How to Get Views on YouTube Easy | Summary and Q&A

December 4, 2017
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How to Get Views on YouTube Easy


Increase your watch time on YouTube to improve your channel's visibility and gain more views.

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Key Insights

  • ⌚ Watch time is a crucial metric on YouTube and plays a significant role in determining a channel's visibility.
  • ⌚ Increasing watch time not only benefits your channel's rankings but also has positive impacts on brand consideration, favorability, purchase intent, and sales.
  • ⌚ Generating watch sessions through list videos and optimizing for mobile can further maximize watch time credits and increase views.
  • 🚗 Mobile viewership on YouTube is growing at a staggering rate, making it essential to optimize channels and content for mobile consumption.
  • ⌚ Consistently generating high watch times can lead to YouTube boosting your channel's presence, resulting in improved search result rankings and more views.
  • 🫵 The longer viewers watch your videos, the more likely they are to subscribe, share, and engage with your content.
  • ⌚ Optimizing for mobile not only improves the user experience but also helps accumulate more watch time.


  • I'm gonna tell you how to get views on YouTube by focusing on one thing that can give your channel superpowers. And we're starting right now. (Hip hop music playing) What is going on? My name is Nick. Welcome to another video. If this is your first here, and you wanna know how to grow your channel, make videos, and all types of other YouTube rela... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does YouTube measure watch time?

Watch time is measured in cumulative minutes watched, and both videos and channels are ranked based on this metric.

Q: What are the benefits of longer watch times on YouTube?

Longer watch times can lead to more subscribers, increased content sharing, higher rankings in search results, and more views and sales for businesses.

Q: How can list videos help generate more watch time credits?

List videos that recommend other channels or videos keep viewers on the platform, earning your channel watch time credits and increasing session times.

Q: Why is optimizing for mobile important for accumulating more watch time?

Viewership on mobile devices is increasing rapidly, and optimizing your channel and content for mobile makes it easier for mobile viewers to consume your content, resulting in more watch time.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • YouTube measures watch time to determine viewer engagement, and channels with higher watch times rank higher in search results and recommendations.

  • Longer watch times not only increase your presence on the platform but also lead to brand consideration, favorability, purchase intent, and sales.

  • Maximizing watch time credits by generating watch sessions through list videos and optimizing for mobile can further boost your channel's visibility and views.

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