Khan Academy Ed Talks with Benjamin Riley - Wednesday, January 5, 2022 | Summary and Q&A

January 5, 2022
Khan Academy
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Khan Academy Ed Talks with Benjamin Riley - Wednesday, January 5, 2022


Ben Riley from Deans for Impact discusses the importance of embedding learning science in teacher preparation programs to improve teaching practices.

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Key Insights

  • 🤩 One key principle from learning science is the importance of deepening meaning and learning, which focuses on designing classroom experiences that encourage students to think about important concepts.
  • 🧑‍🏫 Teacher preparation programs involve multiple stakeholders, including faculty members and K-12 teachers, to ensure the embedding of learning science principles throughout the curriculum.
  • 👻 Technology can be empowering in education when used in alignment with learning science principles, allowing for personalized and self-regulated learning.


  • Hello, and welcome to Ed Talks, where we at Khan Academy talk to folks who are influential in the field of education. I'm Kristen DiCerbo, the chief learning officer here at Khan Academy. And I am happy today to welcome Ben Riley, who is with Deans for Impact. And we'll talk a little bit more about what that organization is and what it means, but... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Ben Riley become involved in the field of education?

Ben Riley grew up in a family of educators and initially wanted nothing to do with education. However, through his work on lawsuits related to education policy, he became deeply interested in improving teaching practices.

Q: What is Deans for Impact and how was it founded?

Deans for Impact is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving teacher preparation programs. It was founded when Ben Riley brought together leaders of programs that prepare teachers to discuss how to transform and improve the process.

Q: What is the difference between the brain and the mind in relation to learning?

The brain is an organ, while the mind is a construct we use to make sense of various cognitive processes. The mind is responsible for driving cognition and how we make sense of the world.

Q: How do teacher preparation programs work with different schools to embed learning science?

Deans for Impact works with schools of education to bring together faculty members, including tenured and non-tenured faculty, adjuncts, and K-12 teachers. They collaborate to embed learning science principles throughout the whole arc of experiences for teacher candidates.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Deans for Impact is a national non-profit organization that aims to ensure every child has a well-prepared teacher by embedding learning science in teacher preparation programs.

  • Their work involves bringing together leaders and educators in schools of education to design programs that focus on key principles from learning science.

  • One important principle is deepening meaning and learning, which emphasizes the importance of designing classroom experiences that engage students in thinking about important concepts.

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