Liz Plosser ON: How to Create a Morning Routine That Works For You | Summary and Q&A

December 6, 2021
Health & Wellness
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Liz Plosser ON: How to Create a Morning Routine That Works For You

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In this video, Liz Plosser, the editor-in-chief of Women's Health, discusses the importance of morning routines and introduces her new book, "Own Your Morning." She shares her own journey of transitioning from being an investment banker to working in the health and wellness industry and emphasizes the significance of starting your day in a way that sets you up for success. She also highlights the importance of discovering your personal core values and aligning your morning routine with them. Throughout the video, Liz provides practical tips and exercises to help listeners become morning people and make the most out of their mornings.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Liz transition from being an investment banker to working in the health and wellness industry?

Liz shares that although she has always had an interest in fitness and health, it never occurred to her initially that she could pursue a career in a field she loved. However, she realized during her investment banking job that she needed to prioritize her own well-being, and this led her to explore the health and wellness industry. Through networking and learning more about the industry, she eventually landed her dream job as the editor-in-chief of Women's Health.

Q: Did Liz experience any challenges or doubts during her career transition?

Liz admits that making the career transition was not without its challenges and doubts. She had to face rejection and uncertainty along the way. However, she credits the support of her friends, mentors, and her husband for giving her the courage and confidence to pursue her passion. She also highlights the importance of taking risks and trusting your gut when it comes to making career decisions.

Q: How does Liz suggest finding the balance between doing what you love and getting paid for it?

Liz believes that finding the balance between doing what you love and getting paid for it is possible but requires some exploration and networking. She encourages individuals to reach out to people in their desired industry, ask questions, and learn from their experiences. It's important to discover what aspects of your passions can be translated into a career and to identify unique skills that can add value to your work. Liz also emphasizes the value of diverse perspectives in any field and how having an unconventional background can be an asset.

Q: How can individuals become morning people, even if they don't naturally enjoy waking up early?

Liz explains that being a morning person doesn't necessarily mean waking up at a specific time, but rather making the most of the time after waking up to set oneself up for a successful day. She acknowledges that everyone has different chronotypes, predisposing them to be either early birds, night owls, or somewhere in between. However, she provides practical tips for creating a morning routine that works for each individual, such as establishing a consistent sleep schedule, avoiding blue light exposure before bedtime, prioritizing good quality sleep, and experimenting with different morning activities aligned with personal core values.

Q: How can someone determine their personal core values and align them with their morning routine?

Liz suggests taking a calendar inventory and reflecting on how time is currently spent. By assessing how many hours are spent in meetings, how much time is dedicated to self-care or activities that bring joy, and other daily habits, individuals can identify what is truly important to them and what they want to prioritize in their morning routine. Liz emphasizes that morning routines are highly individual and should reflect personal values and aspirations. She also encourages readers to engage in exercises found in her book, such as identifying core values, in order to gain clarity and set a solid foundation for an empowering morning routine.

Q: How can individuals find time for themselves and prioritize self-care amidst their various responsibilities?

Liz acknowledges that balancing multiple roles and responsibilities can make it challenging to find time for oneself. However, she stresses that mornings are the one time of day where individuals have more control over their time. By waking up earlier and dedicating that time to self-care activities, such as exercise, mindfulness, or pursuing personal interests, individuals can prioritize their own well-being and set a positive tone for the rest of their day. Liz also emphasizes the importance of self-preservation and giving one's best to loved ones by prioritizing one's own needs and self-care routines.

Q: How should individuals approach morning routines when faced with unforeseen challenges or disruptions?

Liz acknowledges that morning routines are not always perfect and can be interrupted by unexpected events or responsibilities. However, she emphasizes the importance of having a flexible mindset and being willing to adapt. Even when mornings don't go as planned, individuals can still find small moments to nurture themselves and make choices that align with their core values. While disruptions may occur, Liz encourages individuals to embrace the messy moments and not let them derail their overall purpose. The goal is to make the most out of the time available and create a positive mindset for the day ahead.

Q: Does Liz's book provide practical exercises and activities to help individuals implement their morning routines effectively?

Yes, Liz's book, "Own Your Morning," offers practical exercises and activities to assist readers in creating and implementing their own morning routines. For example, there is a chapter focused on discovering personal core values and aligning them with morning rituals. The book also provides a choose-your-own-adventure format, allowing readers to explore different aspects of morning routines based on their interests and needs.

Q: How can individuals overcome the pessimism or skepticism of becoming a morning person?

Liz explains that becoming a morning person does not necessarily mean waking up at a specific time, but rather making intentional choices in the morning that contribute to a positive and fulfilling day. She highlights the importance of understanding one's own sleep requirements, prioritizing good sleep hygiene, and creating a routine that works for individual preferences and schedules. By emphasizing the benefits of a well-designed morning routine and providing concrete tips and exercises, Liz aims to motivate and inspire individuals to explore the potential of owning their mornings.

Q: How does Liz address the concern of needing more sleep when transitioning to a morning routine?

Liz acknowledges that sleep is crucial for overall well-being, and she emphasizes that individuals should prioritize the amount of sleep they need based on their own requirements. The goal is not to sacrifice sleep but to adjust sleep schedules by going to bed earlier if one wants to wake up earlier. Liz also highlights the importance of understanding sleep cycles and avoiding disruptions, such as hitting the snooze button repeatedly, which can impact the quality of sleep. Ultimately, the focus is on finding a sleep routine that supports a healthy morning routine without compromising adequate rest.

Q: How does Liz manage her morning routine while being a mother and having multiple responsibilities?

Liz acknowledges that balancing multiple responsibilities can make mornings challenging, and she emphasizes that her mornings are not always perfect. However, she views mornings as the only time she can truly control and prioritize self-care. By preparing the night before, involving her family in morning preparations, and addressing any disruptions with flexibility, she finds ways to make her morning routine work. Liz's focus is on ensuring that she takes time for herself in the morning so that she can show up as her best self for her family and work responsibilities throughout the day.

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