How To Get YouTube Followers That Love YOU | Summary and Q&A

April 24, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Get YouTube Followers That Love YOU


Learn how to keep viewers engaged by talking directly to one person, adding personality, focusing on the viewer, not wasting their time, presenting content effectively, responding to audience comments, and incorporating additional strategies.

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Key Insights

  • 🫵 Making a personal connection with viewers by using singular language and addressing them directly can help keep them engaged.
  • 🎮 Adding personality to your videos is essential for creating a connection with your audience.
  • 🫵 Framing your content from the viewer's perspective can enhance their experience and make them feel valued.
  • 🫡 Respecting your viewers' time by delivering valuable content without wasting it is crucial for maintaining engagement.
  • 💨 Presenting your content in an engaging way tailored to your target audience enhances the viewing experience.
  • 💬 Responding to viewer comments shows your appreciation and helps build a stronger connection with your audience.
  • 🗯️ Finding the right audience that resonates with your personality and content is more important than trying to please everyone.


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Questions & Answers

Q: Should I address the viewers individually in my videos?

Yes, addressing the viewers as if you're speaking to one person helps establish a personal connection and makes them feel more engaged with your content.

Q: How important is it to showcase my personality in my videos?

It is crucial to add personality to your content as viewers connect with the person behind the videos. Be yourself and find the audience that resonates with your style.

Q: Why should I frame my content from the viewer's perspective?

When you focus on what viewers can gain from your videos and tailor your content to their needs and interests, they will feel more connected, engaged, and interested in what you have to offer.

Q: How can I ensure that I am not wasting my viewers' time?

Respect your viewers' time by providing valuable content without unnecessary distractions or filler. Keep your videos focused and deliver on the promises you make.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Talk to the viewers as if you're speaking to one person, using singular language, to establish a personal connection.

  • Don't be afraid to showcase your personality as it is what viewers connect with the most.

  • Frame your content from the viewer's perspective, considering their experience and what they can gain from watching.

  • Respect your viewers' time by making sure your content is valuable and not wasting their time.

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