Identity? Future? | Jimin Shin | TEDxYouth@DaeguIntlSchool | Summary and Q&A

September 12, 2023
TEDx Talks
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Identity? Future? | Jimin Shin | TEDxYouth@DaeguIntlSchool


The future is unpredictable and can cause anxiety, especially in our teenage years, but by exploring different opportunities and embracing our identities, we can find our path towards a fulfilling life.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ The future is uncertain, and worrying about it is natural.
  • 👻 Embracing our teenage years allows us to grow mentally and physically, providing an ideal time for self-exploration.
  • 👶 Trying new activities and opportunities helps us discover our passions and possibilities for the future.
  • 🌍 Creating an unknown world full of possibilities is more exciting and fulfilling than staying within the confines of a known world.
  • 🤳 Personal development and self-discovery are lifelong journeys.
  • ⛔ Society's expectations should not limit our choices and opportunities.
  • 🤳 The pursuit of prestigious schools and careers is important, but self-exploration should not be neglected.


Transcriber: Juan Esteban Ríos Deogracias Reviewer: Zsuzsa Viola I have no doubt that everyone here has gone through any type of trouble and still managed to find their path back. Looking back, whenever I faced struggles that seemed like I couldn’t do anything about it, I started to think that the future I’m going to face is not going to end up pre... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do many people feel worried about their future and identity?

People often feel worried because the future is unpredictable and they may not know themselves fully. In our teenage years, this uncertainty can be particularly challenging.

Q: How can we overcome the anxiety related to the future?

By exploring different activities and opportunities, such as joining clubs or attending job fairs, we can gain a better understanding of ourselves and the possibilities available to us.

Q: Why are our teenage years crucial for personal growth?

During our teenage years, we have the opportunity to develop both mentally and physically, making it an important time for self-discovery and growth.

Q: How can trying diverse things help us in finding our path?

By engaging in various activities in different categories, such as arts, music, academics, and sports, we can uncover our passions and talents, ultimately guiding us towards our desired path.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Many of us worry about our future and identity, especially during our teenage years when life feels uncertain.

  • The future is unpredictable, and we cannot fully know ourselves, but this is okay.

  • Exploring different activities and opportunities can help us discover who we want to be and create a fulfilling life.

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