Learn How To Grow Your Channel And Do Better On YouTube ( Live Q&A ) | Summary and Q&A

October 8, 2022
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Learn How To Grow Your Channel And Do Better On YouTube ( Live Q&A )


Get expert advice on growing your YouTube channel, monetization issues, improving audience retention, and creating engaging content.

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Key Insights

  • 🎯 Understanding your target audience and their needs is crucial for creating successful YouTube content.
  • 💁 The audience retention report in YouTube analytics provides valuable information to optimize your videos and improve engagement.
  • ❓ Monetization issues can occur on the platform but are usually resolved quickly.
  • 🔨 Tubebuddy and Streamyard are recommended tools for YouTube creators.


welcome to nimin live the number one place on the internet to learn about YouTube network with other content creators and have an awesome time doing it my name is Nick and today I'm answering your YouTube questions so if you have a question about what it is that you are doing on YouTube there is a form that is down in the description of this stream... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I improve audience retention for my videos?

Use the audience retention report in YouTube analytics to identify drop-off points in your videos and make adjustments. Focus on creating compelling introductions and addressing the needs and interests of your target audience.

Q: When should I consider starting a second channel for content that doesn't fit my main channel?

It's best to focus on one channel and build momentum before starting another. Once you understand how to grow and connect with an audience, you can consider branching out with a second channel.

Q: How can I make an interesting title and thumbnail for a less popular game?

Focus on the concept or unique aspects of the game in your title and thumbnail. Highlight what makes the game fun, exciting, or different from others to attract potential players.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The stream focuses on answering viewers' questions about YouTube, offering helpful information and tips for content creators.

  • Tubebuddy and Streamyard are recommended tools for optimizing videos, finding ideas, and live streaming.

  • Technical issues with monetization options are currently affecting some channels, but it's a site-wide problem that will likely be resolved soon.

  • The importance of clear thumbnails, titles, and engaging introductions to improve click-through rates and audience retention is emphasized.

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