How Empathy Unlocked My Life | Anjani Mahabashya | TEDxGCSOM | Summary and Q&A

September 25, 2023
TEDx Talks
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How Empathy Unlocked My Life | Anjani Mahabashya | TEDxGCSOM

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In this video, the speaker shares personal stories and experiences to illustrate the power of empathy in changing lives for the better. From overcoming fear and pursuing dreams to finding self-acceptance and supporting others, empathy plays a crucial role in fostering emotional connections, making a difference in the world, and creating inclusive societies.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the speaker's childhood experience with a blind man change their perspective on fear and empathy?

The speaker initially had a fear of needles at the dentist, which stemmed from a traumatic experience as a child. However, when their father gave money and food to a blind man, the kindness and empathy shown by the man shifted the speaker's focus from their own fear to finding ways to help others.

Q: How does empathy benefit children?

Empathy helps children regulate their emotions and connect emotionally with others. It allows them to understand and share the feelings of others, fostering compassion, and forming deeper relationships.

Q: How did a financial setback impact the speaker's pursuit of becoming a doctor?

After the passing of their father, the speaker faced financial difficulties while trying to secure a residency spot in the United States. They were left with little money but chose to let a group of junior doctors use their remaining funds for a good cause, ultimately helping blind and orphaned children in India receive education opportunities.

Q: How does empathy change lives for the better?

Empathy helps individuals connect with one another, find purpose in their struggles, and make a positive difference in the world. It enables us to understand and support each other, promoting kindness, compassion, and a sense of belonging.

Q: How did the speaker's accident and subsequent challenges impact their self-perception?

The speaker had a fall and injured both their legs, which led to a loss of independence and their job. Struggling with feelings of helplessness, they eventually realized the importance of self-compassion and acceptance. By embracing their situation and buying new clothes that fit their changing body, they began to view themselves as deserving of love and compassion.

Q: How does empathy benefit leaders?

Empathy allows leaders to recognize the worth and potential of individuals, even those with little experience or disabilities. It fosters inclusivity, innovation, and loyalty by demonstrating a commitment to diversity and supporting the growth and success of their team members.

Q: How did empathy lead to a positive outcome for the speaker in a new job role?

Despite their lack of experience and disabilities, the speaker's boss showed empathy and offered them a new job role within the organization. This act of kindness inspired the speaker to give their utmost dedication and passion, leading to exceptional performance and proving that empathy can unlock the potential of individuals.

Q: How did the speaker's encounter with a non-profit organization change their life?

The speaker encountered a non-profit organization teaching technology to senior citizens in their community. Through their involvement, they met a lonely senior named Susie and helped her connect with her grandson through video calls. This interaction and the subsequent ripple effect of seniors teaching technology created a sense of joy, connection, and purpose within the community.

Q: How does empathy change lives for the better within a community?

Acting with empathy benefits both the recipients and givers of empathy within a community. It promotes emotional and mental well-being, encourages positive interactions, and fosters a sense of belonging and interconnectedness. Empathy creates a chain reaction of positive impact across different age groups, genders, abilities, and even continents.

Q: How can individuals tackle the issue of declining empathy in the world?

Individuals can take small actions to promote empathy and overcome biases. By speaking to themselves with kindness and self-compassion, creating empathetic opportunities for children, empathizing with and supporting team members as a leader, and focusing on similarities rather than differences within a community, people can contribute to a more diverse, equitable, and empathetic world.


Empathy is a powerful force that can transform lives and bring about positive change. From fostering emotional connections and understanding to promoting inclusivity, empathy has the potential to create a more diverse and equitable world. By practicing empathy, individuals can overcome their own fears, support others, and celebrate the unique qualities that make each person special. Empathy, both as a feeling and an action, empowers individuals to make a difference and create a society where everyone is seen, heard, understood, and respected.

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