Why remote work is harder for minorities | Paméla Chin Foo | TEDxHECParis | Summary and Q&A

September 28, 2023
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Why remote work is harder for minorities | Paméla Chin Foo | TEDxHECParis


The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the need to reevaluate how diversity and inclusion are approached in the workplace, particularly for minority professionals working from home.

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Key Insights

  • 🪡 The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need to rethink diversity and inclusion strategies in the workplace.
  • 💦 Remote work experiences varied greatly for minority professionals, depending on their ability to participate in rituals of informality.
  • 💦 Monitoring employees during remote work may hinder trust-building and autonomy.
  • 😤 Fostering team spirit and culture is more important than solely focusing on productivity in the hybrid workplace.
  • 😑 Minority professionals who cannot express themselves fully at work may face burnout and mental health challenges.
  • 🪛 Leaders must drive cultural transformation and create inclusive environments for informal interactions.
  • 👾 Individuals have the power to initiate meaningful conversations and provide a safe space for others.


why were you in March 2020 do you remember on March 11 2020 the World Health Organization declared the start of the covid-19 pandemic within days governments across the world announced a state of health emergency we mandatory lockdown which meant working and studying from home for many people as a senior consultant helping large organizations plan ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact remote work for minority professionals?

The pandemic highlighted the disparities in remote work experiences for minority professionals, with some able to express themselves fully while others faced challenges due to secrecy or discomfort with informal interactions.

Q: Why is monitoring employees during remote work a concern?

Monitoring can lead to additional stress for individuals who are not out at work or who find informal interactions detrimental to their mental health. It may also hinder trust-building and autonomy within teams.

Q: How can leaders promote diversity and inclusion in the hybrid workplace?

Leaders must prioritize cultural transformation, create safe and inclusive environments for informal interactions, and ensure that abusive behavior is not tolerated within teams.

Q: How can individuals contribute to creating a more inclusive work environment?

Individuals can initiate meaningful conversations, suspend judgment, and provide a safe space for others to share their experiences. By doing so, they can contribute to changing the world, even in small ways.


The speaker discusses their experience working as a consultant helping organizations transition to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. They realized that the existing solutions for remote work were primarily designed for a specific demographic, and minority professionals had different experiences working from home. The speaker emphasizes the importance of inclusive rituals of informality in the workplace and how organizations need to prioritize diversity and inclusion in order to create a more equitable and supportive hybrid work environment.

Questions & Answers

Q: What were the challenges faced by minority professionals working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Minority professionals faced unique challenges while working from home. For some, like Henry, who felt comfortable expressing their full selves, the experience was relatively positive. However, others, like Marco, who kept their sexual orientation a secret, faced immense stress and even had to move houses to avoid accidentally revealing their personal lives during video calls. Similarly, Lucia, a black woman, grew tired of the ignorant prejudice she faced and found relief in working from home, but it ultimately led to her being excluded from new work opportunities.

Q: How does the concept of rituals of informality relate to diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

Rituals of informality are informal interactions that occur in the workplace, such as chatting at the coffee machine or discussing personal aspects of life. These moments can create a personal touch to work interactions and foster collaborations. However, for minority individuals who don't align with the mainstream norms, these rituals can feel like minefields and exacerbate feelings of exclusion and discrimination. If these informal conversations perpetuate racist, sexist, homophobic, or derogatory behaviors, any claims of equity or inclusivity in an organization become empty. Therefore, cultural inclusivity and diversity need to be addressed and prioritized within these rituals of informality.

Q: How has remote work and the COVID-19 pandemic affected team dynamics and culture in organizations?

A recent survey found that more companies are monitoring their employees while they work from home to maintain productivity and encourage them to return to the office. However, it has been shown that given the right resources, people can be more productive when working from home. Therefore, the desire for employees to return to the office is likely driven by a desire for team spirit and culture rather than productivity. In this context, individuals like Henry, who fully embraced working from home without feeling excluded, may be more willing to return to the office and build relationships with colleagues. On the other hand, individuals like Marco, who have concealed aspects of their personal lives, may face additional stress if they are pressured to return to the office. The speaker argues that organizations need to prioritize diverse inclusion to avoid causing increased stress and burden on minority professionals.

Q: How should leaders and managers approach diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

As leaders, it is crucial to think carefully about the type of diversity an organization wants and how to drive cultural transformation to ensure everyone can express themselves and thrive. Leaders can make sure that rituals of informality within teams are safe spaces where everyone feels heard, and abusive behavior is not tolerated. By setting these mechanisms, organizations can create an environment that fosters inclusion and trust at every level, including leadership positions. Managers can play a vital role in creating an inclusive environment by facilitating meaningful conversations and providing a safe space for employees to engage and connect. Individuals can also contribute by reaching out to colleagues who may feel excluded and engaging in meaningful conversations without judgment.

Q: How can individuals contribute to creating an inclusive and supportive workplace?

Individuals have the power to create new bubbles of informality in the workplace that go beyond small talk and facilitate more meaningful conversations. By suspending judgment and actively listening, individuals can provide a safe space for others to feel involved, seen, and heard. The speaker encourages everyone to engage in safe, honest, and meaningful conversations with coworkers who may be keeping quiet about themselves or facing exclusion. These conversations can help establish equality and understanding, ultimately contributing to changing the world one conversation at a time.


The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the importance of prioritizing diversity and inclusion in the workplace, particularly during remote work. Minority professionals face unique challenges in remote work environments, and organizations must rewire their approach to diversity and inclusion. Inclusive rituals of informality are critical in creating a supportive and equitable workplace, and leaders and managers play a vital role in creating an environment where everyone feels safe, heard, and included. Individuals can also make a difference by engaging in meaningful conversations and suspending judgment, ultimately contributing to creating a more inclusive world.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic led to mandatory lockdowns and remote work for many people.

  • The experience of minority professionals working from home differed based on their ability to express themselves and participate in rituals of informality.

  • Monitoring employees working from home has increased during the pandemic, but the focus should be on fostering team spirit and culture rather than just productivity.

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