and more vibrant relationships.

Q: What is the "I am" exercise, and how does it help in building confidence?

The "I am" exercise involves using positive affirmations to replace negative self-talk. By consistently telling oneself positive words, individuals can transform their mindset and build confidence.

Q: How can active listening and open conversations contribute to embracing differences?

By actively listening to what is not being said and having open conversations with ourselves and our loved ones, we can gain awareness and acceptance of our differences. This leads to embracing and celebrating individuality.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The author shares their personal experience as a neurodivergent individual in the aviation industry, highlighting the impact of self-belief and confidence.

  • They discuss the concept of neurodivergence and the importance of understanding and embracing differences in relationships.

  • The author recommends practical tools such as the "I am" exercise and active listening to enhance self-acceptance and build strong relationships.

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