LOVE EXPERT ON: When A Man TRULY LOVES You, He Will DO THIS! | Stephan Speaks & Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

March 27, 2023
Dating, Relationships & Love
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LOVE EXPERT ON: When A Man TRULY LOVES You, He Will DO THIS! | Stephan Speaks & Jay Shetty


Understand the difference between connection, chemistry, and compatibility in relationships, be honest with yourself about why you're holding on, and know when it's time to let go.

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Key Insights

  • 🥰 True love requires a genuine connection and mutual love from both partners.
  • 🥰 Love is about kindness, compassion, understanding, and selflessness.
  • 🥅 Compatibility involves coexisting in harmony but requires emotional readiness and shared goals.
  • 🥰 Many people struggle with defining love and confusing it with infatuation or attachment.
  • 🥺 The fear of starting over or being alone can lead to staying in the wrong relationship.
  • ❓ It is important to be authentic and true to oneself in a relationship and not pretend to be someone else to attract a partner.
  • ⚖️ Balancing masculine and feminine energy in a relationship is crucial for a healthy and fulfilling dynamic.


you have to be honest with yourself about why are you still here why are you holding on what's really driving you you don't feel like starting the process over with somebody else so even though you're not feeling it with him you're wasting your time the best-selling author and host the number one Health and Wellness podcast on purpose with Jay Shet... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do you differentiate between connection and chemistry in a relationship?

Connection involves feeling comfortable, being oneself, and having aligned paths and purposes. Chemistry, on the other hand, is a spark or attraction that can occur with multiple people. It is important to dig deeper and evaluate if there is a genuine connection beyond just chemistry.

Q: What should one do if they have realized they are in the wrong relationship?

It is crucial to be honest with yourself and evaluate your true feelings for your partner. If you are not deeply in love and fully committed, it may be wise to let go and find someone who shares a genuine connection with you.

Q: Is it possible to maintain both masculine and feminine energy in a relationship?

Yes, it is possible. Understanding the balance and knowing when to tap into each energy can help create harmony in the relationship. It is essential to communicate and support each other's needs in order to thrive.

Q: How can one overcome the fear of being alone after a breakup?

It is important to focus on personal growth and self-love. Taking time for self-reflection and healing from past traumas can help overcome the fear of being alone. Embracing solitude and understanding one's own worth can lead to finding a healthier and more fulfilling relationship in the future.

Q: How do you differentiate between connection and chemistry in a relationship?

Connection involves feeling comfortable, being oneself, and having aligned paths and purposes. Chemistry, on the other hand, is a spark or attraction that can occur with multiple people. It is important to dig deeper and evaluate if there is a genuine connection beyond just chemistry.

More Insights

  • True love requires a genuine connection and mutual love from both partners.

  • Love is about kindness, compassion, understanding, and selflessness.

  • Compatibility involves coexisting in harmony but requires emotional readiness and shared goals.

  • Many people struggle with defining love and confusing it with infatuation or attachment.

  • The fear of starting over or being alone can lead to staying in the wrong relationship.

  • It is important to be authentic and true to oneself in a relationship and not pretend to be someone else to attract a partner.

  • Balancing masculine and feminine energy in a relationship is crucial for a healthy and fulfilling dynamic.

  • Letting go of a relationship requires self-reflection, honesty, and understanding that it may lead to personal growth and opportunities for a healthier connection in the future.


In this video, the speaker addresses various aspects of love and relationships. They discuss the signs of deep love, the importance of defining love for oneself, the difference between connection and chemistry, and the significance of compatibility. They also explore why relationships can be difficult and how to strike a balance between masculine and feminine energy in relationships. Additionally, they highlight the need for better education on relationships and the importance of taking time to understand oneself.

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the signs that someone deeply loves you?

According to the speaker, the first sign that someone deeply loves you is when you truly love them in return. They emphasize the importance of having a mutual and genuine connection.

Q: How do you define love and encourage others to create their definitions of love?

The speaker defines love as kindness, compassion, patience, understanding, and a willingness to be selfless. They also mention the significance of other ingredients necessary for romantic relationships. They encourage others to create their own definitions of love by taking into account their own values, needs, and desires.

Q: How do you differentiate between connection and chemistry in a relationship?

The speaker believes that connection goes beyond surface-level chemistry. They suggest evaluating whether you can truly be yourself with the person and if your paths align. Connection involves a natural flow and a deeper understanding of each other's needs and desires.

Q: Is it ever okay to present different sides of yourself to attract someone?

The speaker argues that it is unhealthy to present a version of yourself that is not sustainable. They believe that it is important to be authentic and true to yourself from the beginning, as presenting a false image can lead to challenges and disappointment later on.

Q: How do you know if someone is wasting your time or if you're letting yourself be used?

The speaker suggests being honest with yourself about why you are still in the relationship and what is driving you. They advise evaluating your true feelings and intentions, as choosing a partner based on convenience or fear of starting over can lead to wasted time and unsatisfying relationships.

Q: How do you differentiate between connection and chemistry when meeting someone?

The speaker proposes asking yourself if you can truly be yourself with the person and if there is a deeper understanding beyond surface-level chemistry. They emphasize the importance of getting to know the person beyond initial attraction and finding out if your values and goals align.

Q: Do relationships require hard work or should they be easy?

The speaker believes that most relationships require work, especially if there is deep love and connection involved. They attribute the challenges in relationships to past traumas, lack of self-awareness, and fear. However, they argue that once the initial challenges are overcome and a strong foundation is built, relationships can become easier with mindful effort and effective communication.

Q: Why do people struggle with balancing masculine and feminine energy in relationships?

The speaker suggests that society often encourages binary thinking and struggles to hold opposing ideas simultaneously. They believe that people can balance both energies by being authentic, understanding their partner's needs, and maintaining open communication. They also emphasize the importance of conquering fear and having confidence in oneself and the relationship.

Q: What skills can one develop to balance masculine and feminine energy in relationships?

The speaker highlights transparency, communication, and self-awareness as important skills to nurture both energies. They emphasize the need for honest conversations with your partner about what they need and being open to feedback. They also mention the importance of understanding your own fears and insecurities and working on self-confidence.

Q: How can we learn to understand ourselves and others better in relationships?

The speaker suggests taking time for self-reflection and introspection, especially during periods of solitude. They encourage shutting off distractions and spending more time alone, thinking, and processing thoughts and emotions. They believe that becoming aware and accepting of oneself is key to understanding and connecting with others.


Understanding deep love requires self-awareness and genuine love for the other person. It is important to define love for yourself and create your own understanding of it. Connection goes beyond surface-level chemistry and involves a deeper understanding and alignment of values and goals. Compatibility is about coexisting in harmony and adapting to each other's needs. Relationships may require work, especially when past traumas or fears are involved, but with mindful effort and effective communication, they can become easier. Balancing masculine and feminine energy requires self-confidence, understanding your partner's needs, and open communication. Education on relationships is lacking, and it is important to take time to understand yourself and expand your emotional intelligence.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • True love flows both ways and is not based on infatuation or attachment. It requires a genuine connection and love from both partners.

  • Love is about kindness, compassion, understanding, and a willingness to be selfless. It is important to understand and fulfill each other's needs.

  • Compatibility is about coexisting in harmony, but it is essential to ensure emotional readiness and compatible goals before moving forward in a relationship.

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