Naveen Jain ON: Ask Yourself These 3 Questions To COMPLETELY CHANGE Your Life! | Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

May 15, 2023
Inspiring Entrepreneurs
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Naveen Jain ON: Ask Yourself These 3 Questions To COMPLETELY CHANGE Your Life! | Jay Shetty

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In this video, Jay Shetty interviews an entrepreneur and author, who discusses his perspective on making illness optional and the importance of asking the right questions as an entrepreneur. He shares his experiences and lessons learned in building successful companies and emphasizes the need to focus on improving people's lives rather than solely making money. Additionally, he highlights the significance of curiosity, imagination, and finding one's true purpose in creating a fulfilling and impactful life.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the entrepreneur approach creating impactful ideas?

The entrepreneur believes that asking the right questions is key to solving problems and creating impactful ideas. He advocates for thinking audaciously and aiming to address issues that can significantly improve the lives of billions of people. By considering whether an idea can positively impact a vast number of individuals, entrepreneurs can lay the foundation for building successful and influential companies.

Q: How does the entrepreneur view the relationship between making money and improving people's lives?

The entrepreneur rejects the notion of solely pursuing money as the primary goal. Instead, he emphasizes that making money should be a byproduct of doing things that genuinely enhance people's lives. He encourages entrepreneurs to focus on creating products and services that make a positive difference and improve the well-being of individuals. By prioritizing the betterment of others, entrepreneurs can cultivate a loyal customer base and, in turn, achieve financial success.

Q: Why does the entrepreneur focus on making illness optional rather than trying to eradicate chronic diseases?

The entrepreneur recognizes the limitations of trying to completely eradicate chronic diseases. However, he believes that individuals have the power to make illness optional by empowering themselves to take control of their health. By understanding the human body at a molecular level and leveraging food as medicine, individuals can make choices that promote health and prevent the onset of chronic diseases. The goal is to equip people with the knowledge and tools to lead healthier lives, thus making illness optional on an individual level.

Q: What questions does the entrepreneur ask when starting a new company?

The entrepreneur asks three fundamental questions when starting a new company: "Why this," "Why now," and "Why me." By beginning with the end goal in mind, he considers the potential impact of solving a particular problem on a billion lives. The entrepreneur believes that timing is crucial and examines what factors will allow him to solve the problem effectively in the future. Lastly, he focuses on what unique perspective or question he can bring to the industry, as the questions one asks ultimately shape the problem they solve.

Q: How does the entrepreneur approach challenging traditional thinking and finding innovative solutions?

The entrepreneur encourages individuals to challenge traditional thinking and ask different questions when approaching problems. He gives an example of his company Moon Express, where he reframed the question of how to grow food on the moon. Instead of focusing on traditional methods, he asked, "Why do we eat food?" This shift in perspective led to exploring alternative ways of obtaining energy beyond traditional food sources and opened up new possibilities for solving the problem. By reframing questions, innovators can discover unique solutions that defy conventional wisdom.

Q: How does the entrepreneur approach the field of microbiome testing differently?

The entrepreneur recognizes that the prevailing approach in existing microbiome testing companies focuses on identifying the organisms present in an individual's gut. However, his company takes a different approach by focusing on what these organisms are doing rather than who they are. Understanding the impact of microbiome activity and its influence on human gene expression is the key factor in solving the problem of chronic diseases. By shifting the focus to the actions and effects of these organisms, the entrepreneur's company aims to provide more effective solutions for individuals' health.

Q: What inspired the entrepreneur to explore the field of RNA testing?

The entrepreneur's inspiration for exploring RNA testing came from questioning the effectiveness of DNA testing in addressing chronic diseases. He believes that DNA alone cannot accurately predict or assess an individual's health status because it does not change throughout a person's life. Instead, he realized that gene expression, which is measured through RNA testing, is critical in understanding an individual's health. By delving into RNA testing and considering the changes in gene expression, the entrepreneur's company aims to provide more accurate insights and solutions for improving health.

Q: How does the entrepreneur's company help individuals improve their health?

The entrepreneur's company offers personalized health insights through comprehensive testing and analysis of various health aspects. By assessing an individual's biological age, immune health, heart health, cognitive health, and other factors, the company provides detailed information regarding overall well-being. Additionally, based on the analysis, the company advises individuals on the foods they should and should not consume, as well as which vitamins, minerals, and other supplements are appropriate for their specific needs. The company even offers a robotic compounding pharmacy to create customized capsules tailored to each individual's requirements.

Q: How does the entrepreneur maintain motivation and drive in pursuing audacious goals?

The entrepreneur believes that finding one's true purpose and being obsessed with solving a significant problem are essential for maintaining motivation and drive. He advises individuals to find something they are willing to live and die for and dedicate their lives to solving that problem. By aligning one's purpose with their actions, passion will naturally arise, driving them to overcome challenges and pursue audacious goals. The entrepreneur also emphasizes the importance of embracing the ups and downs and maintaining gratitude for the opportunity to make a positive impact.

Q: How does the entrepreneur instill curiosity and imagination in children?

The entrepreneur believes that nurturing curiosity and imagination in children is crucial for their growth and development. He emphasizes the importance of encouraging children to ask "why" and fostering an environment that sparks their curiosity. By inspiring children to explore new possibilities and imagine what could be, they will naturally become lifelong learners and problem solvers. He also highlights the significance of surrounding children with individuals who uplift and inspire them, as well as setting an example of curiosity, passion, and purpose.

Q: How can people filter and choose valuable information in today's information overload society?

The entrepreneur advises individuals to ask themselves how the information or ideas they encounter can improve someone else's life. By focusing on the impact and potential positive effects on a billion lives, individuals can determine the relevance and value of the information they receive. He suggests cultivating curiosity and constantly seeking to learn and grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. By shifting the focus from financial gains to making a difference, individuals can filter and choose information that aligns with their purpose and aids in their personal and professional development.


The key takeaways from this video are the importance of asking meaningful questions, focusing on improving people's lives rather than solely making money, nurturing curiosity and imagination, finding one's true purpose, embracing challenges, and instilling gratitude. Curiosity and imagination drive innovation, and finding one's purpose allows for growth and fulfillment. By approaching problems with audacity and asking the right questions, entrepreneurs can create impactful solutions to improve the lives of others. Aligning actions with purpose and maintaining a spirit of gratitude fuel motivation and enable individuals to overcome obstacles on their journey towards making a positive impact.

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