How to Make Good Videos for YouTube (5 Tips) | Summary and Q&A

June 6, 2018
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How to Make Good Videos for YouTube (5 Tips)


Learn five tips for improving the quality of your YouTube videos, including using music, incorporating b-roll, cutting out um's and ah's, optimizing lighting, and focusing on audio quality.

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Key Insights

  • 🗯️ Choosing the right music for your videos can create a specific mood and connection with your audience.
  • 🍳 Incorporating b-roll footage enhances visual storytelling and breaks up monotony.
  • 😃 Cutting out um's and ah's improves the pacing and professionalism of the video.
  • 🫵 Proper lighting can significantly impact the overall quality and viewer response.
  • 🎮 Paying attention to audio quality is crucial as it constitutes half of the video experience.
  • ❤️‍🩹 Learning editing techniques helps create a better end product and improves audience response.
  • 🎮 Utilizing quality software for editing enhances the overall production value of videos.


  • I'm gonna tell you five easy ways to make better videos for YouTube and we're starting right now. (hip-hop music) What is going on? My name is Nick, welcome to another video. If this is your first time here and you want to learn how to grow your channel, make videos, and all types of other YouTube-related stuff, start now by subscribing and click... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can using music in videos improve the overall quality?

Using music in videos can help create a mood and atmosphere, as well as connect with the audience. Choosing the right music can enhance the viewer's experience and make the video more enjoyable to watch.

Q: What is the purpose of incorporating b-roll footage?

B-roll footage provides additional content to work with during the editing process. It helps break up the monotony of a shot of the creator talking and can visually illustrate what is being discussed, adding more depth to the video.

Q: Why is it important to cut out um's and ah's in videos?

Um's and ah's can disrupt the flow and pacing of a video. It is crucial to edit out these verbal fillers to maintain the momentum and keep the audience engaged. Leaving them in can make the video feel unprofessional and hinder the viewer's experience.

Q: How does lighting impact the response to a video?

Sufficient lighting is essential for a video to be visually appealing. It can make a significant difference in how viewers respond to the content. Good lighting can enhance the production quality and make the creator stand out from the background.

Q: Why is audio quality important in videos?

Audio quality is a vital component of the video experience. Poor audio can significantly impact the viewer's experience, making it challenging to understand the content. Putting effort into ensuring good audio clarity can greatly improve the overall quality of the video.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Using music in videos helps create a mood and connect with the audience.

  • B-roll footage can help illustrate points and break up monotony.

  • Cutting out um's and ah's improves the pacing and momentum of videos.

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