LILI REINHART ON: YOU ARE STRONG - Anyone Who Feels Stressed & Anxious, WATCH THIS! | Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

August 15, 2022
Building Confidence & Overcoming Fears
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LILI REINHART ON: YOU ARE STRONG - Anyone Who Feels Stressed & Anxious, WATCH THIS! | Jay Shetty


Lily Reinhart shares her personal journey of overcoming anxiety, embracing her true identity beyond external roles, and exploring spirituality and alternative healing practices.

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Key Insights

  • 🧠 Taking time for self-reflection and introspection is key to understanding one's true identity and values beyond external roles and expectations. It's about creating and being, rather than finding and seeking.
  • 🌱 Exploring different spiritual practices and healing modalities can be a transformative journey towards self-discovery and growth. It's important to find what resonates with individual needs and experiences.
  • 🌊 Letting go of old patterns and identities can be challenging yet liberating. It requires a willingness to embrace change and step into the unknown, even if it feels uncomfortable or uncertain.
  • 💫 Honoring and accepting one's emotions, whether positive or negative, is crucial for mental and emotional well-being. There is beauty in the capacity to feel deeply and experience a range of emotions.
  • 🗝️ Recognizing that loss and grief are not limited to death, but also encompass the transitions and changes that occur in relationships and life circumstances, can help with navigating these experiences and finding healing.
  • 💪 Building resilience and strength comes from acknowledging and addressing anxiety and mental health challenges. Seeking support and exploring different coping mechanisms, such as therapy, can be empowering.
  • ✨ Embracing solitude and finding peace within oneself is a valuable and transformative journey. It requires letting go of the need for constant external validation and the fear of being alone with one's thoughts.
  • 🌍 The exploration of spirituality, whether through crystals, sound healing, or energy work, can provide a deeper connection to oneself and a sense of purpose. It is a personal journey that involves finding what resonates and brings a sense of grounding and peace.


i have been in fight-or-flight mode for most of my life what that has done to my brain and my body my mental well-being is if i continue at this rate catastrophic hey everyone welcome back to on purpose the number one health podcast in the world thanks to each and every single one of you that come back every week to listen learn and grow now i find... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How has Lily Reinhart's journey with anxiety and panic attacks influenced her understanding of herself and her pursuit of healing?

Lily Reinhart's struggles with anxiety and panic attacks have had a profound impact on her self-discovery and healing journey. She realized that identifying with negative patterns and limiting beliefs was not serving her well, and she actively chose to shift her mindset and seek alternative healing practices to find peace and serenity. Through therapy, introspection, and exploring spirituality, Reinhart has gained a deeper understanding of herself and has made conscious efforts to create a new identity based on her own values and principles.

Q: What role does spirituality play in Lily Reinhart's healing process?

Spirituality has played a significant role in Lily Reinhart's healing journey. It has provided her with a sense of connection, helped her to explore her intuition, and allowed her to find solace and peace within herself. Reinhart has embraced practices such as reiki, sound healing, and meditation, which have helped her tap into her spiritual side and discover a deeper sense of purpose and understanding. By exploring different spiritual practices and actively engaging in them, she has found a path to healing and self-discovery.

Q: How has Lily Reinhart navigated the process of finding her true identity beyond external roles and expectations?

Lily Reinhart has been on a journey of self-discovery, trying to understand who she truly is beyond her external roles and the expectations placed on her. She has recognized the need to break her pattern of identifying with negative traits and limitations and has actively chosen to embrace a new identity based on her own values and principles. Reinhart has explored different practices, such as therapy, sound healing, and reiki, to help her connect with her true self and create a life that aligns with her authentic desires.

Q: What advice does Lily Reinhart have for others who are struggling with anxiety or searching for their true identity?

Lily Reinhart encourages individuals who are struggling with anxiety or searching for their true identity to embrace their feelings and seek support. She recommends therapy as a helpful tool to navigate through anxiety and panic attacks. Reinhart also suggests exploring different healing practices, such as sound healing or reiki, to connect with one's spiritual side and gain a deeper understanding of oneself. She stresses the importance of being patient with the journey and allowing oneself to grow and evolve at their own pace. Ultimately, Reinhart believes in the power of self-discovery and finding what resonates with one's true self.


In this episode, Lilly Reinhart, an actress and mental health activist, opens up about her struggles with anxiety and finding her true identity outside of work. She discusses her journey of coping with panic attacks, working various jobs, and the importance of feeling and accepting emotions. Lilly also talks about the impact of loss and grief in relationships and the need for more open conversations around these experiences.

Questions & Answers

Q: What were Lilly's various jobs before becoming an actress?

Lilly worked as a hostess in a restaurant, at a bakery, and as a sales associate at Pier One Imports.

Q: How did Lilly cope with her anxiety and panic attacks while working?

Lilly struggled with anxiety throughout her life and had panic attacks while working different jobs. She felt isolated and misunderstood, but her undying ambition to be an actress motivated her to find a job she could tolerate, such as working at Pier One Imports.

Q: How did Lilly's anxiety affect her personal life and relationships?

Lilly's anxiety started at a young age, and she felt a lot of isolation and struggles with her peers and family members who didn't understand her experience. She found therapy helpful in dealing with her anxiety and gaining support from her parents, especially her mother.

Q: How did Lilly deal with loss and grief?

Lilly reflects on the revolving door of people in her life, including relationships that ended and people who left. She wishes there were more conversations and support around these experiences, as it can be challenging to navigate the emotions of loss and grief when the person is still alive but no longer present in one's life.

Q: How does Lilly view her struggles with anxiety and depression now?

Lilly has undergone a spiritual awakening in the past two years and has focused on her healing journey. She has learned the importance of sitting with her feelings, observing them without judgment, and accepting her emotions. She sees the profound capacity humans have to experience intense emotions and views it as a blessing, even though it can be challenging at times.

Q: What does Lilly want to work on in her personal growth journey?

Lilly wants to develop her identity outside of work and find peace and acceptance without constantly needing to fill a void. She recognizes the negative pattern of always needing to be surrounded by others and wants to be okay with being alone. She aims to find serenity and peace within herself.

Q: How does Lilly respond to the fear of being bored or lonely?

Lilly acknowledges the fear of being bored or lonely and how it can lead to existential crisis thoughts. She wants to break free from this pattern and build an identity that is not reliant on others. She is currently working on finding ways to be comfortable in her own company and not feel the need to constantly fill her time with social interactions or distractions.

Q: What approach does Lilly take in her healing journey?

Lilly emphasizes the importance of feeling and experiencing emotions without trying to escape from them. She is learning to embrace the stillness and find peace by observing her thoughts and emotions. Lilly is committed to finding her true self and not basing her identity on the opinions of others.

Q: How does Lilly view the concept of loss when people leave our lives?

Lilly believes that more conversations should be held around the loss and grief experienced when people leave our lives, even if they are still present in the world. She reflects on the cycles of relationships and the need for acceptance and understanding during these transitions. Lilly wishes for a more open and supportive environment when dealing with such losses.

Q: What is Lilly's overarching philosophy on coping with emotions and life challenges?

Lilly's philosophy is to allow oneself to feel and experience all emotions as deeply as possible. She believes in the power of crying and finding beauty in the range of human emotions. Lilly is undergoing personal growth and self-discovery, aiming to find peace, serenity, and acceptance within herself.


Lilly Reinhart's openness about her struggles with anxiety and her journey towards healing provides valuable insights into the human experience of emotions and personal growth. She highlights the importance of sitting with our feelings, embracing stillness, and accepting ourselves for who we are. Lilly's willingness to confront her fears and reshape her identity serves as an inspiration for others to embark on their own healing journeys. The idea of embracing all emotions and viewing loss as an opportunity for growth and self-reflection resonates deeply, reminding us to appreciate the complex beauty of the human experience.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Reinhart opens up about her struggles with anxiety and panic attacks, particularly in relation to work and finding her true identity.

  • She discusses the importance of sitting with and accepting one's feelings, as well as the challenges of breaking patterns and creating a new sense of self.

  • Reinhart explores her spiritual journey, including her experiences with sound healing, reiki, and connecting with her intuition.

Q: How has Lily Reinhart's journey with anxiety and panic attacks influenced her understanding of herself and her pursuit of healing?

Lily Reinhart's struggles with anxiety and panic attacks have had a profound impact on her self-discovery and healing journey. She realized that identifying with negative patterns and limiting beliefs was not serving her well, and she actively chose to shift her mindset and seek alternative healing practices to find peace and serenity. Through therapy, introspection, and exploring spirituality, Reinhart has gained a deeper understanding of herself and has made conscious efforts to create a new identity based on her own values and principles.

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