Michael Malice: Totalitarianism and Anarchy | Lex Fridman Podcast #200 | Summary and Q&A

July 15, 2021
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Michael Malice: Totalitarianism and Anarchy | Lex Fridman Podcast #200


Michael Malus and the host engage in a conversation about Animal Farm, totalitarianism, and heroism, touching on the book's themes and the role of left-wing voices in fighting against totalitarianism.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Animal Farm is an allegory for the Russian Revolution but can also be interpreted as a critique of other totalitarian regimes, such as those led by Mussolini and Hitler.
  • 😘 Left-wing voices, including Emma Goldman, Albert Camus, and George Orwell, have been at the forefront of fighting against totalitarianism, and their courage should be recognized and appreciated.
  • 😀 Heroism involves doing the right thing, even when faced with consequences, and living a life based on conscience and integrity.


the following is a conversation between me and michael malus michael is an author anarchist and simpleton and i'm proud to call him my friend he makes me smile he makes me think and he makes me wonder why i sound so sleepy all the time and now enjoy this conversation with michael malus in the dupagolova language that i'm increasingly certain i'll n... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Animal Farm serve as an allegory for the Russian Revolution?

Animal Farm portrays the overthrow of humans by animals and the subsequent corruption of power, paralleling the Soviet Union's revolution and the rise of totalitarianism.

Q: What was the nature of opposition to totalitarianism in historical figures like Emma Goldman, Albert Camus, and George Orwell?

Emma Goldman opposed the Soviet Union's oppressive regime and believed in individual freedom and free speech. Albert Camus fought against totalitarianism by joining the Communist Party to combat fascism. George Orwell used his writings to expose the horrors of totalitarian states.

Q: Is heroism synonymous with freedom and the value of freedom?

Heroism can be defined as doing the right thing, even when faced with consequences, and championing values like freedom. It is about standing up for justice and not being on the side of oppressors.

Q: What is the heroic action in the face of totalitarianism and oppression?

Heroism in this context involves acts of defiance, standing up for one's values, and seeking justice, even in the face of extreme danger. It is about maintaining integrity and working towards a better society, even when it seems impossible.

Q: How does Animal Farm serve as an allegory for the Russian Revolution?

Animal Farm portrays the overthrow of humans by animals and the subsequent corruption of power, paralleling the Soviet Union's revolution and the rise of totalitarianism.

More Insights

  • Animal Farm is an allegory for the Russian Revolution but can also be interpreted as a critique of other totalitarian regimes, such as those led by Mussolini and Hitler.

  • Left-wing voices, including Emma Goldman, Albert Camus, and George Orwell, have been at the forefront of fighting against totalitarianism, and their courage should be recognized and appreciated.

  • Heroism involves doing the right thing, even when faced with consequences, and living a life based on conscience and integrity.

  • The nature of heroism is complex and varies from individual to individual, but there is a common thread of standing up for justice and working towards a better society.


In this conversation, Michael Malice discusses various topics including the book "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, totalitarianism, heroism, existentialism, war, and North Korea. He also touches on the experiences of his ancestors during World War II and the impact of human suffering on finding happiness.

Questions & Answers

Q: If we lived on the farm in "Animal Farm", which animal would you most rather be and why?

I would choose to be one of the pigs, particularly the leader, Napoleon, because it is better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. While the book is an allegory of the Russian Revolution, it can be seen as a critique of all totalitarian dictatorships.

Q: What is the nature of Emma Goldman, Albert Camus, and George Orwell's opposition to totalitarianism?

Emma Goldman, an early anarchist figure, went to the Soviet Union and expressed horror at the lack of individual freedom and free speech. Albert Camus, an absurdist philosopher, joined the Communist Party to fight against the fascists but emphasized the importance of thinking people not being on the side of executioners. George Orwell, through his fiction, demonstrated the horrors of totalitarian states and defended democratic socialism against totalitarianism.

Q: What is the definition of heroism?

Heroism can be defined as doing the right thing, regardless of the consequences, even if it means going against the societal norms or risking one's own life. It involves standing up for principles of justice, freedom, and human life.

Q: How does absurdism relate to existentialism and anarchism?

Absurdism, as a response to nihilism, challenges the meaninglessness of life by emphasizing the opportunity for individual freedom and choice. Existentialism, on the other hand, focuses on the value of freedom. Anarchism, aligned with existentialism, promotes a society without rulers or authority, allowing individuals to live based on their conscience and values.

Q: What is the significance of war and the realization that life can change drastically in an instant?

The experience of war, such as the surprise invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II, shows that life can drastically change in a moment. It forces individuals to confront the possibility of death, starvation, and loss of freedom. This realization highlights the importance of cherishing and appreciating the present moment.

Q: How does the history of suffering in one's ancestry impact the experience of happiness?

The history of suffering in one's ancestry adds depth and meaning to the experience of happiness. It serves as a reminder of the resilience and strength of previous generations and emphasizes the responsibility to honor their struggles by living a life of gratitude and purpose.

Q: What is the responsibility of those who have dodged bullets in terms of the suffering of others?

Those who have been fortunate enough to escape personal suffering and hardship have a responsibility to bear witness to the experiences of others who have not been as lucky. They can give testimony on behalf of those who are voiceless and advocate for positive change in the world.

Q: How can individuals provide testimony and make a positive impact on the lives of others?

Testimony can be provided through various means such as writing, speaking, or sharing personal experiences. By raising awareness and offering a different perspective, individuals can contribute to a greater understanding of the struggles and challenges faced by marginalized communities. Through small acts of kindness and compassion, individuals can also make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Q: How does the story of World War II in the Soviet Union and North Korea demonstrate the full range of human nature?

The stories of World War II and the current situation in North Korea show the extremes of human nature. Humans are capable of both incredible kindness and empathy as well as monstrous cruelty. The existence of such a wide range of behaviors is inherent to being an animal, and it is important to recognize and understand this complexity.

Q: What is the takeaway about human nature from looking at North Korea and the world's perception of North Korea?

The variation in human behavior exists on a spectrum, ranging from acts of kindness to acts of extreme cruelty. It is crucial to acknowledge and confront this reality in order to challenge negative perceptions and stereotypes. By understanding and empathizing with others, it is possible to foster positive change and promote a more compassionate and inclusive world.


Reflecting on the topics of the conversation, it is evident that human nature encompasses a wide spectrum of behaviors, from acts of great kindness and empathy to extreme cruelty. It is important to recognize and understand this complexity in order to challenge negative perceptions and stereotypes. By being aware of the suffering endured by previous generations and the struggles faced by those in the present, individuals have a responsibility to bear witness, provide testimony, and make a positive impact on the lives of others. Through acts of kindness, compassion, and speaking up for justice, individuals can foster a greater understanding of human nature and promote a more compassionate world.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Michael Malus shares his love for Animal Farm and describes it as an allegory for the Soviet Union and the Russian Revolution of 1917, where animals overthrow humans but become worse than humans themselves.

  • They discuss which animal they would rather be in the book and highlight the broader message of the novel, which criticizes totalitarian dictatorships, including those of Mussolini and Hitler.

  • They mention the importance of left-wing voices, like Emma Goldman, Albert Camus, and George Orwell, in fighting against totalitarianism and the courage it takes to challenge ideologies from within.

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