Michael Littman: Reinforcement Learning and the Future of AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #144 | Summary and Q&A

December 12, 2020
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Michael Littman: Reinforcement Learning and the Future of AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #144


Computer science professor Michael Littman discusses his research and teaching on machine learning, reinforcement learning, and artificial intelligence.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Littman believes that the development of superintelligence and its potential threat to humanity is less of an immediate concern than some may believe. He emphasizes the importance of learning through the process of developing sophisticated technology.
  • 🙈 He values the power of ideas and sees the potential for AI to benefit society while recognizing the need to navigate the challenges and ethical implications of social media and technology.
  • 👾 Littman has a strong interest in reinforcement learning and recalls the excitement surrounding breakthroughs such as the TD-Gammon algorithm, which demonstrated the ability of neural networks to learn and improve over time in games like backgammon.
  • 🧑‍🏭 He acknowledges the importance of the human factor in machine learning and the need for expert guidance and understanding to achieve optimal results.


the following is a conversation with michael littman a computer science professor at brown university doing research on and teaching machine learning reinforcement learning and artificial intelligence he enjoys being silly and lighthearted in conversation so this was definitely a fun one quick mention of each sponsor followed by some thoughts relat... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What sci-fi movie or book has had a profound impact on Littman philosophically?

Littman mentioned the movie "Robot and Frank" as a film that he found interesting and realistic in its portrayal of near-future robots.

Q: What are some ideas Littman has for potential solo podcast episodes?

Littman mentioned the possibility of using specific historical moments, movies, or books to drive conversations about related concepts, such as discussing AGI through films like "2001: A Space Odyssey" or "Ex Machina."

Q: How did Littman end up in a TurboTax commercial?

Littman was approached by an advertising team through a family friend and was selected to be featured in the commercial for his expertise in computer science.

Q: What are Littman's top three songs of all time?

Littman shared that his taste in music is constantly changing and influenced by what he has heard most recently, making it difficult to pick favorites.

Q: What sci-fi movie or book has had a profound impact on Littman philosophically?

Littman mentioned the movie "Robot and Frank" as a film that he found interesting and realistic in its portrayal of near-future robots.

More Insights

  • Littman believes that the development of superintelligence and its potential threat to humanity is less of an immediate concern than some may believe. He emphasizes the importance of learning through the process of developing sophisticated technology.

  • He values the power of ideas and sees the potential for AI to benefit society while recognizing the need to navigate the challenges and ethical implications of social media and technology.

  • Littman has a strong interest in reinforcement learning and recalls the excitement surrounding breakthroughs such as the TD-Gammon algorithm, which demonstrated the ability of neural networks to learn and improve over time in games like backgammon.

  • He acknowledges the importance of the human factor in machine learning and the need for expert guidance and understanding to achieve optimal results.

  • Littman sees technological advancements as opportunities for growth and learning, and he remains curious and open to exploring new ideas and perspectives.


In this conversation, Lex Friedman talks with Michael Littman, a computer science professor at Brown University, about various topics including sci-fi movies, music, his experiences in commercials, and his thoughts on artificial general intelligence (AGI) and social media. Littman shares his insights on AGI and the concerns surrounding its potential dangers, highlighting the importance of human involvement and our ability to learn and navigate the challenges posed by new technologies. He also discusses the impact of social media on society and the need for younger generations to find a balance between its benefits and potential harms.

Questions & Answers

Q: What sci-fi movie or book had a profound impact on your life?

Littman mentions the movie "Robot & Frank" as being particularly interesting because it explores a near-future scenario where robots are deployed as helpers in people's homes. He finds it plausible and inspiring, as it raises questions about the integration of technology into our daily lives and the potential benefits if done correctly.

Q: What are your thoughts on the anthropomorphization of robots?

Littman agrees that humans tend to project certain qualities onto robots, which can lead to a greater sense of intelligence and empathy towards them. He also notes that AI is making us more aware of our own strengths and weaknesses in terms of intelligence.

Q: What are your top three songs of all time?

Littman shares a story about his musical taste and his experience listening to the top 10 Billboard songs each week. He realizes that he likes what he's familiar with, and his favorite song changes depending on what he has heard most recently.

Q: How much production value goes into making your parody videos?

Littman explains that while most of his parody videos are done solely by himself, the most produced one involved a team from Georgia Tech and Udacity. He enjoys writing the lyrics, singing the songs, and creating visuals using PowerPoint for his videos.

Q: How did you end up in a TurboTax commercial?

Littman shares a humorous story about being approached to participate in a TurboTax ad. He was recommended by a family friend who worked in advertising and was asked to create a list of potential scientists for the ad. He included himself on the list as a joke but ended up being chosen for the commercial.

Q: Do you have any strong opinions on topics related to AI or machine learning?

Littman acknowledges that while he tries to see things from multiple perspectives, one topic he feels confident about is the existential threat of AGI. He believes that there are valid concerns but also highlights the importance of human involvement in the development and control of advanced AI systems.

Q: How has the field of reinforcement learning evolved over the years?

Littman reflects on his experience in the field of AI and reinforcement learning. He mentions that neural networks were just starting to gain traction when he was in college in the 80s. He also expresses his fascination with cognitive psychology and the integration of human intelligence with AI systems.

Q: What are your thoughts on the future of social media and its impact on society?

Littman acknowledges the potential benefits and harms of social media, emphasizing the need for younger generations to find a healthy balance. He believes that they are the ones who can navigate the challenges posed by social media and shape its future in a positive way.

Q: How do you see the human design in contrast to AI advancements?

Littman expresses his belief in the power of human design and our ability to overcome challenges through continuous learning and adaptation. He believes that humanity's flaws and imperfections have allowed us to dominate the planet and overcome obstacles throughout history.

Q: How do you view the potential dangers of AGI and social media in relation to human control?

Littman acknowledges the risks of AGI and the potential for social media algorithms to control human behavior. He believes that human involvement and a balance between technological advancements and human values are crucial in ensuring a positive outcome.

Q: How do you balance the positive and negative aspects of social media in your own life?

Littman shares insights from his daughter's experiences with social media, highlighting the importance of finding a balance and not letting oneself be consumed by it. He believes that young people can learn to navigate the challenges and ultimately shape the future of social media.


Littman's conversation with Lex Friedman covers a wide range of topics, providing insights into his thoughts on AGI, social media, and his experiences in the field of computer science. He emphasizes the need for human control and involvement in the development of advanced technologies and highlights the potential benefits and challenges associated with AI and social media. Littman's views reflect an awareness of the risks and opportunities presented by these technologies and the importance of finding a balance in integrating them into our lives.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Michael Littman is a computer science professor at Brown University, specializing in machine learning, reinforcement learning, and artificial intelligence.

  • He enjoys incorporating silliness and lightheartedness into conversations and has interests in topics such as sci-fi movies, books, and shows.

  • Littman shares his thoughts on solo podcast episodes, his upcoming lectures at MIT, and his passion for teaching and learning.

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