Disability Diversity: Redefining the Meaning of Success | Barbara Tantillo | TEDxGCSOM | Summary and Q&A

September 25, 2023
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Disability Diversity: Redefining the Meaning of Success | Barbara Tantillo | TEDxGCSOM


Diversity training is important for creating positive work environments. Success should be redefined to include individuals with disabilities.

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Key Insights

  • 💦 Diversity training in the workplace promotes positive work environments and effective communication.
  • ⛔ Success should not be limited to material possessions or physical abilities.
  • ❓ Examples of successful individuals with disabilities challenge societal stereotypes.
  • 👨‍⚖️ Embracing diversity and disability enhances inclusion, equity, and social justice.
  • 💱 Personal stories and shared experiences can change perceptions and shift the narrative on success.
  • 😤 Every individual has a unique story, struggles, and triumphs that contribute to collective success.
  • 🥺 Working together and listening to one another leads to societal success.


foreign I believe every one of us today have had to complete some sort of training around diversity and the Seven main types culture religion agent sex race sexual orientation gender and disability there's a Penn State article around diversity training in the workplace that states diversity training is really important that it helps each one of us ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does diversity training benefit workplaces?

Diversity training allows employees to better understand and relate to their co-workers, leading to improved communication, strategic work, and positive environments.

Q: How does society define success?

Society often defines success by material possessions and tangible achievements, creating a narrow perspective that excludes individuals with disabilities.

Q: Can individuals with disabilities achieve success?

Yes, individuals with disabilities can achieve success in various fields, as shown by examples like Stephen Hawking and John Fetterman, who made significant contributions despite their challenges.

Q: How can we change the narrative on success?

We can change the narrative by recognizing and celebrating the diverse forms of success, including those achieved by individuals with disabilities. Sharing personal stories and experiences can help shift societal perceptions.


This video discusses the importance of diversity training in the workplace and focuses on diversity and disability. It challenges the traditional definition of success and highlights the achievements of individuals with disabilities who have made significant contributions to society. The speaker also shares her personal experience of overcoming a traumatic brain injury to achieve success in her career.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is diversity training important in the workplace?

Diversity training is important because it helps individuals relate to their co-workers, improves communication, and creates more positive work environments. It covers various aspects of diversity, including culture, religion, age, sex, race, sexual orientation, gender, and disability.

Q: How does society define success?

Society often defines success based on material possessions and wealth. The traditional picture of success typically includes an able-bodied individual who is healthy and has not faced significant physical or mental challenges.

Q: Who is Stephen Hawking and what challenges did he face?

Stephen Hawking was a theoretical physicist who made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe. He developed ALS, an incurable neuromuscular disorder, in his early twenties. Despite his disability, he continued his scientific work, held prestigious positions, and lived for over 50 years with the disease.

Q: How did John Fetterman overcome his challenges?

John Fetterman, the former mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania, and lieutenant governor, suffered an ischemic stroke and had symptoms of an auditory processing disorder. He required support, such as captioning and teleprompters, for live presentations. Despite these challenges, he continued with his political career and remained determined to run for the U.S Senate.

Q: What is the definition of diversity?

The Oxford Dictionary defines diversity as the existence of variety. It encompasses differences in various aspects, including disability, and highlights the importance of recognizing and embracing a range of experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds.

Q: Is disability an example of diversity?

Yes, disability is an example of diversity. It represents a unique set of experiences and challenges that contribute to the variety of human experiences. The examples of Stephen Hawking, John Fetterman, and the speaker's own experience demonstrate that individuals with disabilities can achieve success and contribute to society.

Q: What challenges did the speaker face after her accident?

The speaker was involved in a motor vehicle accident that resulted in multiple chronic subdural hematomas and a traumatic brain injury. She underwent a craniotomy to address the bleeding. Subsequently, she experienced cognitive difficulties, including difficulty with simple tasks and questions, which led her to question her ability to succeed.

Q: How has the speaker overcome her challenges?

Despite her disabilities, the speaker currently holds a global leadership position in the pharmaceutical industry and travels internationally for work. Although she still faces challenges, she has managed to succeed and build a successful career. Her story serves as an example of resilience and determination.

Q: How can we change the narrative around the picture of success?

To change the narrative, we can start by looking for examples of success in our own society. By recognizing and highlighting the achievements of individuals with disabilities, we can shift the default picture of success from able-bodied individuals to a broader representation of diverse individuals. Sharing stories and lessons learned from overcoming challenges can help inspire and educate others.

Q: Why is diversity important beyond inclusion and justice?

Diversity is important because each individual has a unique story to tell, with struggles, obstacles, and wins. By embracing diversity and actively listening to each other's stories, we can collectively contribute to the success of society as a whole. Diversity brings varied perspectives, ideas, and experiences, leading to innovation and progress.


The video emphasizes the importance of diversity training and challenges the traditional definition of success based on material possessions. It encourages us to shift our perception of success from able-bodied individuals to a diverse range of individuals with various challenges and achievements. By recognizing and sharing stories of resilience and success, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society. Working together and embracing diversity ultimately leads to success for all.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Diversity training in the workplace is crucial for fostering positive environments and effective communication among co-workers.

  • The societal perception of success tends to default to able-bodied individuals, hindering the representation of people with disabilities.

  • Examples like Stephen Hawking and John Fetterman show that success can be achieved despite physical or mental challenges.

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