Pieter Abbeel: Deep Reinforcement Learning | Lex Fridman Podcast #10 | Summary and Q&A

December 16, 2018
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Pieter Abbeel: Deep Reinforcement Learning | Lex Fridman Podcast #10


AI researcher Peter Beal discusses the challenges of creating robots that can beat humans at sports, the impressive capabilities of Boston Dynamics robots, the psychology of interacting with robots, and the potential for AI to learn through self-play and imitation.

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Key Insights

  • 🎾 Hardware limitations still present a challenge in creating robots that can match human abilities in sports such as tennis.
  • 🤖 Boston Dynamics robots demonstrate impressive physical capabilities and are constantly improving.
  • 🤖 Interaction with robots can evoke a sense of connection and psychological response in humans.
  • 💨 Self-play and imitation learning show promise for faster learning and generalization in AI systems.
  • 👨‍🔬 The interplay between math and empirical trial and error is crucial in advancing AI research.
  • 🧠 The modularity and hierarchy of the human brain could provide insights for AI systems.
  • 🦺 The challenge of AI safety encompasses both physical safety and ethical considerations.


the following is a conversation with Petera Beal he's a professor UC Berkeley and the director of the Berkeley robotics learning lab he's one of the top researchers in the world working on how we make robots understand and interact with the world around them especially using imitation and deeper enforcement learning this conversation is part of the... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: When will we have a robot that can beat Roger Federer at tennis?

Beal suggests that while the software aspect may be achievable in the next 10-15 years, the hardware limitations of human-level agility and precision still need to be overcome.

Q: How difficult is it for a robot to swing a racket and hit a backhand or forehand?

Beal believes that with a stationary robot arm and reinforcement learning techniques, it would be feasible for a robot to learn how to swing a racket with precision, although trial and error would be required for refinement.

Q: What is the most impressive thing you've seen a robot do in the physical world?

Beal mentions the videos of Boston Dynamics robots, particularly their ability to run up stairs and perform parkour-like movements.

Q: Do you think psychology can be incorporated into reinforcement learning for robots interacting in the physical world?

Beal suggests that reinforcement learning systems could be optimized for qualities such as being fun to be around, leading to more interactive and human-like behaviors in robots.

Q: When will we have a robot that can beat Roger Federer at tennis?

Beal suggests that while the software aspect may be achievable in the next 10-15 years, the hardware limitations of human-level agility and precision still need to be overcome.

More Insights

  • Hardware limitations still present a challenge in creating robots that can match human abilities in sports such as tennis.

  • Boston Dynamics robots demonstrate impressive physical capabilities and are constantly improving.

  • Interaction with robots can evoke a sense of connection and psychological response in humans.

  • Self-play and imitation learning show promise for faster learning and generalization in AI systems.

  • The interplay between math and empirical trial and error is crucial in advancing AI research.

  • The modularity and hierarchy of the human brain could provide insights for AI systems.

  • The challenge of AI safety encompasses both physical safety and ethical considerations.

  • Kindness and affection may be attainable qualities for AI systems through reinforcement learning and interactions with humans.


In this conversation, Lex Friedman talks with Peter Beal about the field of robotics and the challenges of making robots understand and interact with the world around them. They discuss the possibility of creating a robot that can beat Roger Federer at tennis, the impressive capabilities of robots like Boston Dynamics' robot, Spot Mini, and the psychology of interacting with robots. They also delve into topics such as reinforcement learning, the power of simulation in training robots, the future of AI, and AI safety.

Questions & Answers

Q: When do you think we will have a robot that can fully autonomously beat Roger Federer at tennis?

It's an interesting question because, for AI challenges, the missing piece is usually the software. However, for something like beating Roger Federer at tennis, the hardware is also a significant challenge. While Boston Dynamics robots are making progress, they still lack human-level abilities to run around and swing a racket. I believe it's both a hardware and software problem, and we might see significant progress in the hardware in the next 10-15 years. However, the specific task of swinging a racket seems feasible, especially if we use reinforcement learning with trial and error.

Q: What is the most impressive thing you've seen a robot do in the physical world?

One of the most impressive things I've seen is the Boston Dynamics' robot videos. The robots running up stairs and doing parkour are incredibly impressive, even if there might be some hard coding involved. I had the chance to meet Spot Mini at an event, and it was fascinating to see it follow Jeff Bezos. There's a certain level of confidence in knowing that those robots are not programmed with any learning capabilities. The psychology of interacting with robots is also interesting, as even with a robot like Pepper, designed to moderate sessions with a child-like personality, it's hard not to feel like they have a sense of self.

Q: How do you think psychology can be incorporated in reinforcement learning and robot interaction?

Many people ask if robots can truly have emotions or interact with us like humans. Once you're around robots, you start to feel a sense of connection and interaction with them. It's hard to think of robots like Pepper or Berkeley robot as anything other than a person. For example, at an event, Pepper was scripted to have the personality of a child, and it was difficult not to think of it as its own person. It's essential to consider the psychology of interacting with robots, especially as they become more interactive and lifelike. Reinforcement learning can optimize the robot's behavior to be more enjoyable and engaging, leading to a more human-like experience.

Q: How does reinforcement learning work with sparse rewards and delayed feedback?

Reinforcement learning with sparse rewards can be challenging because you need many experiences to learn from. The problem is that when you take actions, you might only receive a reward after a long sequence of actions, making it difficult to know which actions led to better or worse outcomes. However, through a lot of experiences, reinforcement learning can identify consistent patterns of actions that lead to higher rewards and update the policy accordingly. It's important to gather enough experiences to separate the actions that contribute to higher rewards from those that result in lower rewards. While reinforcement learning may require a significant number of samples, the policy update mechanism allows for gradually improving the performance based on the feedback received.

Q: How does reinforcement learning relate to the concept of intelligence?

Reinforcement learning is one aspect of intelligence that focuses on learning from interactions with the environment. It has been successful in many areas and can achieve impressive results. When we started exploring deep reinforcement learning at Berkeley, we found that rectified linear units and piecewise linear feedback control could yield powerful control systems. Deep learning provides the ability to process sensory inputs and understand the world, which complements reinforcement learning. Overall, reinforcement learning is an effective way to learn and make decisions in complex environments, and while it may require a significant number of samples, it leverages the power of feedback control.

Q: How do you think we can learn about the world when rewards are sparse and delayed?

Sparse and delayed rewards pose a challenge for learning about the world. In reinforcement learning, you might take a hundred actions before receiving a reward. However, with enough experiences, reinforcement learning algorithms can identify patterns and learn from the rewards received. The policy gradient update method involves updating the neural network to make actions that result in higher rewards more likely and actions that lead to lower rewards less likely. Through this iterative process, the system gradually learns what actions are better in terms of achieving the desired objective. While reinforcement learning might require a significant number of samples, it can effectively learn from sparse and delayed rewards.

Q: What are the limitations of reinforcement learning and deep learning in terms of generalization and transfer learning?

Reinforcement learning and deep learning have made significant progress in generalization and transfer learning. For example, deep learning models trained on ImageNet can be fine-tuned for new tasks, showcasing the power of transfer learning. However, when it comes to truly generalizing to new and unseen scenarios, there are still challenges. In particular, the ability to handle long-term credit assignment and hierarchical reasoning is crucial. The dynamics of the real world pose additional complexities that go beyond what current reinforcement learning algorithms can handle. While there have been some promising results in meta-learning and hierarchical reinforcement learning, achieving true generalization and transfer learning in complex real-world scenarios remains an ongoing research effort.

Q: How do you think we can achieve hierarchical reasoning and handle credit assignment in reinforcement learning and AI systems?

Achieving hierarchical reasoning and credit assignment in reinforcement learning and AI systems is a challenging task. One approach is to combine deep learning with more traditional approaches, creating a pipeline where deep learning processes the sensory inputs and generates representations that are then used by traditional dynamical systems for planning and decision-making. Another direction is to explore information-theoretic approaches, considering the use of high-level actions and latent variables to capture the essence of hierarchical reasoning. Additionally, meta-learning techniques show promise in learning hierarchical concepts and discovering the underlying structure of complex tasks. These approaches provide insights into how hierarchical reasoning and credit assignment can be addressed, but there is ongoing work to fully realize their potential in real-world scenarios.

Q: Do you think we will eventually discover a general theory of learning similar to E=mc2 for learning?

Discovering a general theory of learning is a fascinating pursuit, and there are several directions to explore. One possibility is that the brain's modularity can guide our understanding of learning systems. The brain exhibits modularity, where different parts can be rewired for other functions. Exploring this modularity and designing systems with similar modularity principles could lead to significant advancements in learning capabilities. This kind of pursuit can leverage the power of deep learning and explore how modularity can help systems grow and become more capable. While it's challenging to predict if and when we will have a general theory of learning, there is potential in further understanding the principles behind learning and leveraging modularity.

Q: Do you prefer math or empirical trial and error for understanding intelligence?

Both math and empirical trial and error play essential roles in understanding intelligence. Math allows us to formalize concepts and make progress in a systematic way. If we can find mathematical formulations for certain aspects of intelligence, it can significantly accelerate progress and leapfrog experimentation. However, in practice, empirical trial and error have played a significant role, especially when mathematical formalisms are not yet available. Experimentation allows us to gather insights, identify patterns, and gradually build up our understanding. There is a hope that math can provide a blueprint for intelligent systems, but for now, both math and empirical trial and error are necessary for progress.

Q: How do you approach AI safety as you develop robots operating in the physical world?

AI safety is an important consideration, especially for robots operating in the physical world. Safety concerns can arise from unintentional actions or the physical strength of the robots. Ensuring that robots are physically robust and do not cause harm is crucial. Testing robots extensively, both in simulation and through real-world trials, can help uncover potential safety risks and mitigate them. However, there is still a need for more comprehensive testing frameworks and standards to ensure the safety of autonomous systems. The challenge lies in creating representative tests for robots that can demonstrate their capabilities reliably and predict their behaviors in various scenarios.

Q: Do you think the space of policies for humans and AI is populated by kindness or exploitation?

The space of policies for humans and AI is complex, and it's hard to make a definitive statement about whether kindness or exploitation dominates. Humans have evolved to prefer getting along within their own tribes while being territorial and centric towards outsiders. This suggests that kindness towards others might not come intuitively. However, humans also have innate desires for things like pain avoidance, hunger satisfaction, and thirst quenching, which guide our learning and behaviors. Similarly, AI systems can be designed with different policy objectives, ranging from purely exploitative to incorporating elements of kindness. The optimization problem lies in finding the right trade-offs between different objectives, and this is an ongoing area of research.

Q: How do you think simulation can enhance the development of robotics and AI systems?

Simulation plays a crucial role in the development of robotics and AI systems. Simulators are becoming more powerful and can generate realistic environments for training and testing robots. They provide a safe and cost-effective way to train and evaluate algorithms before deploying them in the real world. Simulation allows for rapid iteration, experimentation, and fine-tuning of algorithms, significantly accelerating the development process. However, there are still challenges in creating simulations that are sufficiently representative of the real world. While simulations can be highly effective, the ultimate goal is to transfer the learned knowledge directly to the physical world without degradation in performance.

Q: Do you think the future of AI lies in self-play or learning from imitation?

Both self-play and learning from imitation have their strengths and can be promising directions for AI. Self-play, especially in the form of games, allows for natural learning from both success and failure, providing high-quality learning experiences. It can significantly accelerate the learning process compared to other forms of reinforcement learning. Learning from imitation, on the other hand, allows robots to learn directly from human demonstrations, which can be highly efficient and effective. Techniques like third-person learning enable robots to observe human actions and translate them into their own behaviors, opening up possibilities for faster learning. The future of AI may involve utilizing both self-play and imitation learning, depending on the specific task and domain.

Q: How do you think AI systems can be tested and verified for safety in complex real-world scenarios?

Testing and verifying the safety of AI systems in complex real-world scenarios is a challenging problem. Current approaches, such as driver's license tests, are limited in their ability to capture the full spectrum of capabilities and potential risks. Developing comprehensive and representative tests for AI systems is crucial to ensure their safe operation. The use of simulation can help in creating virtual environments for testing, providing a controlled and repeatable framework. Ensemble approaches, where AI systems are tested across multiple simulators that represent different aspects of the real world, can also enhance safety assessment. However, there is still a need for further research and development in defining standardized testing procedures and establishing safety guidelines for AI systems in real-world scenarios.


The development of robots and AI systems requires addressing hardware and software challenges, such as achieving human-level capabilities and understanding the psychology of human-robot interaction. Reinforcement learning and deep learning have shown impressive results in learning and decision-making tasks, but there are still limitations in terms of generalization and transfer learning. The interplay between math and empirical trial and error is essential for understanding intelligence. Simulation plays a crucial role in training and testing robots, enabling rapid iteration and experimentation. AI safety is a critical consideration, and comprehensive testing frameworks are necessary to ensure the safe operation of autonomous systems in the physical world. The future of AI may involve utilizing both self-play and learning from imitation to accelerate learning and robotic capabilities.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Peter Beal discusses the challenge of creating robots that can beat humans at sports, stating that while the software is important, hardware limitations still need to be overcome.

  • He highlights the impressive physical abilities of Boston Dynamics robots, such as running up stairs and doing parkour.

  • Beal explores the psychology of interacting with robots and the potential for AI systems to acquire human-like traits through reinforcement learning.

  • He discusses the possibilities of self-play and imitation learning, and how these approaches can lead to faster learning and greater generalization.

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