Jonathan Haidt: The Case Against Social Media | Lex Fridman Podcast #291 | Summary and Q&A

June 4, 2022
Lex Fridman
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Jonathan Haidt: The Case Against Social Media | Lex Fridman Podcast #291


Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt discusses the harmful effects of social media on mental health, polarization, and democracy, emphasizing the need for solutions and understanding. (19 words)

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Key Insights

  • 🔞 Teen mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, have significantly increased over the past decade, primarily affecting pre-teen girls.
  • 🧑‍⚕️ The specific business model of social media platforms, focusing on engagement and virality, contributes to negative mental health outcomes.
  • 😮 The rise of social media has led to increased polarization and division in society, making it challenging for democratic institutions to find common ground and function effectively.
  • 💉 The need for understanding and addressing the harmful impacts of social media on mental health, polarization, and democracy is essential to building a healthier society.


the following is a conversation with jonathan height social psychologist at nyu and critic of the negative effects of social media on the human mind and human civilization he gives a respectful but hard hitting response to my conversation with mark zuckerberg and together him and i try to figure out how we can do better how we can lessen the amount... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How has the rise of social media impacted teen mental health?

The data shows a sudden increase in depression, anxiety, and self-harm among teens, particularly affecting pre-teen girls. Social media use, especially platforms like Instagram and Tumblr, plays a significant role in worsening these mental health issues.

Q: Is the harm caused by social media solely due to excessive usage?

No, it's not just a matter of usage. The unique business model of social media platforms, where users are incentivized to create and consume content, is particularly harmful. This model contributes to the constant need for validation, fear of missing out (FOMO), and comparison that negatively impact mental health.

Q: Can social media platforms be redesigned to prioritize well-being?

While it's possible in theory, the current profit-driven business model of social media platforms, where user engagement is the primary goal, makes it challenging to prioritize long-term well-being. Transitioning to alternative models like subscriptions could potentially help reduce the negative impacts.

Q: What role does social media play in the polarization and dysfunction of democratic institutions?

Social media exacerbates division and conflict, making it difficult for democratic institutions to function effectively. The constant exposure to extreme views and the ability to quickly spread outrage can lead to a breakdown in shared narratives and hinder productive cooperation.

Q: How has the rise of social media impacted teen mental health?

The data shows a sudden increase in depression, anxiety, and self-harm among teens, particularly affecting pre-teen girls. Social media use, especially platforms like Instagram and Tumblr, plays a significant role in worsening these mental health issues.

More Insights

  • Teen mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, have significantly increased over the past decade, primarily affecting pre-teen girls.

  • The specific business model of social media platforms, focusing on engagement and virality, contributes to negative mental health outcomes.

  • The rise of social media has led to increased polarization and division in society, making it challenging for democratic institutions to find common ground and function effectively.

  • The need for understanding and addressing the harmful impacts of social media on mental health, polarization, and democracy is essential to building a healthier society.

  • While social media platforms have some positive aspects, such as connecting people and facilitating information sharing, the negative consequences must be acknowledged and mitigated.


In this conversation, Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist and critic of the negative effects of social media, discusses the impact of social media on mental health and democracy with Lex Friedman. Haidt highlights the significant increase in teen mental health issues since the rise of social media and emphasizes the harmful effects of the business model that incentivizes content creation and engagement. He challenges Mark Zuckerberg's claim that platforms like Instagram are positive for mental health and advocates for keeping young children off social media until they are older. Haidt also discusses the connection between mental health and the division in political discourse and how spending time on social media pushes people into a defensive mindset.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Jonathan Haidt become interested in the effects of social media?

As a social psychologist, Haidt initially studied moral psychology and the cultural divide between left and right in the United States. He became alarmed by the increasing polarization and started studying the causes of polarization in the early 2000s. Haidt's interest in social media began in 2014-2015 when he noticed a change in universities and students' reactions to a speaker's visit. This led him to co-write "The Coddling of the American Mind," which was primarily focused on the rise of anxiety and depression, but he later realized something had changed in the fabric of society, leading him to study social media.

Q: How did Haidt's research on teen mental health contribute to the understanding of the negative effects of social media?

Haidt gathered data on teen mental health, including self-reports of depression, anxiety, and loneliness, as well as data on hospital admissions for self-harm and suicide. He found that from around 2010 to 2013, these indicators showed a sudden increase, particularly for girls. Similar trends were observed in other countries like Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. Haidt argues that no other explanation can fully account for this drastic change, and correlations between social media use and mental health are much larger than often claimed.

Q: What did Mark Zuckerberg claim about the impact of Instagram on teen mental health, and how does Haidt respond?

Zuckerberg claimed that, overall, Instagram is positive for teen mental health and disputed the idea that it has negative effects. Haidt disagrees with this assessment, citing multiple studies showing a correlation between social media use, particularly Instagram, and increased rates of depression and anxiety among teens. He highlights the need to consider the effect sizes of these correlations and the subjective experiences of young girls who often report negative experiences related to social media.

Q: What are Haidt's proposed solutions for addressing the negative effects of social media on teen mental health?

Haidt argues that the best solution is to restrict young children's access to social media platforms until they are older, possibly until they are 16. He believes that the rewiring of childhood caused by social media and the decline of free play, a crucial aspect of child development, contribute to mental health problems. While Haidt acknowledges the potential benefits of social media for adults, he asserts that children should be protected from the harmful aspects of these platforms.

Q: Is there a correlation between the mental health of individuals and the division in political discourse?

Yes, Haidt claims that there is a correlation between individual mental health and the division in political discourse. He explains that our brains have specific circuits related to approach (opportunity) and withdrawal (fear). When individuals spend more time in a defensive mindset, viewing everything as a threat, it influences their political beliefs and leads to intense polarization. Spending time on partisan or political Twitter, for example, can further push individuals into a defensive mindset, hindering productive political discourse.

Q: How can social media companies design platforms that promote growth and well-being while avoiding negative mental health effects?

Haidt believes that social media platforms should prioritize the long-term happiness and well-being of users rather than just engagement. While he agrees that a subscription model might be beneficial, he clarifies that he primarily focuses on the current reality, where the incentive is to keep users engaged rather than prioritize their well-being. Haidt argues that it would be challenging to make social media safe for children, but there may be opportunities for positive environments, like multiplayer video games and interactive platforms, that enhance social skills without the negative mental health effects.


Jonathan Haidt's research suggests a significant increase in teen mental health issues, especially among girls, since the rise of social media. He challenges Mark Zuckerberg's claim that Instagram is overall positive for teen mental health, emphasizing that correlations between social media use and mental health are more significant than often reported. Haidt proposes restricting young children's access to social media platforms until they are older as a solution. He also discusses the correlation between mental health and the division in political discourse, highlighting the impact of spending time on social media on individuals' mindset. Haidt suggests that social media companies need to prioritize the long-term well-being of users and design platforms that promote growth without negative mental health effects.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist, delves into how social media has contributed to the rise of depression, anxiety, and polarization in society.

  • He highlights the sudden increase in teen mental health issues and the unique challenges faced by pre-teen girls due to social media.

  • Haidt argues that the business model employed by social media platforms, which prioritize engagement and virality, is a major contributing factor to these negative consequences.

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