Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown | Lex Fridman Podcast #118 | Summary and Q&A

August 23, 2020
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown | Lex Fridman Podcast #118


Grant Sanderson, the mind behind the YouTube channel ThreeBlueOneBrown, discusses the impact of mathematics education, the beauty of mathematical concepts, and the potential for exponential growth in various fields.

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Key Insights

  • 🎓 Grant Sanderson's YouTube channel, ThreeBlueOneBrown, has had a significant impact on mathematics education, making complex concepts accessible and captivating for a wide audience.
  • ✊ The power of visualizations and interactive elements in mathematics education can enhance understanding and foster curiosity.
  • 🥰 Richard Feynman, known for his ability to simplify complex subjects, had a deep love for mathematics and constantly sought to reinvent concepts.
  • 🥺 Exponential growth, both in technological advancement and human potential, can lead to significant progress in various fields, from space exploration to scientific research.
  • 🤯 Collaborative environments, such as Bell Labs, can foster innovation and breakthroughs by bringing together brilliant minds and encouraging chance collisions of ideas.
  • 😌 The challenge of teaching and learning mathematics lies in balancing the depth of understanding with the ability to explain concepts in a clear and engaging way.
  • 🥺 The pursuit of hard challenges can lead to significant progress and innovation, as seen in the examples of the Manhattan Project and moon missions.
  • 🛟 The future of space colonization, such as Mars, holds both challenges and potential benefits, including expanding human exploration and preserving the continuity of life.


the following is a conversation with grant sanderson his second time on the podcast he's known to millions of people as the mind behind three blue one brown a youtube channel where he educates and inspires the world with the beauty and power of mathematics quick summary of the sponsors dollar shave club doordash and cash app click the sponsor links... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the significance of Grant Sanderson's ThreeBlueOneBrown YouTube channel?

ThreeBlueOneBrown is a popular YouTube channel dedicated to explaining complex mathematical concepts through beautiful visualizations, making them accessible to a wider audience. Sanderson's approach has inspired many learners and educators.

Q: How does Grant Sanderson suggest overcoming the challenge of teaching and learning mathematics?

Sanderson believes in the power of presenting mathematical concepts in a way that makes them intuitive and captivating. He emphasizes the value of visualizing and interacting with concepts, encouraging learners to develop a deep understanding through active engagement.

Q: How does Grant Sanderson's teaching style compare to Richard Feynman's?

Sanderson acknowledges Feynman as an inspiration and appreciates his ability to simplify complex subjects. However, he highlights Feynman's deeper mathematical understanding, his constant desire to reinvent concepts, and his love for mathematics.

Q: How does Grant Sanderson navigate the balance between reinventing concepts and learning from others' work?

Sanderson acknowledges the importance of both approaches. While he enjoys the process of rediscovering concepts for himself, he also recognizes the need to learn from existing research and understanding the work of others. Striking a balance between the two is essential for deep learning and creating innovative educational content.

Q: What is the significance of Grant Sanderson's ThreeBlueOneBrown YouTube channel?

ThreeBlueOneBrown is a popular YouTube channel dedicated to explaining complex mathematical concepts through beautiful visualizations, making them accessible to a wider audience. Sanderson's approach has inspired many learners and educators.

More Insights

  • Grant Sanderson's YouTube channel, ThreeBlueOneBrown, has had a significant impact on mathematics education, making complex concepts accessible and captivating for a wide audience.

  • The power of visualizations and interactive elements in mathematics education can enhance understanding and foster curiosity.

  • Richard Feynman, known for his ability to simplify complex subjects, had a deep love for mathematics and constantly sought to reinvent concepts.

  • Exponential growth, both in technological advancement and human potential, can lead to significant progress in various fields, from space exploration to scientific research.

  • Collaborative environments, such as Bell Labs, can foster innovation and breakthroughs by bringing together brilliant minds and encouraging chance collisions of ideas.

  • The challenge of teaching and learning mathematics lies in balancing the depth of understanding with the ability to explain concepts in a clear and engaging way.

  • The pursuit of hard challenges can lead to significant progress and innovation, as seen in the examples of the Manhattan Project and moon missions.

  • The future of space colonization, such as Mars, holds both challenges and potential benefits, including expanding human exploration and preserving the continuity of life.

  • The human capacity for exponential growth and continuous improvement is worth nurturing and exploring to unlock new possibilities and innovations.


In this conversation, Lex Friedman interviews Grant Sanderson, the creator of the YouTube channel Three Blue One Brown, known for its educational videos on mathematics. They discuss topics such as the teaching style of Richard Feynman, the value of interactive visualizations in learning, reasoning about exponential growth, and the role of technology in human progress.

Questions & Answers

Q: Who is Richard Feynman and what impact did he have on Grant Sanderson?

Richard Feynman is a legendary physicist known for his contributions to quantum mechanics and his captivating teaching style. While many admire Feynman, Sanderson appreciates the deeper aspects of his personality and work, such as his heartfelt letter to his late wife. Feynman's approach to science, which focused on essential concepts and personal exploration, deeply resonates with Sanderson's own pursuit of understanding.

Q: How does Grant Sanderson approach learning and teaching mathematics?

Sanderson believes in the power of reinvention and personal exploration when learning mathematics. While he acknowledges the need to familiarize oneself with existing proofs and theories, he also emphasizes the value of independently approaching problems and developing unique intuitions. This approach may slow down the learning process but can result in a deeper understanding and the ability to make new explanatory contributions.

Q: Is Grant Sanderson an active researcher?

Sanderson describes himself as more of a generalist, with a wide range of knowledge but lacking the focused specialization of an active researcher. While he feels he could dive deeper into specific topics and potentially make new discoveries, he is currently focused on sharing mathematical concepts through his videos. However, he aspires to see more experts create explanatory videos in their respective fields.

Q: What is the significance of visualization in Grant Sanderson's videos?

Visualization plays a crucial role in Sanderson's educational videos. By presenting complex mathematical concepts visually, he aims to provide a deeper and more intuitive understanding to his viewers. While his videos are non-interactive, Sanderson believes that the narrative structure he creates can achieve most of the benefits of interactive elements. He also recognizes the value of allowing viewers to experiment with the concepts on their own.

Q: What lessons can be learned from Grant Sanderson's SIR model video on pandemics?

Sanderson's SIR model video provides insights into exponential growth and the impact of changes in behavior on epidemics. By understanding the basic reproduction number (R0), which represents the average number of infections caused by a contagious individual, viewers can gain a broader understanding of exponential growth and its implications. While the model is simplified, it can still offer valuable lessons about epidemic dynamics.

Q: How well do humans reason intuitively about exponential growth?

Sanderson suggests that humans have an intuitive understanding of exponential growth, which is often evident in anthropological studies and early mathematical education. However, this intuition may be tempered by our conditioning to think linearly and the complexity that arises when dealing with larger numbers. Nonetheless, Sanderson believes that understanding the mechanisms behind exponential growth can lead to more informed reasoning and decision-making.

Q: What is the importance of exponential thinking and the concept of proportional growth?

Exponential thinking, as advocated by figures like Elon Musk, highlights the value of technological advancements and their potential for rapid growth. Understanding that the rate of progress is proportional to the current state allows for the recognition of opportunities for continued development. However, Sanderson emphasizes the need to question what enables proportional growth and to recognize when it may break down due to external factors or improper resource allocation.

Q: What can we learn from Moore's Law and the consistent breakthrough innovations in technology?

Moore's Law reflects the continuous progress and innovation in technology as a result of exponential growth. Sanderson suggests that this pattern is not truly exponential but rather a series of breakthroughs and micro-inventions that push the boundaries of technology. The psychological impact of Moore's Law and similar phenomena is that they challenge our preconceived notions of what is possible and inspire us to strive for greater achievements.

Q: How does exponential growth apply to other fields, such as game theory or the spread of ideas?

Exponential growth can be applicable in various fields, such as game theory and epidemiology. In game theory, concepts like the Nash equilibrium and fixed point theorems can be understood through exponential growth. The spread of ideas or knowledge also exhibits exponential characteristics, with the potential for ripples of impact that extend far beyond the initial point of introduction. Recognizing and leveraging these patterns can lead to a better understanding of complex systems.

Q: Can individuals achieve their full potential if they understand and harness the power of exponential growth?

Sanderson agrees that many people underestimate their potential and the capacity for exponential growth. By acknowledging the power of exponential thinking and creating an environment that enables individuals to reach their full potential, remarkable progress can be made in various fields. The exponential nature of growth allows for the cascading effect of breakthrough discoveries and innovations, ultimately pushing the bounds of what was once perceived as impossible.

Q: What is the role of leadership and creating the right environment for exponential growth?

Leadership plays a crucial role in fostering an environment where geniuses can thrive and achieve their best work. By providing opportunities, resources, and support, leaders can enable creative individuals to make groundbreaking contributions. The ripple effect of their genius can inspire others to reach new heights and contribute to the overall exponential growth in their respective fields.


The conversation with Grant Sanderson provides insights into the teaching style of Richard Feynman, the value of visualization in education, the power of exponential growth, and the role of technological progress in human development. Sanderson's approach to mathematics education emphasizes personal exploration and reinvention, allowing for a deeper understanding of concepts. It is important to recognize the underlying mechanisms behind exponential growth and the conditions that enable it. Exponential thinking can have a profound impact on various fields, from technology to game theory and the spread of ideas. By understanding and harnessing the potential of exponential growth, individuals and society can achieve remarkable progress and push the boundaries of what is perceived as possible. Leadership plays a crucial role in creating the right environment for genius to flourish and inspire exponential growth.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Grant Sanderson emphasizes the importance of rethinking how we teach and learn, particularly in the field of mathematics.

  • He highlights the power of explaining complex mathematical concepts in a concise and accessible way, using visualizations and interactive elements.

  • Sanderson discusses Richard Feynman's influence on him and the importance of understanding the depth of a subject before attempting to explain it to others.

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