Noam Brown: AI vs Humans in Poker and Games of Strategic Negotiation | Lex Fridman Podcast #344 | Summary and Q&A

December 6, 2022
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Noam Brown: AI vs Humans in Poker and Games of Strategic Negotiation | Lex Fridman Podcast #344


The use of search algorithms, particularly Monte Carlo tree search, is crucial for AI systems to achieve superhuman performance in poker games by maximizing expected value and creating tough decisions for human opponents.

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Key Insights

  • 🤖 The AI bot Libratus achieved superhuman performance in No Limit Texas Hold'em poker against top human players in a competition.
  • 🃏 Libratus used a search-based algorithm called counterfactual regret minimization to approximate the Nash equilibrium and make optimal decisions.
  • 🌐 Libratus improved from previous versions by incorporating search techniques and real-time strategy adjustments during gameplay.
  • 🤯 Humans were initially skeptical about AI's ability to succeed in poker, but Libratus's victory proved otherwise.
  • 🎮 Poker, unlike chess, introduces the element of imperfect information, making it more challenging for AI systems to excel.
  • 🔍 Search plays a crucial role in poker AI, allowing for the exploration of different actions and their probabilities to maximize expected value.
  • 🔎 Human players utilize a mix of intuition, strategy, and search to make optimal decisions in various game situations.
  • 🧠 The combination of neural networks, reinforcement learning, and search algorithms has revolutionized AI's performance in games like poker.


a lot of people were saying like oh this whole idea of Game Theory it's just nonsense and if you really want to make money you got to like look into the other person's eyes and read their soul and figure out what cards they have but what happened was where we played our bot against four top heads up no limit Hold'em poker players and the bot wasn't... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the role of search algorithms in AI poker play?

Search algorithms are crucial in AI poker play as they allow the AI system to adapt to opponents' moves, maximize expected value, and create tough decisions for human opponents. By searching through possible actions and evaluating their outcomes, AI systems can make more informed decisions and strategize against different opponents.

Q: How does search differ in AI poker play compared to games like chess and go?

In games like chess and go, search algorithms like Monte Carlo tree search are used to evaluate sequences of moves and find optimal strategies. However, in AI poker play, search algorithms need to consider hidden information, bluffing, and the balance between bets and calls. The complexity of poker necessitates different strategies and adaptations in search algorithms.

Q: How did human players exploit the weaknesses of AI systems in poker?

Human players exploited weaknesses in AI systems by over-betting, making ambiguous moves, and creating tough decisions for the AI. These strategies made it difficult for the AI to accurately evaluate hand strength or determine the optimal response. The ability of human players to exploit these weaknesses led to changes in AI poker strategies.

Q: How does search contribute to achieving superhuman performance in AI poker play?

Search algorithms, particularly Monte Carlo tree search, allow AI systems to explore different actions, analyze their outcomes, and select the most optimal strategy. By incorporating search into AI poker play, systems can adapt to opponents, maximize expected value, and make decisions that outperform human players. Search algorithms enhance the strategic decision-making abilities of AI systems.


In this video, the conversation revolves around AI systems and their performance in games like No Limit Texas Hold'em poker and the board game Diplomacy. The guest, Noam Brown, shares his insights on the differences between these games, the concept of Nash equilibrium, and the challenges of modeling imperfect information and bluffing in poker. He also discusses the improvements made in AI algorithms over the years and the impact of search techniques on game strategies.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the game of No Limit Texas Hold'em and how is it different from chess?

No Limit Texas Hold'em is the most popular variant of Poker in the world. It differs from chess in several ways. In Texas Hold'em, players can bet any amount, which escalates the stakes quickly. Unlike limit Hold'em, where there is a maximum bet, players in No Limit can wager any amount they want. This makes the game more aggressive and unpredictable.

Q: Does No Limit poker reward strategy or does it favor crazier plays?

No Limit poker rewards strategy, but it's also easier to make impulsive decisions due to the high stakes involved. While both strategic and reckless plays can be successful in the short term, a player aiming for long-term success would need to balance their approaches. It's crucial to maximize the expected value based on the amount at stake and the potential impact on one's life.

Q: What does it mean to be "jumpy" in poker?

Being "jumpy" in poker refers to players who are easily overwhelmed by the amount of money at stake. When faced with a large bet, they may become hesitant or fold due to the fear of risking a significant amount. This can disrupt their decision-making and lead to suboptimal play.

Q: How does making bigger bets affect the game of poker?

Making bigger bets in poker can put the opposing player in an uncomfortable position, thereby increasing the difficulty of their decision-making. By betting larger amounts, a player can force their opponent to confront the risk of losing a significant sum, leading to more strategic play. However, larger bets also bear the risk of making costly mistakes if not executed properly.

Q: Is the AI system more attracted to the game itself or the problem-solving aspect?

The guest is drawn to the beauty of the game itself and the idea of finding the objectively correct way to play poker. The concept that a perfect strategy can lead to unlimited winnings is fascinating. While he finds the problem-solving aspect intriguing, his initial fascination stemmed from the strategy and the possibility of unbeatable play.

Q: Can poker be solved like chess?

Yes, poker can be solved in a similar manner to chess. In any finite two-player zero-sum game, including poker, there exists an optimal strategy known as the Nash equilibrium. Adhering to this strategy ensures that a player does not lose in expectation, regardless of the opponent's actions. However, solving poker becomes more challenging with imperfect information, such as hidden cards and the unpredictability of other players.

Q: What is Nash equilibrium, and how does it apply to poker?

Nash equilibrium is an optimal strategy that guarantees not losing in expectation in any finite two-player zero-sum game. In poker, there exists a Nash equilibrium strategy that, when played correctly, ensures long-term break-even or positive results. The value of an action depends on its probability and the opponent's response. To approximate the Nash equilibrium in poker, an AI system must reason about the probabilities of various actions and find a balanced approach.

Q: What is meant by "in expectation" in poker?

"In expectation" refers to considering the long-term results rather than focusing on individual outcomes. Poker is a high-variance game, meaning players will experience wins and losses even when playing optimally. However, if a player follows the Nash equilibrium strategy consistently, eventually they will break even or win in the long run. This perspective does not take into account real-world factors such as potential bankruptcy.

Q: Does the zero-sum nature and finite size of a game affect the possibility of finding Nash equilibrium?

The zero-sum nature and finite size of a game do not significantly affect the possibility of finding the Nash equilibrium strategy. Most games that people commonly play, including poker and chess, are finite games. However, there are some edge cases, such as certain infinite games, where the Nash equilibrium concept may not hold. In general, though, the existence of Nash equilibria is well-established for most game types.

Q: How does poker consider aspects like pleasure, attention, and entertainment value in gameplay?

Poker, especially from an AI perspective, primarily focuses on winning the game rather than enhancing the pleasure, attention, and entertainment value for players. However, professional poker players often derive significant earnings from sponsorships and the attention they receive, which adds to the overall experience of playing poker. While creating AI systems that incorporate trash-talking or chaotic strategies could increase entertainment, the primary goal of AI poker systems is to win.

Q: Would it be possible for AI systems to incorporate elements like trash talk to maximize the pleasurable experience of playing poker?

It is theoretically possible to design AI systems that incorporate elements like trash talk and chaotic strategies to enhance the playing experience. However, the focus of AI poker systems has been primarily on winning the game rather than providing a fun and engaging experience for players. Incorporating these elements might deviate from optimal play and could be explored in future recreational game designs.


The conversation highlights AI systems' performance in popular games like No Limit Texas Hold'em poker and Diplomacy. The discussion delves into the differences between the games, the concept of Nash equilibrium, and the challenges faced in modeling imperfect information and bluffing in poker. The guest emphasizes the improvements made in AI algorithms over the years, particularly the impact of search techniques on winning strategies. There is also speculation about how large language models could influence future video game experiences, promoting positive interactions, and reducing the focus on violent gameplay.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Search algorithms, such as Monte Carlo tree search, play a crucial role in AI poker play to maximize expected value and create tough decisions for human opponents.

  • The success of AI systems in poker, like Libratus, comes from a combination of pre-computed strategies and real-time search to adapt to opponents' moves and find the most optimal actions.

  • Over-betting and ambiguity in hand evaluation were identified as weaknesses in AI systems, which human players exploited during the competition.

  • The use of search algorithms in AI poker play differs from their application in games like chess and go, where they are essential for achieving superhuman performance.

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