How To Grow Your Channel On YouTube - LIVE Q&A | Summary and Q&A

November 14, 2020
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Grow Your Channel On YouTube - LIVE Q&A


Learn how to balance school life with your YouTube channel, optimize your thumbnails and titles, and focus on appealing to your target audience.

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Key Insights

  • 👨‍🏫 Balancing school and YouTube requires effective scheduling and prioritization.
  • 🎮 Thumbnails and titles play a crucial role in attracting viewers to your videos.
  • 👪 Sharing videos with friends and family may not always result in reaching your target audience.
  • 🫵 Experimenting with different editing styles is crucial for finding what resonates with your viewers.


welcome to niman live the number one place on the internet to learn about youtube network with other content creators and have an awesome time doing it my name is nick and today i'm answering your youtube questions so if you have a question about what it is that you are doing on youtube make sure that you go down to the description right now and do... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I balance school life and my YouTube channel effectively?

Balancing school and YouTube requires scheduling blocks of uninterrupted time for your channel and prioritizing your schoolwork. Use your free time wisely and cut out distractions to maximize productivity.

Q: How important are thumbnails and titles for getting more views on YouTube?

Thumbnails and titles are critical for enticing viewers to click on your videos. Ensure your thumbnails are eye-catching and relevant to the content, while titles accurately describe the video and encourage interest.

Q: Should I share my videos with friends and family on social media?

While it's great to gain support from friends and family, sharing your videos with their networks may not yield the desired results. Focus on targeting the right audience rather than sharing with everyone.

Q: My new video editing style is not getting many views. Should I go back to my old style?

Views are not solely determined by your editing style, but by various factors. Analyze your audience retention for different editing styles to see which resonates best with your viewers and adjust accordingly.

Q: Should I narrow down my channel to a more specific niche?

If your current content is successful and diverse, there's no immediate need to niche down. However, if you want to target a more specific audience, consider adjusting your content to cater to their interests.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Balancing YouTube and school requires prioritizing your schoolwork and scheduling blocks of uninterrupted time for YouTube activities.

  • Thumbnails and titles are crucial for getting people to click on your videos, so make sure they are compelling and targeted towards your audience.

  • Sharing your videos with friends and family may not always be the best strategy, as their networks may not be interested in your content.

  • Experiment with different video editing styles and analyze your audience retention to determine which style resonates best with your viewers.

  • If your current content is successful and diverse, there's no need to niche down unless you want to target a more specific audience.

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