How To Get More Views And Grow On YouTube Faster | Summary and Q&A

October 2, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Get More Views And Grow On YouTube Faster


Learn five strategies to increase view velocity on YouTube and boost your channel's growth.

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Key Insights

  • 🫵 View velocity is a crucial factor in YouTube success, so it's important to get as many views as possible shortly after publishing.
  • 💄 Active subscribers receive recommendations first, making it essential to increase their number through engagement and interaction.
  • 🫵 Adding value to your content ensures viewers leave with something meaningful, improving engagement and encouraging subscriptions.
  • 👻 The community tab allows for deeper engagement and helps make viewers more active on your channel.
  • ⚾ Content decisions should be based on audience preferences to keep them engaged and interested.
  • 🫵 Promoting your own content through various YouTube features boosts engagement and increases the chances of being recommended to viewers.
  • 🫵 Engaging with viewers' comments and replies can lead to active subscribers and higher view velocity.


  • We're gonna tell you how to get more views so you can grow your channel faster, and we're starting right now. (upbeat rap music) What is going on? My name is Nick. Welcome to another video. If this is your first time here, and you wanna learn how to grow your channel, make videos, and all types of other YouTube related stuff, start now by subscri... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is view velocity and why is it important on YouTube?

View velocity refers to the number of views a video receives shortly after its publication. It is important because it provides YouTube with data on audience engagement, and videos with high view velocity have a higher chance of performing well over time.

Q: How can I increase the number of active subscribers on my YouTube channel?

Encourage viewers to become active subscribers by engaging with their comments and replies. Show personality, make them laugh, and use hearts to acknowledge their comments. The more engaged and active viewers become, the more likely they are to subscribe to your channel.

Q: How can I add value to my YouTube videos?

To add value, ensure your content aligns with the expectations of your target audience. If you make entertainment videos, focus on entertaining viewers. If you create tutorials, provide valuable knowledge and solutions. Motivate, inspire, or challenge viewers, so they leave your videos with something meaningful.

Q: How can the community tab benefit my YouTube channel?

The community tab allows you to interact with your audience, start conversations, and direct viewers to videos they may have missed. By using this feature, you can create a deeper level of engagement and make viewers more active on your channel.

Q: How do my content decisions affect my channel's growth?

Your content decisions play a significant role in determining how frequently viewers return to your channel. Pay attention to audience preferences and optimize your content accordingly to keep viewers interested and engaged.

Q: How can I promote my own content on YouTube?

To promote your own content, utilize end screens, video cards, video descriptions, and pinned comments. Strategically recommend your own videos to encourage viewers to watch more of your content, increasing their engagement and likelihood of being recommended your future videos.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • View velocity is crucial for YouTube success as it provides valuable data on audience response to your content.

  • Active subscribers are the first to receive recommendations, making it essential to increase their number.

  • Engage viewers through comments, show personality, and add value to your content.

  • Utilize the community tab to start conversations and direct viewers to videos they may have missed.

  • Make strategic content decisions based on audience preferences.

  • Promote your own content through end screens, video cards, video descriptions, and pinned comments to increase engagement and view velocity.

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