Learn How To Grow On YouTube In 2021 | Summary and Q&A

January 16, 2021
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Learn How To Grow On YouTube In 2021


Get valuable tips for YouTube content creators on growing their channel, making better videos, and understanding key aspects of YouTube.

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Key Insights

  • 💌 Building an email list can help content creators stay connected with their audience and monetize their channel.
  • 🎮 TubeBuddy is a useful browser plugin for YouTube creators, providing features like thumbnail testing, video optimization, and bulk updates.
  • 🫒 StreamYard is an excellent live streaming software for YouTube, making live streams professional and easy to manage.
  • 🤩 Consistency and treating YouTube like a regular job are key to growing a channel.
  • 👤 Content creators should focus on creating valuable content and providing an excellent user experience rather than worrying about subscriber counts.
  • ⚾ Collaborating with sponsors and charging for sponsorships can be done based on the value you provide and the exposure you offer.
  • 📈 Different channels and platforms may have fluctuations in performance, so it's essential to monitor trends and adjust strategies accordingly.


welcome to niman live the number one place on the internet to learn about youtube network with other content creators and have an awesome time doing it my name is nick and today i'm answering your youtube questions so if you have a question about what it is that you are doing on youtube there is a form down in the description of this live stream ri... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the purpose of this YouTube live stream?

The live stream aims to answer questions, provide tips for content creators, and cover topics like growing a channel, making better videos, and understanding YouTube.

Q: How can I optimize my videos for discovery on YouTube?

TubeBuddy is a helpful tool for optimizing videos, testing thumbnails, and making bulk updates to video descriptions.

Q: What is the benefit of collecting emails and building an email list as a content creator?

Building an email list allows you to stay connected with your audience, provide valuable updates, and potentially monetize your channel through affiliate marketing or promoting your own products.

Q: Is it recommended to use StreamYard for live streaming on YouTube?

Yes, StreamYard is a recommended live streaming software that makes live streams professional and easy to manage, with features like graphics and recording.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Niman Live is the go-to place for content creators to learn about YouTube and connect with other creators.

  • The live stream provides valuable information on growing a YouTube channel, making better videos, and understanding YouTube's key features.

  • TubeBuddy is a recommended browser plugin for YouTube creators, helping with thumbnail testing, video optimization, and bulk updates.

  • StreamYard is the recommended live streaming software for easy, professional live streams with features like graphics and recording.

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