Po-Shen Loh: Mathematics, Math Olympiad, Combinatorics & Contact Tracing | Lex Fridman Podcast #183 | Summary and Q&A

May 14, 2021
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Po-Shen Loh: Mathematics, Math Olympiad, Combinatorics & Contact Tracing | Lex Fridman Podcast #183


Novid is an app that uses network theory and proximity data to help individuals avoid getting sick during a pandemic, offering a new way of controlling the spread of diseases while maintaining privacy and individual freedom.

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Key Insights

  • Poe Shenlo is a professor of mathematics and the founder of Novid, an app for contact tracing that prioritizes privacy and user autonomy.
  • The app uses network theory to measure proximity to disease, allowing users to make informed decisions to protect themselves.
  • The app works by using Bluetooth to detect proximity to other devices, without the need for personal information or GPS.
  • The goal is to create a positive feedback loop where individuals take proactive measures to avoid getting sick.
  • The app is most effective when used in collaboration with local health authorities, who can provide verified information about positive cases.
  • Adoption of the app is key to its success, and collaboration with public health researchers is ongoing to evaluate its effectiveness in controlling the spread of diseases.
  • Mathematics, as demonstrated by Poe's work on mathematical competitions, allows for a different perspective and the ability to find elegant and innovative solutions to complex problems.
  • The future implications of Novid and similar technologies could revolutionize the way we respond to pandemics, allowing for targeted and personalized control measures.


the following is a conversation with poe shen lo a professor of mathematics at carnegie mellon university national coach of the usa international math olympia team and founder of xp that does online education of basic math and science he's also the founder of novid an app that takes a really interesting approach to contact tracing making sure you s... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Novid use network theory to track the spread of diseases?

Novid utilizes network theory to create a graph of physical relationships between individuals, measuring proximity through Bluetooth technology. By focusing on the connections between people rather than their exact locations, the app provides valuable information about potential exposure to diseases.

Q: What are the advantages of Novid's approach to contact tracing?

Novid's approach emphasizes individual empowerment and respect for privacy. The app allows users to make their own informed decisions about how to protect themselves, rather than relying on restrictive measures. By using network theory and proximity data, Novid offers a more comprehensive and effective way of controlling the spread of diseases.

Q: How does Novid address privacy concerns?

Novid prioritizes privacy by not collecting personal information or using GPS data. The app only communicates proximity information through Bluetooth, ensuring anonymity while still providing valuable insights into potential exposure to diseases. Novid also works closely with local health authorities to verify positive cases, adding another layer of security and trust.

Q: Are there plans to expand Novid's usage beyond COVID-19?

Yes, Novid's creators are actively seeking collaborations with public health researchers to explore its potential for future pandemics and disease control. By combining the app's technology with epidemiology expertise, they aim to develop a powerful tool for predicting and managing the spread of various diseases.


In this conversation, Po-Shen Loh, a professor of mathematics at Carnegie Mellon University and founder of the app Novid, discusses the concept behind his app and the potential it has for controlling the spread of diseases like COVID-19. The app uses network theory and proximity data from smartphones to inform users about their physical network of interactions and the distance between them and potential virus carriers. By giving individuals the information they need to make informed decisions about their interactions, the app aims to control the spread of diseases in a way that respects privacy and individual freedom.

Questions & Answers

Q: Can you explain the concept behind Novid and how it can help control the spread of diseases?

Novid is an app that uses network theory and proximity data from smartphones to inform users about their physical network of interactions and the distance between them and potential virus carriers. By giving individuals the information they need to make informed decisions about their interactions, the app aims to control the spread of diseases in a way that respects privacy and individual freedom.

Q: How does the app determine the distance between individuals in the network?

The app uses Bluetooth technology to detect nearby smartphones and estimate the distance between them. It does not rely on GPS information, and instead focuses on relative proximity rather than precise location.

Q: Are there any privacy concerns with using Novid?

Novid is designed to be privacy-conscious. It does not collect or store personal information, and it does not track individuals' exact locations. The emphasis is on providing users with information about the general proximity of potential virus carriers, rather than identifying specific individuals.

Q: How does Novid incentivize individuals to use the app and contribute to controlling the spread of diseases?

Novid creates a positive feedback loop by empowering individuals to make their own decisions about their interactions. By providing users with information about the distance between them and potential virus carriers, the app incentivizes individuals to take appropriate precautions to protect themselves and others. This approach aligns with principles of individual freedom and choice.

Q: Is Novid effective in controlling the spread of diseases like COVID-19?

The effectiveness of Novid in controlling the spread of diseases is still being studied and evaluated. Collaborations with epidemiologists and researchers are underway to assess the impact and potential of the app. While there is hope that Novid could be a powerful tool in disease control, further research and testing are necessary.

Q: How difficult was it to develop the Novid app from a technical standpoint?

Developing the Novid app presented some challenges, particularly in terms of integrating with the operating systems of smartphones and optimizing battery usage. The team behind Novid had to work closely with mobile app development and server infrastructure to ensure the app's functionality and efficiency.

Q: Does Novid scale well as more individuals use it and the network grows?

Novid is designed to handle large networks and scale efficiently. The app utilizes algorithms and techniques from computer programming competitions and mathematics to ensure that it can handle the increasing number of users and connections in the network without compromising performance.

Q: Can Novid be used in future pandemics or outbreaks of diseases?

Novid's approach of providing individuals with information about their physical network of interactions and the distance to potential virus carriers can be utilized in future pandemics or outbreaks. By empowering individuals with information and incentivizing responsible behavior, Novid can help control the spread of diseases in a way that respects privacy and individual freedom.

Q: What have you learned from the development and deployment of the Novid app?

The development and deployment of the Novid app has shed light on the potential of using network theory and proximity data to control the spread of diseases. The team behind Novid continues to collaborate with researchers and epidemiologists to further understand the effectiveness and applications of the app, both for COVID-19 and future pandemics.

Q: Is it necessary to have widespread adoption of Novid for it to be effective?

Widespread adoption of Novid would certainly enhance its effectiveness in controlling the spread of diseases. The more individuals who use the app and contribute to the network, the more accurate and comprehensive the information becomes. Therefore, efforts to promote adoption and awareness of Novid are important for its success.

Q: How does the concept of control loops apply to the use of Novid and disease control?

The concept of control loops is central to the use of Novid in disease control. Novid creates a positive feedback loop by providing individuals with information about their proximity to potential virus carriers. This feedback loop incentivizes individuals to take appropriate precautions and make informed decisions, ultimately contributing to the control and prevention of the spread of diseases.


The Novid app, developed by Po-Shen Loh and his team, offers a novel approach to disease control by utilizing network theory and smartphone proximity data. By providing individuals with information about their physical network of interactions and the distance to potential virus carriers, Novid empowers users to make informed decisions about their interactions and take appropriate precautions. The app respects privacy and individual freedom while incentivizing responsible behavior. While further research and evaluation are required to assess its effectiveness, Novid has the potential to be a valuable tool in controlling the spread of diseases in future pandemics and outbreaks.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Novid is an app that takes a unique approach to contact tracing during a pandemic, using network theory and proximity data to inform individuals of their distance from potential COVID-19 cases.

  • The app focuses on empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their interactions and prioritize their own health and safety.

  • Novid's algorithm avoids the need for personal information, operates in the background without draining battery life, and relies on collaboration with local health authorities for verification and wider adoption.

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