How to Make Videos for YouTube Fast (10 Tips) | Summary and Q&A

May 9, 2018
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How to Make Videos for YouTube Fast (10 Tips)


Learn 10 tips to speed up the video creation process and become a content producing machine.

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Key Insights

  • 📼 Setting aside time for brainstorming and creating a list of video ideas can greatly speed up the content creation process.
  • 👻 Mass-producing content is an efficient strategy for certain channel styles, allowing for a backlog of videos.
  • 📼 Collecting necessary graphics and assets in advance streamlines the video creation process, particularly for educational content.
  • 🎮 A consistent video structure eliminates the need to rethink the format for each video, saving time and ensuring consistency.
  • ⏳ Visual branding, such as using the same intro, lower thirds, transitions, and music, reduces time spent recreating themes for each video.
  • 📼 Organizing your workflow, including folder structure, asset organization, and standard operating procedures, helps maintain efficiency as you create more content.
  • 📼 Utilizing templates with pre-set visual and audio assets can significantly reduce editing time.
  • 😥 Keeping videos simple and experimenting with bullet points or topic-based ramblings can save time by avoiding unnecessary editing or graphics.
  • 📼 Keeping equipment set up in a dedicated space can reduce setup time for each video.


  • I'm gonna show you 10 ways that you can make videos faster and we'll start right now. (upbeat hip hop music) What is going on? My name is Nick, welcome to another video. If this is your first time here and you wanna learn how to grow your channel, make videos and all types of other YouTube related stuff, start now by subscribing and clicking the ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can setting aside time for brainstorming topics help speed up the video creation process?

Setting aside dedicated time for brainstorming allows you to create a list of video ideas in advance, eliminating the need to come up with ideas one video at a time. This helps reduce stress and streamlines the content creation process.

Q: How can mass-producing content benefit content creators?

If your channel style allows for it, filming multiple videos in one sitting can save time and help you build up a backlog of content. This relieves pressure and ensures you always have a video ready to publish.

Q: How can being a collector assist in video creation?

Knowing the specific video topics you'll be creating allows you to collect all the necessary graphics, stock videos, and photos in advance. This saves time searching for assets when making future videos, especially for educational content that requires specific visuals.

Q: Why is using a consistent video structure important?

Having a consistent video structure helps you avoid reinventing the wheel for each video. By following a set structure, you know what elements to include in every video, saving time on planning and execution.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Set aside dedicated time to brainstorm video topics and create a list of ideas.

  • Consider mass-producing content by filming multiple videos in one sitting if your channel allows for it.

  • Become a collector and gather all necessary graphics, stock videos, and photos for your videos in advance.

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