Annaka Harris: Free Will, Consciousness, and the Nature of Reality | Lex Fridman Podcast #326 | Summary and Q&A

October 5, 2022
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Annaka Harris: Free Will, Consciousness, and the Nature of Reality | Lex Fridman Podcast #326


Consciousness and the feeling of free will are largely illusions, with consciousness potentially being a fundamental aspect of reality.

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Key Insights

  • 🤳 Conscious will is an illusion, with the feeling of a separate self driving behavior being largely a product of brain processing.
  • 🤝 Shaking up intuitions about Consciousness is necessary for progress in the field, as breakthroughs in understanding often require challenging and updating our intuitions.
  • 😥 Consciousness studies are at a turning point, with more scientists becoming interested in the nature of Consciousness and the illusions surrounding it.
  • 🥶 The distinction between free will as a decision-making process and conscious will as a feeling of self is important for understanding the illusion of free will.
  • 👨‍🔬 Consciousness may be a fundamental aspect of reality, but more research is needed to explore its nature and role in the universe.
  • 🉐 Our intuitions about Consciousness can be misleading and may prevent us from gaining a deeper understanding of its true nature.


when we use the term free will we're talking about this feeling that Consciousness that that we have a self that this there's this concrete thing that's separate from brain processing that somehow swoops in and is the the cause of our decision or the cause of our next action and that is in large part if not in its entirety and illusion the followin... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Is free will an illusion?

Yes, the feeling of free will is largely an illusion. While the brain is capable of complex decision-making processes, the conscious experience of feeling like Consciousness drives behavior is often an illusion.

Q: Can Consciousness and decision-making be separated?

Yes, it is important to distinguish between the decision-making process, which can be referred to as free will, and the feeling of conscious will, which is the illusion of a separate self driving behavior.

Q: Can our intuitions about Consciousness be misleading?

Yes, our intuitions about Consciousness often lead to misconceptions and false beliefs. Challenging these intuitions is crucial for gaining a deeper understanding of Consciousness and reality.

Q: Is Consciousness a fundamental aspect of the universe?

It is a possibility that Consciousness is a fundamental property of reality, but more research and exploration is needed to fully understand its nature and implications.

Q: Is free will an illusion?

Yes, the feeling of free will is largely an illusion. While the brain is capable of complex decision-making processes, the conscious experience of feeling like Consciousness drives behavior is often an illusion.

More Insights

  • Conscious will is an illusion, with the feeling of a separate self driving behavior being largely a product of brain processing.

  • Shaking up intuitions about Consciousness is necessary for progress in the field, as breakthroughs in understanding often require challenging and updating our intuitions.

  • Consciousness studies are at a turning point, with more scientists becoming interested in the nature of Consciousness and the illusions surrounding it.

  • The distinction between free will as a decision-making process and conscious will as a feeling of self is important for understanding the illusion of free will.

  • Consciousness may be a fundamental aspect of reality, but more research is needed to explore its nature and role in the universe.

  • Our intuitions about Consciousness can be misleading and may prevent us from gaining a deeper understanding of its true nature.

  • Studying Consciousness requires a multidisciplinary approach, combining neuroscience, physics, and philosophy to unravel its mysteries.


In this conversation, Annika Harris, the author of "Conscious: A Brief Guide to the Fundamental Mystery of the Mind," discusses the illusion of free will and the role of consciousness in decision-making. She distinguishes between free will as a decision-making process in nature and our conscious experience of feeling like consciousness is driving our behavior. Annika explores the importance of shaking up intuitions in scientific advancement and discusses the difficulty of discussing complex topics like consciousness and free will on platforms like Twitter. She also mentions her ongoing project, an audio documentary about consciousness, where she interviews physicists to understand the fundamental nature of reality and the implications for consciousness.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Annika Harris describe the illusion of free will and the role of consciousness?

Annika Harris explains that the feeling of free will, where consciousness swoops in and drives our behavior, is largely an illusion. She distinguishes between free will as a decision-making process in nature and the conscious experience of feeling like consciousness is driving our actions.

Q: How does Annika distinguish between free will and conscious will?

Annika Harris makes a distinction between free will as a decision-making process in nature and conscious will as the feeling that consciousness is separate from brain processing and drives our behavior. She explains that conscious will is an illusion, while free will is a shorthand for a natural decision-making process.

Q: What is the distinction between voluntary and involuntary behavior?

Annika Harris explains that there is a distinction between voluntary and involuntary behavior. Voluntary behavior is self-generated and based on conscious thought and decision-making, whereas involuntary behavior involves reflexes or external forces influencing our actions.

Q: How does Annika explain the relationship between genetics, brain processes, and decision-making?

Annika discusses the complex relationship between genetics, brain processes, and decision-making. She explains that genes play a role in the development of the brain, which is responsible for decision-making. However, the brain is influenced by countless factors, making decisions based on a combination of inputs and processing.

Q: How does Annika describe the impact of intuitions on scientific advancement?

Annika emphasizes the importance of shaking up intuitions in scientific advancement. She explains that throughout history, significant breakthroughs have often required a shift in intuitions and a reevaluation of our understanding of the world. Challenging intuitions helps us gain a deeper understanding of reality.

Q: What is the role of language and cultural beliefs in shaping our intuitions?

Annika acknowledges that language and cultural beliefs play a role in shaping our intuitions. Different cultures may have different ways of talking about the self and consciousness, influencing their beliefs and intuitions. She suggests that language can affect how we think about and understand concepts like free will and consciousness.

Q: How does Annika use the example of plants to explain the illusion of conscious will?

Annika uses the example of plant behavior, specifically the growth patterns of a P tendril, to explain the illusion of conscious will. While a human may interpret the tendril's behavior as a conscious decision or want, Annika explains that it is part of the plant's natural growth and response to stimuli. The feeling of conscious will arises from our own perception rather than the reality of the plant's experience.

Q: How does Annika link the experience of self to memory?

Annika explains that the experience of self is tied to memory. Even if someone with amnesia loses their autobiographical self and memories of their past, they still retain a basic sense of being an individual. Memory allows us to create a sense of self as a continuous entity through time.

Q: How does Annika view the relationship between neuroscience and the study of consciousness?

Annika believes that neuroscience is crucial to understanding consciousness but sees physics as the field that can answer questions about the fundamental nature of reality and its connection to consciousness. She highlights the need for strong collaboration between neuroscience and physics in the study of consciousness.

Q: How does Annika explain the connection between memory, time, and consciousness?

Annika sees memory as interconnected with time and consciousness. Memory allows us to perceive ourselves as a continuous entity moving through time. She is particularly interested in exploring the relationship between memory, time, and consciousness in her project and how theories from quantum mechanics and physics could inform our understanding.


Annika Harris's conversation highlights the illusion of free will and the role of consciousness in decision-making. While there is a distinction between free will as a natural decision-making process and the feeling of conscious will, she emphasizes that conscious will is largely an illusion. Annika explores the importance of challenging intuitions in scientific advancement and discusses her ongoing project, an audio documentary about consciousness, where she interviews physicists to understand the fundamental nature of reality and its implications for consciousness. The relationship between memory, time, and consciousness is also a topic of interest for Annika, and she looks at potential connections between neuroscience and physics in the study of consciousness.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Consciousness is often associated with the feeling of free will, but evidence suggests that conscious will is an illusion and that decision-making is a natural process of the brain.

  • The distinction between free will as a decision-making process and conscious will as the feeling of a self separate from brain processing is important to understanding the illusion of free will.

  • Shaking up intuitions about Consciousness is crucial for scientific advancement, as history has shown that breakthroughs require challenging and updating our intuitions.

  • Scientists are starting to study Consciousness more seriously, but there are still more questions than answers. Exploring the illusions and false intuitions of Consciousness is necessary for progress in the field.

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